Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Death World Forest Kill Zone - MORE Barbed Venomgorse

A bit more of the Death World Forest Kill Zone for you today - MORE Barbed Venomgorse! Though the foliage is different on these, they still count as the same in the game. I have three more of these to finish up - with yet another sort of foliage! They are nearly complete, I'll probably have them up tomorrow. Then it's on to the "Shardwrack Spines"! After those, there are just two other little bits and all of the Death World Forest Kill Zone will be complete! Can I get it all done before Rogue Trader is released on Saturday!? That would be pretty fantastic if I could!

MORE Barbed Venomgorse from Games Workshop.

Maybe it's just the lighting, but I didn't find these quite as lost in the background this morning when I was out taking pictures.

Maybe there's a bit of glare coming off the board which is muting the busy print bit...?

Some bog-standard Cadian troops in the Death World Forest.

Inexperienced as they are in such environs, they're totally going to die in there... and it won't even be the enemy that does it!

I had hoped to get in some games of Kill Team over the weekend, but didn't. We ended up playing a few games of Five Tribes... I do hope that by THIS weekend I'll have the Death World Forest Kill Zone finished up and we'll play a few games in here to try out the new terrain and a few of the new scenarios - which look pretty interesting.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The last of the the Barbed Venomgorse. Then the Shardwrack Spines. Then, hopefully, some GAME REPORTS of battles in the Death World Forest!

By the weekend I'll probably post an update on how the September Game-a-Day challenge has been going so far. (It's not been as fabulous as previous years, we've ditched the "a different game every day" stipulation of previous years... and we've missed two days!).


  1. Nice colour combinations, they work well with your previous death world plants!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!

      The foliage on the next batch is purple - which I hope isn't TOO similar to the mauve/pink on the first batch! It's more of a cool violet... so I hope it'll work!

  2. I think it's that the orange stands out more than the pink on that background.

    These pieces don't do much for me. Although you have painted them up very well. I don't know what it is, but I've never been much of a fan of any of GW's plant pieces, whether it's alien or terrestrial. Maybe they just seem too "manufactured" rather than organic?

    1. Thanks!

      Fair enough. Perhaps they were trying to find a balance between functionality-on-the-table/easy-to-move-your-figures-around and Looks-like-real-things, but ended up leaning towards the former...?

  3. I've really enjoyed following along on all your Kill Team posts. The camp/campaign was inspiring, and no I cannot wait for the Rogue Trader release either!

    1. Thanks Major!

      Four more sleeps until Rogue Trader!
