Friday, February 15, 2019

The Cult of Redemption

On last batch of guys I finished up before the game weekend that starts this evening!!!

Necromunda Redemptionist Gangers! (or... cultists... depending on how you look at it...?)

Originally I'd thought of doing them in all red... but I have so many things that are all red and it's getting to be a bit much. One of the 'gangs' (really more of a secret society) in Dark Tides (the 'campaign' I'm running for the game weekend) dresses in purple and that gave me the idea to do red and purple for these guys. I think it works pretty good. I'd like to pick up a few more of these at some point - if I can find any more for not-too-unreasonable-prices!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

A report of the Gaming Weekend!!!


  1. I like these, proper pyromaniacs in the proper Necromunda

    1. Thanks, Phil! Yeah, I like how some of them have mini-under-slung-flamers attached to their autoguns and shotguns! So crazy! Let the heretics BURN!!!

  2. Nice!

    The underslung single shot flamers are really fun too... makes you play them thematically by passing up long range shooting for rushing in to light some fires.

    1. Thanks!

      Perhaps I'll have to name the leader "Brother Bernie" and he can shout "FEEL THE BUUURRRRNNNN!" (or 'BERRRRN!' - hard to tell the difference in low gothic..) as he charges into combat!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I feel like repainting a bunch of other pulp-era cultists this colour now...

  4. These are great! I'd never have thought of the purple and red colour scheme, but it works.

    1. Thanks. They are "complimentary" colours. I seem to recall there was an outdoor clothing manufacturer that made a jacket some years ago that was purple and red and I really liked the look of it - but never did buy it... that was probably part of my inspiration here...

  5. Nice looking deranged cultists,I got some to use as religious leaders for my Imperial guard,yours look great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I figured mine could also do double duty as "ministorum priests" for some of my Guard units as well... or as fanatical Inquisitional Acolytes.
