Thursday, February 14, 2019

Gangers and Adepts and Daemons - Oh My!

It's been a busy week preparing for my annual gaming weekend. This year, rather than a wargaming weekend, I'm running a marathon role-playing adventure weekend using Warth & Glory! So I've been reading and re-reading the adventures and rules and painting like a mad bastard to try and finish up some minis I plan to use for assorted allies and adversaries - and even a couple of player characters!

A lot of these are old metal Necromunda figures I've been collecting up over the last little while - i thought they'd make great NPCs for Wrath & Glory - armed humans humans of the Dark Millennium that AREN'T Marines or Guard or Ministorum Priests or Battle Sisters! Some I thought might also double as Inquisitorial Acolytes (especially the Delaque gangers). And, heck, if ever I decided to play some Necromunda - I'd have a gang to use for that too!!! (I have to admit, I've been tempted to pick up the hardcover rulebook...)

Not a Necromunda Ganger... This is an old metal Fiend of Slaanesh. My FLGS had a couple still hanging on the wall... I think I might go back and grab eat second one - so I can have two of them flanking my Keeper of Secrets!

A trio of Daemonettes of Slaanesh that my friend Robin was kind enough to pass on to me to paint up for this campaign. Technically, there is supposed to be one for each player... and there could be as many as 9... but I think I'll just come up with some stats for the Fiend for that encounter and throw it in instead...

I am starting to amass a small host of Slaanesh daemons. Another Fiend and a handful more Daemonettes and we'd have quite the little party going on... Could be a war band for Dragon Rampant as well as a small patrol for 40K - or a really nasty encounter in Wrath & Glory!

Salamander Primaris Intercessor. The Girl is playing this in the Tier Four adventure this weekend.

Other side of said Salamander Primaris Intercessor.

Inquisitorial Adept. Probably be using this for my friend John's Character - Trykn: Librarian to the Stars

Just in case you thought he didn't have enough scrolls - there are more on the back...

This is a warp-beast known as a Khymerae. They are, literally, the stuff of nightmares. When someone with any sort of psychic ability has a nightmare, a shadow of it is cast into the warp and khymerae form around it like a pearl around a grain of sand... pleasant thought. I should have picked up two of them...

Here be the Gangers - a trio of old metal Necromunda Cawdor gangers. Two of them will be used as player characters over the weekend campaign.

MORE old metal Necromunda gangers - from the Delaque gang. These ones I think I might use as a unit of Inquisitorial Acolytes at some point.

Some Armageddon Steel Legion infantry - might use them as a Kill Team (if I pick up a few more...) otherwise they might see action as acolytes in an Inquisitorial force... or just Guardsmen allies or characters in Wrath & Glory.

Here's their backsides for a more detailed look at that camo - and the patches on their arms.

Random spacefarer from Lead Adventure Miniatures Astropolis line.

I might try to finish up a handful more this evening, not sure if I'll get to posting them before the weekend though...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

I expect the next thing I'll be posting on here is a report of the gaming weekend.

After that...? More painting updates - including the finish Reaver Titan, some Rogue Trader and Blackstone Fortress figures, and I've got a bunch of new stuff I'm working on for my friend John - Space Rat Kill Team (chaos cultists), Frostgrave adventurers, MORE rats (fantasy pirate rats), and TWO more teams for Warhammer Underworlds!?


  1. Did you pick up the godsworn hunt and Molloy?

    1. Oh, Warhammer Underworlds things... No, it's Rats and Dwarves. I haven't picked up any of them - or even played the game. My friend John has bought into the game and had me paint up a few war bands for him. These are ones for Shadespire - I think he may have bought them sometime ago and just never got them to me.

    2. What I HAVE been seriously tempted to pick up is Wrath and Rapture... but I just... can't... too many other things to paint!!!

  2. Lots of great work there! (if a bit gruesome in some cases)
    The writing on the scrolls actually looks like it could be writing if you could get up close enough to read it.

    1. Cheers! I am rather pleased with how the scrolls turned out. I used a micron pigment liner. I use a brush-on varnish, though, and had to be careful applying it as it smeared a bit if I brushed to vigorously!

  3. Lots of lovely 40k! Nice bunch of daemons and gangers,so is this the start of another guard army,I guess you would need a few to fight your Titan's?!
    Best Iain

    1. HA! I do love the Steel Legion figures, but no, this will never be a full army. I might pick up a few more just to have enough for a started Kill Team - and it might be nice to have a sergeant to lead them... but that's it!

    2. Of course once I have the 20 I'd need for a Kill Team, I'm only 10 guardsmen and two HQ elements away from a "Battalion" detachment...

    3. Tim everyone needs a third Imperial Guard army, and the Steel Legion troops are so good, and so easy to paint... ;)

    4. Oh, I know! But I already HAVE three!!! I have a "brigade" detachment of tallarn (and another brigade's worth to paint)... I have a full "brigade" detachment worth of Guaiacan Commandoes (Catachans).... I have another "brigade" detachment worth of Valhallans to finish up... AND I have almost a "battalion" detachment of bog-standard Cadians.... If I were to build a larger force of Steel Legion it would really be my FIFTH Imperial Guard force!?

  4. So many cool things. Necro gangers look great. I really like that scroll guy. And the shoulder pads on the Salamander look fantastic!

    1. Thanks! It's been a fun week working on such a variety of things!

  5. Great stuff! That Salamander turned out nicely, and I always love seeing steel legion.

    Is that melta pistol thing on the Cawdor leader from the new Vansaar box?

    1. Thanks!

      I think it's called an "inferno" pistol - but, yeah, it's essentially a melta pistol. The figure I bought had had the pistol removed (I think originally it was an "auto pistol" - that looked like a mini SMG). I happen to have this inferno pistol in my bits box and thought it looked pretty bad ass... so I threw that on... I'm not sure they're allowed in necromunda... but I may not ever use these guys for Necromunda, so...
