Thursday, August 8, 2019

Genestealer Cultists

These are actually Finnegan's figures. He's picked up a few Genestealter Cult minis over the last year. He started with the Deathwatch: Overkill boardgame/box set, which he picked up at the Sentry Box in Calgary. Later, when the new Kill Team game came out, I gave him the Genestealer Cult Kill Team from the core box I'd picked up. He's done nothing with them since.

Recently, I convinced him to assemble a few and I thought I'd experiment with the new Contrast® Paints on a few. Once I figured out a quick way to do them I sat down and we tried to bang out a squad of them one afternoon. They've been sitting the last few weeks, languishing in a state of ever-so-nearly-completed. So, this afternoon, I decided to just finish them off for him. They only needed a few touch-ups - a few spots that were missed and a couple things that needed metallic paint...

Genestealer Kult Gang/Kill Team from Games Workshop/Citadel Miniatures.

I have no idea how many points these are or if it is enough to make use of as either a Kill Team or a Gang for Necromunda. But it's a START! Hopefully he'll sit down and cost them out and figure out if he needs any more before the Necromunda campaign(s) I'm starting at the end of August!

He's also got all the Pure Strain Genestealers from Space Hulk he could use with these...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I should be able to finish up my own Adeptus Arbites in the next day or so, just a few finishing touches needed on them!

After that...? I've tried to arrange all the odd and sundry bits crowding my workbench into something resembling a queue of sorts - so I can focus on one thing at a time and get them DONE! So, after the Arbites (and the Delaque Leader, who is also very nearly done) I'm hoping to finish up some Escher Gangers, a handful of Spyrers, Karloth Valois and some zombies, four Howling Banshees, four Steel Legionaires, a few Underhive Scum and Bounty Hunters, some Asuryani Warlocks and Guardian gunners, two Imperial Assasins, John's Space Rats, Goblin Wizards, and some Dwarves and Skaven for Warhammer Underworlds....

Oh, and there are an assortment of Imperial Guard items that seem to  be one the workbench and I just can't seem to bring myself to put them away into storage, including; a half-dozen Commissars, a Tallarn Mortar Squad (to finish up a Spearhead Detachment of them!), Assorted Valhallans, a dozen Catachans (to COMPLETELY finish off that entire force... again... it's been re-orged slightly for Apocalypse gaming!), MORE Tallarn vehicles (Taurox and four or five Leman Russ tanks).


  1. They look great. In your pile of shame do you have a cultists limousine lurking???

    1. Thanks Phil! No, no cultist limousine... I've eyed up the vehicles Wargame Exclusive makes from time to time, though!

  2. Finnegan costed these out yesterday and figures this entire lot comes to a 99 point Kill team (perfect!) and he could easily fill out a Necromunda gang with a good chunk of them... but he needs a Leader - either a Primus or a Magos - both of which he HAS but are unassembled and unpainted. Of course there is that NEW Magos figure...

  3. Excellent work on these Tim! These are such cool sculpts! Looking forward to seeing these in battle.

    1. It weren't all me! Finnegan did a good chunk of them.

      Amanda noted them sitting on the desk and wouldn't even believe that Finnegan had done (almost) half of them!

      That Contrast paint is pretty slick! (and QUICK!)

    2. I've been eyeing them, with my slow painting, quicker is better! (As long as I am happy with the results) But $9.00 a bottle...YIKES! Maybe I will just buy 1 at a time to spread the pain. I figured Finnegan did some of the work well done my lad!

  4. Great looking genestealer cultists!
    Best Iain
