Monday, August 26, 2019

Necromunda - First Game

Well, I FINALLY got in an actual GAME of Necromunda. Actually, I was just Arbitrating a game between the kids and a friend of theirs, not actually playing a faction on the tabletop, but that's just as fun. Originally I'd planned to run a Narrative campaign for them this last week of summer vacation - during which I would play assorted other elements on the table - bystanders or assorted nemeses - but as we hadn't gotten any games in BEFORE this week (as I had really hoped!) this was king of a simple gang fight with me just looking up rules and explaining stuff. We didn't even get to finish the game - started late and had to take Finnegan out to an appointment mid-afternoon... so we just called it a "learning game". Tomorrow, though, I should have a proper scenario worked out for them (and a proper battle report afterwards!

Sorting out gangs. Setting stuff up. explainifying the rules. Everyone was pretty excited - me especially!

Choosing a couple of tactics cards each.

Keira's Escher Gang (the "Pink Punchers"). She painted them all up herself this past week - using Contrast paints.

Finnegan's Genestealer Cult Gang.

The kid's friend used my Cawdor gang.

 I set up a simple gang battle - if we'd started earlier and/or played quicker it would have ended when only one gang was left on the table. Victory points for taking out enemy gang member (3 for leader, 2 for Champion, 1 for others).

Whoopsie! First shot of the game - Escher Ganger missed her target and hit one of her own with the stray shot! Luckily, it was a Champion that had two wounds!!


The Cawdor gang charged right out into the middle of the battle field and got caught between the Escher Gang and the Genestealer cultists.


Genestealer Cultists being all sneaky-beaky and doing something like flanking.

Cawdor Ganger all bunched up.

BOOM! Cawdor Gangers down from a blast from the Genestealer Cultists grenade! Leader and both champions all lost wounds! Good thing they had two!!

To make things worse - the pinned Cawdor gangers were taking fire from the other direction as well.

genestealer Cult Magos and champions attack from yet another angle!

If it had gone on any longer, I'm sure the Genestealer Cultists and Escher Gangers would have finished off the Cawdor Gangers in short order and then had to battle each other.

I had a lot of fun running this game. As I suspected, from reading the rules, it's a pretty slick little game. I like it a lot better than Kill Team!

Cawdor leader briefly stood up and blasted a couple of cultists with his hand flamer - setting one of them ON FIRE!!

Such a great game - super looking forward to the rest of this week and running some more games for the kids. Next week, I'd really like to get a Dominion Campaign going with Amanda and the kids - and anyone else interested in joining in!

Painting the walls has been really fun too. I want to paint up a few more of them - maybe all of them, eventually!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

MORE Necromunda!!


  1. It looks like a of a lot of fun!

  2. Sounds like good fun. Love the graffiti on the walls! It really adds some colour to what is often a pretty drab setting.

    1. Thanks! I had a lot of fun painting the wall graphiti - like a lot more than I thought I would - and I knocked them out a lot quicker than I imagined. I definitely think I'll do more at some point!

  3. Walls have come up a treat,very atmospheric.

    1. Thanks Alan! They were a lot of fun to paint!

  4. Those walls are great! Please do a small feature on them when you have the chance.

    And huzzah for your first (of many) games!

    1. I will definitely post some more pics of the walls at some point.

      I was super excited about playing a Necromunda campaign all this week, but have had to cancel it now due to illness.... Bah! Maybe I'll still get in a game or two with the kids...

  5. This looks fantastic. Very evocative!

  6. The whole setup looks great! Walls turned out brilliant with the graffiti and all.

  7. The graffiti really makes the walls, they look excellent!
    Best Iain
