Thursday, July 25, 2019

House Cawdor Gangers

and back to Necromunda...

I finished up a Cawdor gang for Necromunda this week...

The New Minis

Well, newly painted... these are old Citadel metal minis for Necromunda. The more recent ones are all plastic now - and have quite different armaments! Luckily there are still rules for all (well, MOST) of these armaments - or something "close enough" that I should be able to do then.

The whole Gang (with the six others I previously painted). Almost enough for TWO Gangs... I briefly considered it, but the decided, since I only have one Heavy, I'd probably best just keep them all together. If ever I got a handful more (Including another Heavy) I might split them up - repaint the fringes of their tabards different colours to identify which gang is which.

House Cawdor is the stronghold of the Cult of Redemption on Necromunda. I didn't want to just do these guys in red and/or purple to match the Redemptionists... Somehow I came up with green...!?

The leader of the gang; Willem Campbell - a dour firebrand who leads from the front! He is equipped with Flak Armour and armed with a Hand Flamer, Bolt Gun and Chainsword. (It's actually an Inferno Pistol he's carrying - the figure came with the original auto pistol carved off and I had this in my bits box and thought it looked cool... There aren't stats from Inferno Pistols - which are essentially handheld Meltaguns - but there are rules for hand flamers and I figure this could be passed off as one!) 260 credits. Not sure what other equipment to give him at this point, but I think I'll give him the  Commanding Presence skill to start.

Two Champions; Rufus and Henry

Rufus is Willem's lieutenant and is equipped with Flak Armour and armed with an Autopistol, Bolt Gun and Chainsword. 185 Credits - he will start with the Combat Master skill.

Henry is the Heavy - equipped with Flak Armour and armed with a Heavy Stubber, Stub Gun, and Fighting Knife. 245 credits - he will start with the Head Butt skill.... because it seems fun...

Brothers Liam and Lex deadly in combat, if they can ever stop arguing and only time they stop arguing is when they are in combat - usually with each other....

Liam - Ganger - Flak Armour, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Stub Gun, Fighting Knife -  95 credits

Lex - Ganger, Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife - 75 credits

Muriel and Meredith, both are dutiful adherents of the Cult of Redemption. Their only desire is to purge the sins of others through bloodshed.

Muriel - Ganger - Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife - 75 credits

Meredith - Ganger - Flak Armour, Reclaimed Autogun, Stub Gun, Fighting Knife - 75 credits

Babe and Gib are pics followers of the Imperial Creed. They have know each other since they were young lads and served as alter boys at the local basilica. Their devotion to their brothers and sisters of the gang and House Cawdor are second only to their devotion to the Emperor. Both can often be heard singing hymns in the middle of combat.

Babe - Ganger - Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife -  75 credits

Gib - Ganger - Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife - 75 credits

Bantu and Ernie are a vengeful pair. They have bonded together though shared loss and desire for revenge - both lost cherished loved ones to raids by mutant underhive gangers. They live for the hunt and will stop at nothing to purge the hive of mutants and avenge the loss of their loved ones.

Bantu - Ganger - Flak Armour, Reclaimed Autogun, Stub Gun, Fighting Knife - 75 credits

Ernie - Ganger -  Flak Armour, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Stub Gun, Fighting Knife - 95 credits

Simon and Jonesy just didn't want to work in the factorum or scrounge through waste heaps for recyclables and holy relics. They are devout, to be sure, but are far more pragmatic than the rest of the gang.

Simon - Ganger - Flak Armour, Lasgun, Fighting Knife - 75 credits

Jonesy - Ganger - Flak Armour, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Fighting Knife - 90 credits

Janet, Leeroy, and Travers - the youngest and newest members of the gang. Janet is Rufus' kid sister and he is very protective of her. Leeroy's got something to prove and has a big chip on his shoulder. Travers is somewhat of an egalitarian and true follower of the Creed - all are equals under the Emperor.

Janet - Juve – Stub Gun, Fighting Knife - 40 Credits

Leeroy - Juve – Stub Gun, Fighting Knife - 40 Credits

Travers - Juve - Stub Gun, Fighting Knife - 40 Credits

All together that would be 1610 credits worth of gang… plus any additional equipment, grenades, etc - beyond the most basic equipment that the models are armed with - they all have bags and pushes that could be stuffed with extra gear and grenades! As gangs normally start off with 1000 credits, this will allow a fair bit of options to start and further options for future growth.

The Cult of Redemption miniatures could probably also be fielded as a Cawdor gang - as there are no rules for Redemptionists in the current version of Necromunda: Underhive... That should work just fine, though. Perhaps I'll sort that gang out next.

I do have a handful of Delaque Gangers  that could likely be cobbled together into a force that could be put on the tabletop. I did purchase a leader off eBay (and few additional gangers I was planning to convert) but the parcel with the Leader and one of the additional gangers seems to have gone astray... I ordered it mid-June and it still hasn't arrived!

I do hope they come out with rules for a Ratskin gang... and Enforcers (I do know this is planned as they were revealed at the UK Games Expo 2019 back in May) - I have some old I-Kore Void miniatures that I will likely use for my own Enforcers (incorrectly labeled as Adeptus Arbites in the linked post...)

I do also have Orlock, Van Saar, and Escher gangs to paint up at some point - all old metal minis. I do have a plastic Goliath gang I could build and paint at some point as well... it came in the box set (the plastic Escher set I gave to Keira).

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have some Killa Kans that Finnegan and I painted up this week I'll probably post some pictures of, as well as a game report of an Apocalypse game he and I are going to play this afternoon.

After that...? Necromunda. After this last game (for the time being...) of Apocalypse, it's time to put all that stuff away and tear apart the big  game table - and other parts of the game room - and get on with the renovating... In the meantime, I hope to get a Necromunda campaign going!

I've also been helping Finnegan figure out how to quickly paint up some Genestealer Cult minis with the fancy new Contrast® Paints. They're looking pretty slick. Hopefully I'll get some pictures up of those once they're finished up - and hopefully we'll see them in action against the Cawdor Gangers above!


  1. Nice work on the Cawdor! I always liked these sculpts, and I have a veteran unit in my 3rd edition IG army made up of them... I should have bought a pack or two of juves at the time so as to use them as a Necromunda gang, but that never occurred to me then.

    1. Thanks! As so many of these old minis are all carrying standard pattern Imperial Guard lasguns, I could totally see them being used as guardsmen! If ever I do put together a Dirty Dozen kill team - of guard from all different regiments - I will definitely slip in a few lasgun-toting Necromunda gangers!

  2. Nice work as always.

    Sounds like you have plans to do one gang of each faction? I remember eyeing all of the minis and reading about them in White Dwarf back in the day. I even purchased a few gangers, but never did much with them and got rid of the few I had during one moving house or another.

    1. Thanks!

      I do. Many, many years ago, after the first group of friends I played games with finished school and all moved away I found myself owning armies with no opponents. I vowed if ever I got back into miniature gaming, I'd collect BOTH SIDES - so if ever I wanted to play all I had to do was convince someone to play the game - no investment of money (or TIME!) necessary!

      With games like De Bellis Antiquitatis and Hordes of the Things, and other skirmishy games, this has been a relatively easy task...

      I've been collecting up old Necromunda minis for some time - before I fully decided to buy into the recent edition - just because they were cool sci-fi minis... Now that I'm planning to actually PLAY Necromunda, it hasn't been too hard to track down a few extra things I needed to finish up complete gangs.

    2. I wasn't really planning to do one for Goliath... but then I ended up buying the boxed set, and it came with one, so... I have one... I may or may not ever get around to assembling and painting. I may just use it for bits and conversions...?

  3. Replies
    1. Well, they're no cock-feather-wearing Bersaglieri, but I'm happy with them!

      Thanks Jonathan!

  4. Great looking gangers! I have a pile of necromunda figures,press ganged into the IG and have mixed the Goliath's in with the catchacans, they both look like they've taken too many steroids!
    Best Iain

    1. Cool! I thought Orlocks and Catachans might go together as well - head bands and vests and all - in fact I'd ordered a few Catachans thinking I'd use them as Orlocks... until I found a couple sweet deals on lots of Orlocks and have some of the actual models... (the extra Catachans won't go to waste, though, I'd taken a bunch out of their squads to form a kill team, so the new ones will replace their positions in the regular squads and the minis in the Kill Team can just be permanent members of a separate Kill Team...).
