Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dwarven Torchbearers and Necromunda Ratskins

A couple odd and sundry items coming off the workbench today...

First a couple of torchbearers from Lead Adventure Miniatures. these guys have actually been sitting on my desk, finished, for a couple weeks now... and it looks like one got dinged in the process and chipped the paint on his torch! Bother!

They're fun little minis. I'm not ENTIRELY sure how they got back on my workbench, when it was cleared of all fantasy projects some time ago... I think around the time John dropped off some figures he wanted me to paint for him for Frostgrave I was doing some organizing and putting away of things and happened to look in one of the Dwarf drawers and noted how very, very close these two were to being finished, and I plucked them out and put them on the workbench to finish off. I might have had some daft notion of painting up a handful more to use as a Dwarf war band for Frostgrave... but then quickly discarded that notion, as I have far too many other things I'd rather be painting and I have no shortage of ready-to-go Frostgrave warbands, should I, at any point in the near future, feel the desire to play... probably use these guys as rogues or thugs.

Next, some more old school, metal Necromunda figures. These guys are Ratskins. Denizens of the deep, deep underhive that live as almost primitive tribes and subsist on hunting giant, mutant rats.

I decided to go with very pale skins - figuring if they'd lived in the deep dark underhive for generations and generations without ever seeing natural light they might have mutated/evolved so... like albino alligators living in big city sewers.

My friend Paul was getting rid of these and I gladly took them off his hands. I'm getting to have a signifiant collection of these old necromunda figures. They are a lot of fun. Great sculpts, lots of character - and perfect for gangs of ruffians player characters in Wrath & Glory might run into in the Hives of the Grim, Dark Future. I have a few more of these - a dozen or so, in total - plus Some Cawdor gangers (some done, and a few more on the way), the Redemptionists (a few of which I've recently completed, and some more on the workbench), and a few random others... I wouldn't might tracking down a few more Escher gangers.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More painting... first I'll have the rest of the Red Redemptionists. After that...? Probably Eldar... and then MORE Eldar... and then, STILL more Eldar... and then some rats...

I registered for the Battleforce Recon Tournament last night and, as I've mentioned in a few posts, I've been thinking about working towards finishing up some non-imperial forces. I have piles and piles of old Eldar and Harlequin figures I've been accumulating for some time, but never gotten around to painting. The Battleforce Recon tournament is a "fun" tournament and has some considerable restrictions on the forces that can be used; 1000 points (a relatively small force), one detachment only (no spearhead or supreme command detachments - and I think there were a couple others not allowed), no miniatures with more than 10 wounds and no units that are more than 11 Power Level (or maybe it was; you are allowed ONE unit that is more than 11 power level...?), no more than three of any one unit type - other than Troops, and No more than 60 models of the Troops type!

Originally I thought I might try to field the Harlequins - as I already have a few painted - and hoped maybe painting the two additional troupes (13 figures) I have could get me close to 1000 points, but it only totalled up to just over 800...

So, I have plotted out a force I might try that requires that I paint 32 Eldar figures (and two Wraith Lords) in the next five weeks... which, I could probably pull off... and it would really jumpstart my force of Eldar! Adding a detachment of Harlequins to them, I'd be able to field 1800 points/90 Power Level of stuff!! Over half way to an Aeldari force for next year's Apocalypse event!

After that I'm going to try an knock off a bunch of the stuff that John's brought me over the last month or so...


  1. Nice work! I like the fire effect on the torches. I remember the ratskins, although I never got into Necromunda.

    1. Thanks!

      I never got into Necromunda either... I was playing Mordhiem at the time. I did buy the rulebook at one point and thought about it, but didn't know anyone that was playing or interested in it and was a bit more limited in what I could spend on toys. All these necromunda figures I have now have either been bought from my friend Paul or picked up off eBay.

      Now that the new Necromunda game is available as a separate rulebook, I've been thinking about picking it up... but the rules book and the book that includes the gang/army lists are separate books and the two together are $130CAD! So... I'm not so sure I'm going to pick that up any time soon. Also, of the three or four factions I have enough figures to likely be able to field a gang (Redemptionists, Ratskins, Delaque, and Cawdor) only two of those are currently available as factions (no rules for Redemptionists of Ratskins - yet!).

      Around the time the new Necromunda came out I considered it, but in the end picked up Shadow War: Armageddon - as it used regular 40K minis, which I had loads of that I could field right away.

  2. Really like the torchbearers,the rat skins are new to me as a concept but most interesting. Great painting.

    1. Thanks, Alan!

      They are kind of a neat idea. Though some of them are carrying "modern" (as in contemporary in the 41st millennium) that they've likely scavenged from upper hive gangs, others are carrying muskets....? Now, I get the idea that these guys are "primitive" and have dwelled in the sewers of the deep, dark underhive for generations... that's STILL all in the far, far future. At what point in our far future were muskets produced?! I'm probably thinking about this too much!

  3. Bit of a surprise seeing some fantasy figures! Nice dwarves,I like your pale ratskins, nice colour choices good luck with your Eldar painting,at your rate it sounds entirely possible!
    Best Iain

    1. I have an itch to play some Dragon Rampant - and, though I have complete forces I could use, I've been pondering painting up a few more dwarves to complete one (or both) of the two Dwarven armies that I have. Not sure when or how I'm going to fit them into the queue... but I have a feeling that by the end of the year, I'll have painted some of them...

      I've also been wanting to try out Rebels and Patriots, and I definitely need to paint a few more units to get in a game of that - so hopefully I'll find some time to do so at some point before the feeling wears off!

  4. As usual nice work all around, and I particularly like the ratskins as an albino force, rather than native americans in the depths of a hive. That crouching guy with the lasgun is one of my favorite figures ever... so of course I do not own it. ;)
