Devilry Afoot Campaign and Characters

Here i will track the characters of my Devilry Afoot campaign and their various adventures! Perhaps even some Nemesis's, should any arise!  

Encounters and Adventures!

[Here I will post links to the game reports of adventures the charaters have gone on!]

Characters and Followers

Doña Francesca Velázquez (and Milu!) 

Doña Francesca Velázquez is a woman of great passion. She was married at a rather young age to Don Pablo Velázquez. Her life in Don Velázquez's estates was a one of comfort. For long periods the Don was absent, along with Hernando and Fernando occasionally coming back injured. It was only years later she discovered he was a Monster Hunter! She asked many times if he would train her and take her along, but he insisted it was a Man's work... 

After he died, Doña Velázquez insisted that Hernando and Fernando train her to be a monster hunter. When they refused she threatened to dismiss them, denounce the Pope, and become a protestant - and to prove the point, took on a dour Puritan to teach her the ways of war. To make sure she stayed true to the faith, they acquiesced.  

Archetype: Gentlewoman

Resolve: 4+

Move: 4”

Attack: +1

Shoot: -

Wounds: 3

Shillings: 34

Experience: 0

Traits: (None)

Skills: (None) 

Secrets: Lustful

Lasting Injuries: (None) 


  • Sword (Hands: 1, Att: +1 , Sht: -, Rng: -, Notes:  )
  • Daggar (Hands: 1, Att: - , Sht: +1 , Rng: 2”, Notes:  )
  • Dog - pg. 45 

I absolutely LOVE this miniature, it is one of my favourite figures ever... 


Hob is Francesca's Manservant. Not a full character, but a Follower, in game terms (as a Gentlewoman, Francesca starts the game with one follower). 

Archetype: Follower

Resolve: 5+

Move: 4” 

Attack: -

Shoot: -

Wounds: 3

Shillings: 0

Experience: 0

Traits: (None)

Skills: (None) 

Secrets: (None) 

Lasting Injuries: (None) 


  • Blunderbuss (Hands: 2, Att: -1, Sht: -1, Rng: 8”, Notes: +1 to wound, action to reload)

Isabella Velázquez

Isabella is Francesca's Sister-in-Law. For the longest time, Isabella despised Francesca, thinking her a brainless floozy only after her brother's money (nevermind that their entire marriage was arranged and Francesca had absolutely no say in the matter!) and made no effort to conceal her contempt! Recent events have made her reconsider. Shortly before his death, Don Pablo's had intimated that he had indulged Isabella for too long and upon his return, he would be finding her a proper husband! 

Isabella's only true love had ever been books! She feared upon inheriting all of Don Pablo's wealth and estates, Doña Francesca would put her out of the house and trade her off to a husband like an old horse... but when Doña Francesca did NOT do that... and instead asked if she would stay and aid in her training - of knowledge - she began to have a change of heart! 

She's not just a pretty face and brilliant mind, she's also packing some heat! 

Archetype: Scholar

Resolve: 4+

Move: 4”

Attack: -1

Shoot: -

Wounds: 3

Shillings: 0

Experience: 0

Traits: Erudite - may apply +1 or - 1 to all rolls related to Scholarly skill

Skills: Astrologer - roll 2d10 before game that may be substituted for any roll involving character - before roll made

Secrets: Doubting

Lasting Injuries: (None) 


  • Pistol (Hands: 1, Att: -1  , Sht: +1, Rng: 6”, Notes: action to reload)


Hernando (and his brother Fernando) were Monster Hunters along with Don Pablo. Hernando is a jolly fellow and much more forgiving and pleasant that most catholic monks. He secretly has wondered if Luther may have been right... 

Archetype: Religious

Resolve: 3+ 

Move: 4” 

Attack: -1

Shoot: -1

Wounds: 3

Shillings: 0

Experience: 0

Traits: Religious - Roll 2d10 when quoting scripture, take highest

Skills: Alchemist - +6” to range of Blackpowder weapons

Secrets: Backslider

Lasting Injuries:


  • Blunderbuss (Hands: 2, Att:  -1, Sht: -1, Rng: 14”, Notes:  +1 to wound, action to reload)


Fernando (and his brother Hernando) were Monster Hunters along with Don Pablo. He is considerably the more serious of the two. He often pushes the group toward hunting vampires and other revenants. He secretly practices witchcraft! 

Archetype: Religious

Resolve: 3+ 

Move: 4” 

Attack: -1

Shoot: -1

Wounds: 3

Shillings: 0

Experience: 0


Religious - Roll 2d10 when quoting scripture, take highest

Devout - +1 to Resolved when Intimidated or Charmed

Skills:  (None) 

Secrets: Secret Witch!?

Lasting Injuries:  (None) 


  • Pistol (Hands: 1, Att: -1  , Sht: +1, Rng: 6”, Notes: action to reload)
  • Sword (Hands: 1, Att: +1 , Sht: -, Rng: -, Notes:  )


Thomas is an English Mercenary of German descent. He has spent years battling back and forth across Europe and has seen many horrors, on and off the battlefield. He came into Doña Francesca service along with Jedediah. 

Archetype: Soldier 

Resolve: 4+

Move: 4”

Attack: +1

Shoot: +1

Wounds: 3


Experience: 0

Traits: (None) 

Skills: Musketeer - When shoot, roll 2d10, use highest

Secrets: Slovenly -1” to first move action, each activation

Lasting Injuries: (None) 


  • Matchlock (Hands: 2, Att: 0, Sht:  0/-1, Rng: 12"/24", Notes: action to reload)
  • Sword (Hands: 1, Att: +1 , Sht: - , Rng: -, Notes:  )


Jedediah is a dour puritanical Calvinist. Like Thomas, he has spent many years in battle across Europe, though Jedediah was a bit more selective when it came to whom he served. He is savage in despatching the monsters of Satan as well as his human servants. He does not like Hernando or Fernando at all and is highly suspicious of them... 

Archetype: Soldier 

Resolve: 4+

Move: 4”

Attack: +1

Shoot: +1

Wounds: 3

Shillings: )

Experience: 0

Traits: (None) 

Skills: Steady Aim - +1 to shoot if they do not move and shoot in same activation

Secrets: Sadist -2 to activation and resolve tests when in base contact with dead monster or out-of-action Human

Lasting Injuries: (None) 


  • Dragon (Hands: 1, Att: -1 , Sht: - , Rng: 6”, Notes: +1 to wound,  action to reload)
  • Sword (Hands: 1, Att: +1 , Sht: -, Rng: -, Notes: )
  • Helmet -1 to monsters attack from front, +1 from rear!
  • Buffcoat -1 to wound rolls
  • Cuirass +1 to be hit, but 2s10 to wound rake lower result, may not sneak, roll2d10 when climbing take lower

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