Age of Sigmar - Warhammer Quest Miniatures

This is a page where I plan to showcase the miniatures from the assorted Age of Sigmar era Warhammer Quest games (post 2015, not including Blackstone Fortress) that we have, collectively, as a family. 

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower and Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal we gave to Finnegan for... his birthday...? Maybe...? A few years back (maybe 2017-2018?). He assembled all the miniatures and played through the two campaigns (or played through SOME of each of the campaigns?) with my dad. (Playing with UNPAINTED MINIATURES!?!?). I've taken on painting up those miniatures in hopes that I might be able to convince him (and maybe Amanda...? and OTHERS...?) to play through the games with me. 

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, was the next Warhammer Quest game we picked up. It should really get a page all of its own! Amanda and I played a LOT of that through the early years of the Covid pandemic. 

We had so much fun playing through the Blackstone Fortress campaigns (though we STILL have not FINISHED all of them!), that when Warhammer Quest Cursed City was announced I immediately asked my FLGS (Dragon's Den Games) to get me a copy... 

It's been years since I picked that up and now I'm finally trying to push through and finish up painting the miniatures for those so I can play through the campaign. While I'm at it, I decided to paint up all of Finnegan's miniatures for him! 

Also, once these are done, and we've played through the campaigns in the box, they'll be also very handy when I finally get around to running an in-person Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Role-Playing Game campaign! 


Initially I thought I'd post all this in order of release, but then decided to start with Cursed City... because that's the one I own... 

Cursed City suffered from delays due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and was initially released in 2021 and pretty much sold out within hours of the pre-orders going live. Luckily, my FLGS had a BUNCH on order and my name was first on the list of people to hold them for! It was re-released a year or so later. 

I half expected/half dreaded there would be as many expansions for this as there were for Blackstone Fortress. I told myself I wouldn't buy expansions unless I'd painted and played the base set (and any previoulsy purchased expansions). I needn't have been concerned, however, as there ended up being only one or two real expansions - though both included only the rules and tokens and NO MINIATURES, they needed to be bought separately - (and a few extra things in White Dwarf magazine - also requiring miniatures to be bought).

At some point I might add in some of the Story behind Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - like, the background fluff... 

Heroes of the Cursed City

All the Heroes (So Far..) 

Brutogg Corpse-Eater

Emelda Braskov

Glaurio ven Alten III

Still to do...

Jelsen Darrock

Dagnai Holdenstock

Qulathis the Exile

Octren Glimscry

Cleona Zeitengale

Hostiles of the Cursed City


Radukar the Wolf - The Vampire Tyrant of Ulfenkarn, the Cursed City

Watch Captain Halgrim

Still to do...

Torgillius the Chamberlain

Gorslav the Gravekeeper

Hostile Groups 

Kosargi Nightguard

10x Ulfenwatch

Bat Swarms

Still to do...


Vyrkos Blood-born

Deadwalker Zombies

Corpse Rats

Mysterious Objects


Still to do... 

Gnawbone Strays




Night Wars

Night wars in the only separately published expansion I have for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City (there are bonus scenarios and such in White Dwarf - which I might add in, if ever I acquire miniatures to play them!). The box did not include ANY miniatures at all, but there were a number of suggested miniatures from the Soulblight Gravelords line required to play the expansion... 

Hostiles of Night Wars

Radukar, the Beast (as opposed to Radukar the Wolf - that came with Cursed City - same character, different model. 

Kritza, the Rat Prince

Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade

Carmilla DuSang (Vampire Lord)

Fell Bats


The first of the Age of Sigmar Warhammer Quest games, originally published in 2016, just a year after the first edition of Age of Sigmar was released. 

Heroes of Silver Tower

All of the Heroes from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower (so far!) 

Vargi Sornsson - Fyreslayer Doomseeker

Masudro Yaleh - Excelsior Warpriest with Gryph-hound

Avanius - Knight-Questor from the The Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost of the Stormcast Eternals.

Hathrek of Gadalhor - Darkoath Chieftain

Still to do... 

Mistweaver Saih

Tenebrael Shard

Hostiles of Silver Tower

Ogroid Thaumaturge

Kairic Acolytes

There were Kairic Acolytes included in both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhal (8 in Silver Tower and 10 in Shadows Over Hammerhal, I think) it is impossible to know which came with which set, so this is all of them. This picture will be repeasted in Shadows Over Hammerhal, below

Horrors - two Pink Horrors, four Blue Horrors, and four pairs of Brimstone Horrors

Chaos Familiars - I forget which one this is... 

Still to do:

Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch

Skaven Deathrunners


Grot Scuttlings

Chaos Familiars (two of each - Blot, Tweak, Pug and Slop)


Shadows over Hammerhal followed quickly on Silver Tower, being released the following year (2017)

Heroes of Shadows over Hammerhal

Golnir Coalbeard - Cogsmith

Still to do:

Arvios Sunhelm - Lord-Castellant of the Hammers of Sigmar

Archimaine - loyal Gryph-hound

Alnaryn - Aelven Loremaster

Vizrin Kyre - Black Ark Fleetmaster

Hostiles of Shadows over Hammerhal

Chaos Sorcerer Lord

This is the main Nemesis of Shadows Over Hammerhal. The miniature originally came with a 32mm base, but being the Big Boss, I felt it needed to be on a 40mm base to make it stand out from all the other minions - that are mostly on 32mm bases!

Kairic Acolytes

There were Kairic Acolytes included in both Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhal (8 in Silver Tower and 10 in Shadows Over Hammerhal, I think) it is impossible to know which came with which set, so this is all of them. This picture is repeated from Silver Tower, above. 


There were ten Bloodreavers included in Shadows Over Hammerhal. These have been reinforced with a bonus set of Garrek's Reavers (a Warhammer Underworlds warband) that I happened to have, painted up along with these and gave to Finnegan. 

Still to do... 

Putrid Blightkings - (they are very close to completion!) 


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