Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Three

After playing two games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead at the Warhammer Store on Sunday afternoon, I hurried home to get a game of Warhammer Quest set up for the evening! 

This week Dan was able to join us, but Maygan couldn't make it, so it was me, Dan, John and Amanda. 

At the end of the previous session, the Heroes returned to Cinderfall to empty all the coins out of their pocket and see what going to Cinderfall is all about. 

It was a perfect opportunity to swap out characters if Dan wasn't interested in playing Golnir Coalbeard, the Cogsmith, which Finnegan had been running, but was played by committee after he dropped out. Dan decided he'd like to play the Knight-Questor, Avanius, so we said Coalbeard was complaining about his old war injury and couldn't return to the Catacombs with them and the Lord Castellant went back to the Stormkeep and found a Knight-Questor loafing about with nothing to do to go back with them!

Knight-Questor Avanius 

Before Cinderfall activities, the GM (me) rolls for Random Occurances. For this first time there was a Carnival of Sigmar Resplendant going on and teh streets were packed with bustling festival-goers. The Heroes could not visit Baugren's Bountifal Bazaar or the Riftmarket, as the crowds were too dense, or Red Yugol's Reverie, because he was taking part in the carnival!

So, Vizrin Kyre, the Black Ark Fleetmasterm decided to check out the Guild of Certified Thaumaturgists and walked out with an Elixir of Life! 

Arvios Sunhelm - Lord-Castellant of the Hammers of Sigmar - decided to visit the Chapel of the Shattered Blade and met with Brother Bargo Culven that they'd freed from the Catacombs back in Session One! Wasn't much to do there, but Brother Bargo assured the Lord-Castellant that if ever they needed any help (like healing from something that didn't automatically heal upon returning to Cinderfal (as most injuries do!) Brother Bargo would hook them up - for free! 

Sunhelm and Kyre passed some monies on to Knight-Questor Avanius because they had more than they could use and he had none. Avanius then also made a trip to the Guild of Certified Thaumaturgists, and he walked out with a Bullgor Draught and some Feydrake Root! 

As Maygan wasn't there, everyone else decided that Alnaryn would probably engage in a drinking contest. We had a laugh after reading the rules because if you win, you gained One Reknown, if you win after quaffing six or more pints, you gain a bonus Reknown! Alnaryn was two steps on the Reknown track from gaining a new skill, so the joke was that if she got drunk enough, she'd learn new skills! Her opponent in the drinking contest failed just before they made it to six! 

After all that, and, maybe sleeping off those ales and any other wounds they had, it was time to return to the catacombs and finish their sweep of it, purging Hammerhal of the threat of Chaos!

Going down these stairs, it was marked that the Heroes gained the Achievement I card and "leveled up" - which effectively means they can have an additional skill..? 

Descending the stairs from a new location, discovered in the first session, they found themselves at a T- intersection... and right off disaster befell them! (they rolled all different numbers on the destiny dice, triggering an unexpected event!) Someone stepped on the wrong flagstone triggering an explosive trap... Alnaryn and... someone else were dealt some serious damage... luckily there were no hostiles present and they could spend actions healing... 

Searching the area they found a hidden door that lead to a secret chamber! Within the chamber there was a vault with treasures beyond a trench filled with bones... but all the treasure were on display in four alcoves which started rotating and would soon be unable to reach... 

The discovery of this room triggered a new round and new Destiny Dice were rolled - and this time they were all doubles or triples and AGAIN an unexpected event took place, and AGAIN there was an explosive trap that injured two of them... I can't remember if THIS took someone out of action, who hadn't yet recovered from the first blast...?! or if it was someone attempting to leap across the Bone Trench... who was still injured from the first blast...? Someone was taken out and returned a moment later with a Grievous Injury!

To get to the treasures they had to leap across the bone trench - special action Leap (1+) - and then had to pass an Agility check or fall into the Bone Trench... IF they made it across they had to make a Grab (4+) action while adjacent to one of the alcoves... and they had to do all this with NO DESTINY DICE... 

Vizrin Kyre made it across and grabbed a Seer's Philtre (the one item they did NOT get from the Guild of Certified Thaumaturgists! The Lord Castellant made an attempt to leap across and fell into the Bone Trench and was injured... 

The following turn, Kyre made it safely back across and 

Seriously, this first two rooms caused MORE DAMAGE than any of the hostiles on the first two levels... 

The took a moment to recover... and then moved on.. (I'm pretty sure one of the potions or ointments acquired at the Guild of Certified Thaumaturgists was used to removed some Grievous Wounds from someone!?)

Exploring the chambers off to the right, they found rooms filled with rot and mildew and just terrible smells, in one, they encountered a massive warrior all in armour with swarms of flies bussing about him... as they entered the beast acknowledged them and said "Hello, Pretties! Have you come for Grandfather's Blessing...?" 

Knight Questor Avanius charged this Putrid Blight King and dealt him some serious damage... and he just took it! Yikes they guys are tough! 

At the end of the Hero Phase a wall on the north side of the chamber collapsed revealing TWO MORE Putrid Blight Kings!!

They both charged Avanius and took him down! 

Kyre and the Lord Castellant charged into the chamber, finished off the first Putrid Blight King and dealt with the second. 

After the encounter, Knight-Questor Avanius was given first aid and they pressed on 

Beyond this chamber they found stairs that descended into the bowls of the earth - from whence the most foul foetid smell emanated! There were also stairs going up to another secret entrance somewhere in the Cinderfall district... 

The discovered bunch of Bloodreavers in dueling chamber. 

Entering the chamber they were quickly surrounded and... things looked not great for a moment... But then the Lord Castellant successfully got off his Light of Azyr attack with his mighty lantern, stunning all enemy combatants in the chamber... 

and with them not fighting back for one round... they heroes just slaughtered them! 

Thoughout the battle in this last chamber I was to keep track of who dealt the most wounds to the Bloodreavers... at the end it was Vizrin Kyre and they gained D6 Reknown as a boon from Khorne (because Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows!). I rolled a SIX and Kyre rocckted around the REknown track ending just shy of gaining a second skill! 

The Lord Castellant searched the room and found a Daemon Charm! 

Beyond this room was another staircase with stairs going up and stairs going down... it was decided to call it a day and use these stairs to return to the surface once again (as everyone's pockets were absolutely overflowing with gold and they wanted to check out some of the other things to do in Cinderfall!? 

During this game, Alnaryn and Vizrin Kyre both gained Skills. Alnaryn gained the Learned Tactician skill and Vizrin Kyre gained the Juggernaut skill. If I recall correctly, the Learned Tactician skill allows Alnaryn to roll a d6 at the beginning of the Adversary Phase and one a six, she and any adjacent heroes can make a single attack or move action without spending a die! The Juggernaut skill give Kyre a +2 to Agility rolls for pinning tests (normally it gives +1, but because Kyre has a matching Keywork - unrelenting - it gave her an additional +1!) 

I really love this game... I would 100% rather play this, or somthing like it (Soulbound!?), than Spearhead or Warhammer Underworlds any day. I'm not saying I dislike either of those games.... I just really, REALLY like playing this so much more!! 

It's just seems so much harder to get FOUR people to commit to a regularly scheduled game like this than it is to find ONE person to play a one-off game of Warhammer Underworlds or Spearhead, here and there... 

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