Thursday, August 15, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Sunday

This past Sunday Nic and Orion stopped by to play some Warhammer Underworlds for the first time in a month?! 

It's been almost a week... I didn't take a lot of notes... so it will be mostly pictures with limited commentary... 

Both games were played in Shadespire. Orion played Zondara's Gravebreakers with their Faction Rivals Deck. Amanda played Elathain's Soulraid with their Faction Rivals Deck. Nick played the Skinnerkin with a Hungering Parasite Nemesis deck. I played a freshly painted Garreck's Reavers with a Tooth and Claw Nemesis deck I quickly threw together that morning. 

I don't have a post with pictures of the newly painted Garrek's Reavers because the battery on the camera I use for taking good (well... okay...) pictures of miniatures died and I cannot for the life of me find the recharger!?

The undersea Aelves and Ghouls went at it right away. 

ABC - Always Be Charging - was my policy for the game! 

There got to be a bit of a brawl in the center of the battlefield! 

Sneaky ghoul stabbing Tammael in the back! 

Targor and Armulf were killed off pretty quickly... but that kind of worked out for me as I had an objective card that required all fighters have a charge token and if Arnulf hadn't been killed in the first turn without ever activating, I never would have pulled that off... 

Ferlain attacked Garrek... and missed. I charged Blooded Saek in and took out Ferlain... so Zondara went a bit savage!

it was noted how similar Zondara and Gristla look and it was decided that they must be sisters... Sisters that HATE each other... but sisters, none-the-less! 

Someone killed Saek, so it was only Garrek and Karsus (who had only one wound left!) 

Karsus was killed with a ping and Garrek made a last ditch effort to deal some damage! I had a card that dealt one damage to everyone adjacent to me, and there was this nice group of three... If Garrek hit ONE of them they would have died... but he missed and was taken out before he got another swing. 

It was pretty brutal, both mine and Amanda's warbands were utterly wiped out... Still I won - which is a very rare thing when Orion is at the table!!

For our second game we played the Chaos Gargant Scenario from the December 2018 White Dwarf... 

In this one I played Magore's Fiends (sticking with the Khorne theme!) but this time with their Faction Rivals Deck... Amanda played the Dread Pageant with their Faction Rivals Deck. Orion played Hexbane's Hunters with Break Neck Slaughter. Nick played Cyreni's Razors with...? some kind of Nemesis Deck...? 

I just could not hit that Gargant to save my life... 

Aemos killed Ghartok... and I'm not sure why... it gained her one Glory Point, which could have been four if Aemos had hit the Gargant...? (which would have made it a MUCH closer game..!) Not sure if she thought I was some kind of threat...? (I for sure was NOT!?)

I'm not sure the Gargant Scneario holds up with a lot of the more recent rules and things that can be done... I think it COULD still be a fun scenario with some updates... like.. the Gargant cannot be staggered! Cyreni just stood and pinged the Gargant with Hammertide for an entire round, meaning it did NOTHING but go on guard for it's action... 

While everyone else kept beating on it.. well.. Amanda and Orion's warbands kept beating on it... 

Eventually I just said fuck it and went after Hexbane's Hunters... 

Had tried to kill the second dog.. but missed and Slakeslash finished it off... 

Missed a swing at Aemos... 

But dammit they took down Hexbane.. it only took ALL THREE of them?! 

Amanda won this by lots because of the totally broken Sadistic Goad upgrade - an attack upgrade that deals 1 + the target's current wound counters... so she hit it when it was at 12 damage and dealt 13 damage!? 

I'd noticed this sometime back and realized how OP it would be in the scenario. Me mentioning it was the reason Amanda took the Dread Pageant - just to see if it would work out... and it DID!! 

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