40K - Daemons of Khorne

As with the Servants of Slaanesh, I have a small force of Khorne Daemons that can be used in either Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. As with the Daemons of Slaanesh, this force started with the Wrath & Rapture Battle Box - which included both Daemons of Slaanesh and Daemons of Khorne - and stats for playing them in either Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. 

All the Khorne Daemons - So far!

Most of these initially based on Sector Imperialis bases (for Warhammer 40,000). At some point, the plan is to finish re-basing these on to more generic rubble covered bases that don't look so out of place in either game!

Blood Master

Karanak, Hound of Vengeance


Flesh-Hounds (Still need to be re-based)

MORE Flesh-Hounds - older, metal Flesh-Hounds (which also still need to be re-based!) 


I currently only have ONE unit to finish up for this force:

  • Bloodcrushers


In Warhammer 40,000 (10th Edition) this would look like:


  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 65
  • Karanak (1) 65


  • Bloodletters (10) 120
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70

Total: 460 points

Would have been enough for a small Crusade Force in 9th Edition... but the Starting size for a Crusade force in 10th Edition is 1000 points. It's assumed if you want to play smaller games you'll play Combat Patrol... The forces used for Combat Patrol  are Fixed Boxes (you play with what you get in the Combat Patrol box and there are no options). Conveniently, the Chaos Daemons Combat patrol is all Daemons of Khorne...!? Unfortunately, I am ONE unit of Bloodletters short... (well, and I'd need to finish the Bloodcrushers). 


If I were playing Warhammer 40,000 regularly and wanting to use Daemons of Khorne, I'd probably pick up an additional unit of Bloodletters - because then I'd have enough for a Combat Patrol. Or maybe I'd just buy a Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol, as it's ALL KHORNE models and would double the forces I already have.

With an additional unit of Bloodletters


  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 65
  • Karanak (1) 65


  • Bloodcrushers (3) 110
  • Bloodletters (10) 120
  • Bloodletters (10) 120
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70

Total: 690 point

With a Chaos Daemons Combat Patrol


  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 65
  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 65
  • Karanak (1) 65


  • Bloodcrushers (3) 110
  • Bloodcrushers (3) 110
  • Bloodletters (10) 120
  • Bloodletters (10) 120
  • Bloodletters (10) 120
  • Flesh Hounds (10) 140
  • Flesh Hounds (10) 140
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 70

Total: 1125 points

Still not even close to the 1500-2000 points that are usually played with... maybe I could add a contingent of Chaos Space Marines... or Other Daemons... (y'know, like Slaanesh Daemons, that the Daemons of Khorne HATE?!) 

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