40k/AoS - Servants of Slaanesh

A few years back I got it in my head that I should build some purely Daemon forces for Warhammer, for a number of reasons... Primarily Daemon forces can be used in BOTH Warhammer 40,000 AND Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!  I wasn't really playing Age of Sigmar at the time, but thought this would be a way to get into the game while still building a new force for 40K. 

Other reasons included the fact that I don't love playing "blue on blue" - facing Space marines with my Imperial Guard forces (and there are just SO MANY marine players out there...). Daemons will fight ANYONE - including each other!? 

I also like role-playing - or building narratives in minature games and playing "the bad guys" feels a little like being GM for other players. And I could potentially use the miniatures in actual role-playing games. For 40K there is Wrath & Glory and a Daemonic incursion is a thing that could happen to a party that's built around an Inquisitor - especially an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus! 

I started with Wrath & Rapture Battle Box - which included both Slaanesh and Khorne models. They could be used to fight each other - or could, in theory, be included in the same Daemon force in 40K!? 

Later there was Shadow & Pain Battle Box which included MORE Daemons of Slaanesh and some Daughters of Khaine (which, at the time, I was thinking I might put together as a small force for Amanda to play...? or just a second small force to play in Age of Sigmar for myself...?) 

I also picked up a START PLAYING box for Daemons of Slaanesh. A few other things I've picked up along the way - some were even from locals that had bought them for an army of their own but then didn't get around to finish building. 

Initially I based all of these on 40K specific bases ("Sector Imperialis" bases) , for some reason...?! But as I started using them in Age of Sigmar games, I thought they looked really out of place, and I decided to rebase them onto more generic rubble bases that could look at home in either setting.

Also initially, I thought I'd be able to knock all of these out SUPER fast using Contrast® paints from Games Workshop. While the Daemons of Khorne turned out okay with that.. I was less enthralled with the look on a lot of these.... But will probably stick to the scheme for the rest of the Daemonettes... 


These are the purely Daemonic elements that could be used in both Warhammer 40,000 and/or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

(Of course elements of these could also be used to make forces for Kill Team or Warcry... both of which I'd be happy to play, if anyone else showed the slightest bit of interest!?) 

The Daemons of Slaanesh force - so far! 

In Warhammer 40,000 (10th Edition) this would look like:

  • Tranceweaver (1) - Warlord - 60 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Seekers (5) - 85 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 105 points

Total: 490 points

Would have been enough for a small Crusade Force in 9th Edition... but the Starting size for a Crusade force in 10th Edition is 1000 points. It's assumed if you want to play smaller games you'll play Combat Patrol... but those are Fixed Boxes and the Chaos Daemons Combat patrol is all Daemons of Khorne...!?

In Age of Sigmar, 3rd edition (very soon to be obsolete...) this would look like:

  • Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) - Leader - 140 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - Battleline - 110  points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 130 points
Total: 630 points

Enough for a starting Path to Glory force in 3rd Edition - which is what it was used for! Will that remain the same in 4th... I have my doubts. With the announcement of the new "Spearhead" play format, I have a feeling that 600 point starting points for Paths to Glory will not be around anymore as they will expect anyone wanting to play at that level, will just play Spearhead and Paths to Glory campaigns will start at 1000... 

Ah, well... The downside to that is - just like Combat Patrol in 40K10E, Spearhead forces will be fixed - you play with what's in the Spearhead box... and the Hedonites of Slaanesh box had ZERO Daemons in it! NONE of these are the least bit useful for me... 

So for either game - AoS or 40K - I'd theoretically have to paint up a bit more to play at the 1000 point level of game. Now, I can play at ANY level if I'm playing for funsies with family or friends... but I don't have a lot of friends currently playing AoS and the family is no longer interested... so that leaves organized play at the Warhammer Store or tournaments... and they tend to do things at set levels - 1000/2000 points. 

Howlthrob the Quivering Doom Snare (Aogzemmp'ptzhoe)

In Age of Sigmar, this is a Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh 

In Warhammer 40,000, this is a Tranceweaver

I've noticed these miniatures are no longer on the Games Workshop website... Not sure if a plastic replacement is in the works (this model was an older "finecast") or if Heralds are just being written out of existence. That would be a shame as I have THREE OTHER HERALDS in the form of the Thricefold Discord! 

The Luxurious Lavendrines - Daemonettes

Viridians of Vice - Daemonettes

Seekers of Sin - Seekers

Hellflayer (they don't have a fancy name yet... ideas...?) 

Fiend - a solitary old metal Fiend... Not really useful in this day and age where everything comes in units of set sizes... unless I could find TWO MORE!? (They're also considerable smaller than the current Fiends)

Maybe I'll use it in a role-playing game sometime. 

Hedonites of Slaanesh

These are forces that, along with the Daemons above, can be used in Age of Sigmar. (Some of these are Daemonic or Mutants, but are still Age of Sigmar specific. 

The Hedonites of Slaanesh forces for Age of Sigmar 

In Age of Sigmar, 3rd edition (very soon to be obsolete...) this would look like:

  • Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) - Leader - 140 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - Battleline - 110  points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 130 points
  • The Dread Pageant (4) - 130 points
  • The Thricefold Discord (3) - 170 points
Total: 930 points

With the Dread Pageant and The Thricefold Discord added in, I am VERY close to 1000 point... I'm not sure there is a 70 point unit that COULD be added in (other than Endless Spells)! 

The Dread Pageant

One of the first Warhammer Underworlds warbands I aqcuired and painted. They came in the Direchasm box which was just released when I started playing Warhammer Underworlds. They are a playable unit in Age of Sigmar and there are stats for using them in Warcry. 

The Thricefold Discord 

Also a warband from Warhammer Underworlds. They are Daemons - Heralds of Slaanesh - but I'm not sure if they are useable in 40K... Perhaps individually as Tranceweavers...? 

Emperor's Children

The Emperor's Children are Chaos Space Marines devoted to Slaanesh. I hope one day they get a Codex of their own... Not part of a Daemon army, but some of the Daemons of Slaanesh can show up as allies in an Emperor's Children army... maybe... 


I have a LOT of stuff still to do...

  • 1x Syll'Esske
  • 1x Infernal Enrapturess
  • 1x Exalted Seeker Chariot
  • 3x Fiends 
  • 40x Daemonettes
  • 10x Seekers
  • 1x Hellflayer
  • 1x Lord of Pain (Hedonites of Slaanesh) 
  • 1x Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (Hedonites of Slaanesh) 
  • 10x Hellstriders (Hedonites of Slaanesh) 
  • 5x Slickblade Seekers (Hedonites of Slaanesh) 
  • 3x Slaangor Fiendbloods (Hedonites of Slaanesh) 
  • 11x Blissbarb Archers (Hedonites of Slaanesh) 

ALL THE STUFF  for a Warhammer 40,000 Daemon force (including stuff to do - as of 15 June 2024) 

In Warhammer 40,000 (10th Edition) this would look like:

  • Syll'Esske (1) - 120 points
  • Infernal Enrapturess (1) - 65 points
  • Tranceweaver (1) -  60 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - 120 points
  • Seekers (5) - 85 points
  • Seekers (5) - 85 points
  • Seekers (5) - 85 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 105 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 105 points
  • Exalted Seeker Chariot (1) -115 points
  • Fiends (3) - 130 points

Total: 1675 points

Plenty for incursion level of play... not quite enough for Strike Force (but perhaps that could be bolstered by Cultists or other Chaos Space Marine allies... or... something else entirely!? ) 

ALL THE STUFF I currently have for an Age of Sigmar Hedonites of Slaanesh force (including stuff to do - as of 15 June 2024 - the pictues does not include any of the Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard that I bought on 19 June 2024... but they are included in the list below!) 

In Age of Sigmar, 3rd edition (very soon to be obsolete...) this would look like:

  • Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) - Leader - 140 points
  • Syll'Esske (1) - Leader - 200 points
  • 1x Lord of Pain (1) - Leader - 140 points
  • 1x Infernal Enrapturess (1) - Leader - 110 points
  • 1x Shardspeaker of Slaanesh 
  • Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (1) - Leader - 220 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - Battleline - 110  points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 130 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 130 points
  • The Dread Pageant (4) - 130 points
  • The Thricefold Discord (3) - 170 points
  • Fiends (3) - 180 points
  • Hellstriders with Claw-spears (5) 140 points
  • Hellstriders with Hellscourges (5) 160 points
  • 5x Slickblade Seekers
  • 10x Blissbarb Archers
  • 1x Blissbrew Homonculus
  • 3x Slaangor Fiendbloods

Total: 3570 points!?

Yiiiiiiikes that's a LOT of stuff... Waaaaay more than I would likely EVER field in battle... I guess it's a lot of OPTIONS thought...

(not to mention about 60 foot and 30 mounted and two vehicles to paint!)   

Some Pictures of ALL THE THINGS still to do... I'm not sure why... maybe to shame myself into painting them so I can remove these pictures!?

Syll'Esske - on a 40K base... Had not initially planned to pick this up... but I ended up getting it up used from someone locally for a price I could just NOT pass up... I put it on a 40K base - as I was doing at the time and now regret... will have to rebase to match all the others when I get to painting this. 

Infernal Enrapturess - also on a 40K base... Came with the Wrath & Rapture box. 






Exalted Seeker Chariot - in Age of Sigmar this can be a Leader unit: Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot... but in 40K it's just an Exalted Seeker Chariot ...

Lord of Pain 

Hellstriders - Not actually sure if I'm going to build them as Hellstriders with Claw-spears or Hellstriders with Hellscourges...? I guess I could do five of each!?

Most recently added to the pile - and entire Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard Box! This is so I can play Spearhead in AoS4E, as I had exactly NONE of the units required to make up a Spearhead force?!


Is there really anything else I could possibly NEED!?

No, not really...

Is there stuff I'd LIKE to get!? 

Yes, probably... 

Actually, now that I've picked up a Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard box, the only other thing I'd remotely consider - and it's because it could be used for both 40K and Age of Sigmar... I would like to get a Keeper of Secrets - a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh! That would get me to 1975 points for the 40K Daemon force - enough for a Strike Force level game (which seems to be the choice for Tournaments... not that I have much interest in going to tournament... but I like the idea of being ABLE to!?)... the rest of the points could be used for Detachment enhancements..? 

I guess there are a few other units of Hedonites that LOOK fun or interesting that, if ever I got ALL of the stuff painted up... AND I was still playing Age of Sigmar a LOT... I could see myself picking them up... but right now I have next to no desire to do so!!!

(In Age of Sigmar, adding the Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force AND a Keeper of Secrets to all that stuff I already have would bring the total to 3950!? WTF!? Enough to field TWO 2000 point armies! I could play a Brigade level game against MYSELF!?) 

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