WW2 - USMC Raiders (PTO)

This initially started as a single squad I picked up and painted over a decade ago. I'm not even sure WHERE I got them from - probably a lot on Ebay...? These were the ones from Brigade Games. At some point later I picked up a lot of stuff from The Assault Group - I kept a few that I'd painted (Corpsmen and Casualties) and traded away the others. I also had a jeep from Company B... I got the two jeep crew in an ebay lot (with the Assault Group stuff, I think...?) and bought the jeeps from Company B (along with the Rat Patrol) I painted ONE of the Jeeps and crew, but gave away the second... 

My plan was just to use them for small scale skirmishes with my Japanese forces, or whatever (like, assaulting Devil's Reef in some kind of Pulp Adventure Scenario!?)

More recently I added a few more squads of Raiders from Warlord games. After listening to an audiobook on the history of the USMC Raider Battalions in World War Two.. and then happened to find the Warlord Games raiders deeply discounted at a store I happened to be buying stuff from... and it kind of just grew into a full-sized force for Bolt Action!? 

I kind of struggled painting the newer models - trying to match the Frog Skin camouflage I'd painted on the first batch. having painted them over a decade earlier, I had no recollection what paints I used, nor had I made any notes. I'm pretty sure the original ones were painted with craft paints that I no longer use!? I painted and repainted a number of the first few at least three times... I finally came up with something that I didn't hate as much as the others. It wasn't a perfect match. Probably isn't MUCH of a match at all... but I didn't hate it and needed to stop and just get them painted with what I had or they'd NEVER have gotten painted!?

All of the raiders (so far!) 

Rifle Platoon

The Rifle Platoon (plus attachments!)

Rifle Platoon Command

First Squad

Second Squad

Third Squad 


Naval Corpsmen - attached to the platoon - and more than I can possibly use! With one Rifle Platoon I can use THREE of these... 


Forward Observers - also attached to the Platoon 

Weapons Platoon

The Weapons Platoon 

The Weapons Platoon Commander

Medium Machine-Gun Team


81mm Medium Mortar Team

Other Stuff

Raider Casualties. 

I also have this one extra prone rider throwing a grenade, armed with a Thompson Submachine-Gun... not sure what to do with him... 

USMC RAIDERS - for Bolt Action

this is what the force might look like in Bolt Action!

Rifle Platoon

Platoon commander 39 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @13 = 65 pts

Forward Observer 90 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @11 = 112 pts

Medic 30 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @11 = 52 pts

Marine Squad 1 NCO and 6 men 91pts (veteran) + 2 men @13, + 3 SMG @4, + 3 BAR @6, + 9 Stubborn @1 = 156 

Marine Squad 1 NCO and 6 men 91pts (veteran) + 2 men @13, + 3 SMG @4, + 2 BAR @6, + 1 Shotguns @3, + 9 Stubborn @1 = 153 

Marine Squad 1 NCO and 6 men 91pts (veteran) + 2 men @13, + 3 SMG @4, + 2 BAR @6, + 9 Stubborn @1 = 150

Weapons Platoon

Platoon commander 39 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @13 = 65

Medium Machine-Gun Team 65 pts (Veteran) = 65

Medium Mortar Team 56 pts (Veteran) = 56

Total: 874


Nothing, I've painted all the stuff I have


Well, for Bolt Action, I’d need to add 126 to make a 1000 point force… 

I’d need another 376 to to make it a 1250 point force!? 

If I had limitless time and resources, I’d probably can the Weapons Platoon and add a SECOND Platoon of Raiders… But that’s not about to happen any time soon!

Warlord does have a USMC Weapons Teams box that includes a Sniper Team and a Bazooka team… (the box also includes a Flame-Thrower team… but as far as I can tell, I’d need to have an ENGINEERING PLATOON to field any of those!?) a veteran Sniper Team and Bazooka Team would add 145 points… 

I guess I could (should?) also consider adding anti-tank grenades to one or more squads and making them TANK HUNTERS, that could eat up some points. 

At some point I might like to pick up some US Navy aircraft - for the Forward Observers to call in! Since Americans DO get those sweet TWO airstrikes per game! 

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