Five Men in Normandy - Campaign and Characters

These are the Characters I am using in my Five Men in Normandy campaign with Canadian Paras as well as a list of links to all the battles in the campaign.

I wasn't sure if I should make up a fictional D Company for LCpl Ching and his fellows to be a part of, or just not mention the exact company/platoon he's serving in... 

Campaign Battle Reports

Landed and Lost - Tuesday, 6 June 1944, 2:56am - Somewhere in Normandy


Lance Corporal Irving Ching 

Lance Corporal Ching gets very tired of explaining that No, he's NOT a "Chinaman", his family is Welsh/Cornish... 

Iving Ching is a farmer from southern Manitoba. He left behind a small family when he joined up and longs to return to them. His father and uncles and brothers and cousins all live in the area and agreed to take care of the farm in his absence, though none could understand why he'd want to go (except for a cousin, who also enlisted, joining the 18th Armoured Car Regiment (12th Manitoba Dragoons). 

Irving was also an amateur pugilist, often travelling to Winnipeg to compete. This is due in no small part from all the fights he got into in his youth due to being teased relentlessly about his name. 

Skills: Brawler

Background: Farmer

Motivation: Family

Private Jean Richard Messier

Pte. Messier Joined up straight away in 1939 to escape the drudgery of factory work in Windsor. Despite being pushed to join Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, because of his experience with cars, he chose the infantry. When an opportunity arose to join a Parachute unit, he leapt at that too! He was determined to kill Germans, win glory and come home with a chest full of medals - and what better way to do that than be the first into the fight!?

Skills: Alert

Background: Working Class - Automobile factory worker from Windsor Ontario. 

Motivation: Glory

Private Reddy

Private Reddy joined Ching's ad-hoc unit on 6 June 1944 after being separated from his own platoon within the same company.

Private Hughes

Private Hughes joined Ching's ad-hoc unit on 6 June 1944 after being separated from his own unit - C company. 

Private Constable

Private Constable joined Ching's ad-hoc unit on 6 June 1944 after being separated from his own unit (British 8th Parachute Battalion)

Sapper Danforth

Sapper Danforth joined Ching's ad-hoc unit on 6 June 1944 after being separated from his own unit (British Royal Engineers Para Squadron


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