Stuff I purchased (or otherwise acquired) versus stuff I actually painted in 2024.
(Let's see if I can't keep those purchases to a minimun!)
(I will NOT be proclaiming anything so foolhardy as I WILL NOT BUY ANY MINIATURES THIS YEAR!? Because that would be ridiculous and doomed to fail... but an intention to BUY LESS and PAINT MORE, seems a little more doable!)
As I mentioned in GAME PLAN 2024 - Q1 I'll probably start the year working on some Tallarn armour for an upcoming tournament I signed up for in February along with some Warhammer Underworlds warbands, as I've started playing that again (and will hopefully continue to do so throughout the year!). I could, possibly, also work on Age of Sigmar fantasy stuff for Warhammer Quest or Warcry or to use as characters or foes in a Soulbound role-playing game campaign... Or just to use as generic fantasy heroes or enemies in Five Leagues from the Borderlands...? There's also a possibility that I might get to painting some Sci-fi stuff for Five Parsecs From Home... though interest in that is waning at the moment.
(IF I did buy anything, it would probably be Warhammer Underworlds Warbands - i like the look of Skabbik's Plaguepack, Gryselle's Arenai, and Grinkrak's Looncourt... I wouldn't mind picking those up before they disappear - Darn GW and it's FOMO-based marketing system of making stuff available for a limited time before making it disappear FOREVER!?)
Based on Q1 I'd say it's pretty safe to say, I will mostly be painting Age of Sigmar miniatures and mostly miniatures for Warhammer Underworlds... (This is reflected in the Game Plan 2024-Q2)
I will be buying the new Warhammer Underworlds box: Wintermaw... but, other than that, probably not much - unless there is a new warband or two that I'm interested in...
If I can, I'd like to try and paint ONE WARBAND EACH WEEK until they're all caught up.. which would probably take until sometime in September. By the end of this quarter, however, I should be caught up with painting more than I've purchased, though!
Probably slowing a bit on the Warhammer Underworlds and focusing on Finishing up stuff for ALL THE WARHAMMER QUESTS! As well as some Spearhead forces for the new edition of Age of Sigmar!
Oof! It looks like I went a little out of control in Q3... and. that's not ENTIRELY untrue... but I will point out, that 76 of those miniatures (72 foot and 4 mounted) acquired were received IN TRADE for three Imperial Knights...
28mm Foot
- 1x Lich (or Wight King?)
- 1x Duelist
- 3x Thricefold Discord
- 7x Grinkrak's Looncourt
- 5x Blackpowder's Buccaneers
- 4x Cyreni's Razors
- 5x Elathain's Soulraid
- 5x Ephilim's Pandaemonium
- 6x Skabbik's Plaguepack
- 1x Neurogaunt
Q1 Total: 38
- 5x Sons of Velmorn
- 1x Deathwing Knight
- 1x Radukar the Wolf
- 2x Kosargi Guard
- 5x The Skinnerkin
- 1x Ghoul (February FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 1x Other random metal Ghoul
- 5x Zondara's Gravebreakers
- 6x Cursed City Bat Swarms
- 4x Warhammer Quest Heroes
- 1x Wizard/Painter
- 7x Kairic Acoloytes
- 1x Tzangor
- 4x Picts
- 1x Glaurio Ven Alten III
- 1x Grombrindal
- 1x Chaos Sorcerer Lord
- 2x Familiars
- 4x Chosen Axes
- 5x Thudrik's Profiteers
- 1x Cado Ezechiar
- 11x Kairic Acolytes
- 3x Gryph-hounds
- 1x Chaos Sorcerer
- 2x Warhammer Quest Heroes
Q2 Total: 76
- 5x Putrid Blightkings
- 1x Shardspeaker of Slaanesh
- 3x Slaangor Fiendbloods
- 11x Blissbarb Archers
- 2x Slaughterpriests
- 3x Blood Warriors
- 7x Blood Warriors
- 10x Bloodreavers
- 5x Garrek's Reavers
- 1x Melusai Ironscale
- 1x Dez, the Space Sloth
- 1x Spirit Torment
- 2x Chainghasts
- 1x Knight-Questor
- 1x Space Marine Scout
- 4x Black Ark Reavers
- 4x Lumineth Aelves
- 10x Bladegheist Revenants
- 1x Green Swashbuckling Handgunner
- 1x Red Pikeman
Q3 total: 74
Q4 Total:
28 mm Foot - Year To Date Total: 188
28mm Mounted/Smaller Beasties
- 5x Slickblade Seekers (Q3)
- 1x Ogroid Myrmidon (Q3)
- 1x Fomoroid Crusher (Q3)
- 1x Mighty Skullcrusher (Q3)
- 2x Mighty Skullcrushers (Q3)
28mm BIG Beasties/Vehicles
- 2x Astra Militarum Basilisk Self-Propelled Artillery (Q1)
- 2x Astra Militarum Manticore (Q1)
- 1x Astra Militarum Scout Sentinel (Q1)
- 1x Heroscape Giant/Stand-In Chaos Gargant (Q2)
Little Bits/Markers/Tokens
- 4x Warhammer Underworlds Terrain bits (Q1)
- 8x Hunter-Killer Missile Tokens (Q1)
- 3x Soul Refractors (Q2)
- 2x Mysterious Object models for Cursed City (Q2)
- 1x Beastgrave Tentacle Terrain Bit
- 1x Warhammer Underworlds Terrain bit (Q3)
- 2x Small Terrain Bits from Skaventide (Q3)
Total: 21
(or otherwise acquired - gifts, trades, etc.)
28mm Foot
- 7x Grinkrak's Looncourt
- 12x Squigherd
- 6x Skabbik's Plaguepack
- 1x Ghoul (February FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 5x Sons of Velmorn (Warhemmer Underwoods: Gnarlwood)
- 4x Gnarlspirit Pack (Warhemmer Underwoods: Gnarlwood)
- 4x Headsmen's Curse
- 1x Neurogaunt (March FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 3x Gorechosen of Dromm
- 4x Mollog's Mob
- 9x Zarbag's Gitz
- 7x Thorns of the Briar Queen
- 5x Spiteclaw’s Swarm
- 5x Zondara's Gravebreakers
Q1 Total: 73
- 1x Deathwing Knight (April FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 5x Brethren of the Bolt
- 5x The Skinnerkin
- 1x Steelhelm (May FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 1x Grombrindal, the White Dwarf
- 4x Chosen Axes
- 1x Cado Ezechiar
- 2x Darkoath Warrior (June FREE Miniature of the Month!)
- 1x Shardspeaker of Slaanesh
- 3x Slaangor Fiendbloods
- 10x Blissbarb Archers
- 1x Blissbrew Homonculus
- 1x Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia
- 3x Fell Bats
- 10x Dire Wolves
- 1x Kroot (Free Miniature-of-the-Month July 2024)
- 1x Lord-Terminos
- 1x Lord-Terminos' Memorian
- 1x Lord-Veritant
- 1x Gryph-crow
- 1x Knight-Questor
- 3x Reclusians
- 2x Reclusian Memorians
- 10x Liberators
- 1x Grey Seer
- 1x Warlock Engineer
- 3x Rat Ogors
- 6x Warplock Jezzails
- 40x Clanrats
- 1x Vampire Lord
- 3x Vargheists
- 20x Deathrattle Skeletons
- 2x Bloodsecrator
- 2x Bloodstoker
- 1x Mighty Lord of Khorne
- 2x Slaughterpriest
- 20 Blood Warriors
- 40x Bloodreavers
- 5x Skullreapers
- 1x High Gladiatrix
- 5x Khinerai Heartrenders
- 10x Sisters of Slaughter/Witch Aelves
- 1x Scriptor Mortis
- 5x Craventhrone Guard
- 10x Bladeheist Revenants
- 1x Spirit Torment
- 2x Chainghasts
- 4x Myrmourn Banshees
- 1x Lord-Imperatant
- 1x Gryph-hound
- 3x Praetors
- 5x Vindictors
- 1x Swampcalla Shaman
- 1x Pot-grot
- 10x Gutrippaz
- 10x Hobgrot Slittaz
- 20x Darkoath Marauder
- 6x Saviors of Cinderfall
- 1x BranchWych
- 5x Tree Revenants
- 10x Spite/Tree Revenants
Q3 Total: 281
(Okay... I might have gone a little overboard here...)
Q4 Total: 0
2024 28mm Foot Total: 403
28mm Mounted/Smaller Beasties
- 5x Slickblade Seekers (Q2)
- 3x Hargax’s Pit-Beasts (Q3)
- 1x Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (Q3)
- 1x Clawlord on Gnaw-Beast (Q3)
- 3x Prosecutors (Q3)
- 5x Blood Knights (Q3)
- 1x Khorgorath (Q3)
- 3x Mighty Skullcrushers (Q3)
- 5x Doomfire Warlocks (Q3)
- 1x Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (Q3)
- 1x Wilderfiend (Q3)
- 5x Darkoath Fellriders (Q3)
- 3x Kurnothi Hunters (Q3)
28mm BIG Beasties/Vehicles
- 1x Chaos Gargant (Q2)
- 1x Ratling Warpblaster (Q3)
- 1x Treelord (Q3)
Little Bits/Markers/Tokens
- 4x Skaventide/Spearhead Terrain bits(Q3)
- 1x Nexus syphon (Q3 AoS3 Extremis Starter Set)
- 1x Guardian idol (Q3 AoS3 Extremis Starter Set)
- 2x Domicile shells (Q3 AoS3 Extremis Starter Set)
- 1x Pile of pillars (Q3 AoS3 Extremis Starter Set)
(Traded or Sold)
28mm Foot (painted)
28mm Foot: (unpainted)
- 28x Generic metal Elf Archers
- 50x Generic Sci-Fi Troopers
- 20x Skaven Clan Rats
- 6x Jezzail crew
- 1x Ratling Warpblaster (Q3)
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