Monday, November 25, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Hostiles - Corpse Rats, Gnawbone Stray, and Diregoyles.

 I finished up a few more items needed to play Warhammer Quest: Cursed City this weekend. 

Corpse Rats, Gnawbone Stray, and Diregoyles

Corpse Rats are a hostile group that can show up... especially at lower levels! So, kind of needed these for the first game. I think they're supposed to be undead rats, some have exposed skulls... 

The Gnawbone Strays - undead zombie cats. 

There is no mention of what these are actually FOR in the list of components or the rules, that I could find. I wondered if maybe they are called for in some of the Crises that can arise? So I skimmed through the pages and pages of entries for those in the campaign book, trying not to read any (spoilers!) and found one mentioning the strays. Zombie cats, though they may be, they still get into hissing and pissing matches over territory! The crises sets up the two of them in the furthest square on the board from the active player and while they are on the board they are yeowling and howling at each other - and the noise draws things the heroes do not want around - all encounters are one level higher - until the cats are dealt with! 


I'm guessing they have some similar purpose - marking some spot on the board where somethings going on and must be dealt with. 

Because they were mixed in with all the other Warhammer Quest minis at one point, I mistakenly though they were actually from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, hence the fun bright colours i use with Chaos things, especially the disciples of Tzeentch! Had I realized at the time I started painting their bodies (some time ago!) they were from Cursed City, I probably would have done them in grey. 

They're finished now, not going to go back and change them! 

STILL need to paint TEN Deadwalker Zombies by Wednesday! 

Also still wanted to get two more heroes finished up - for a few more options.. but maybe those will have to wait until the following week!