Note: This is an older gallery that contained all of my World War Two forces at the time. At some point I'll try to post new galleries for each of the individual nations (and then delete them from this post).
So far I have created new Galleries for:
Before I ever bought any 28mm World War Two figures I already had PILES of World War Two stuff in both 15mm and 20mm – which had been used for various rules over the years – Tactical Commander, Hell by Daylight, WRG’s Armour and Infantry, Crossfire, Flames of Warhammer, Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers, Blitzkrieg Commander, I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum, and I’m sure others…
I’m not sure what the first 28mm WW2 troops I bought were. I think it all started with Pulp Adventure skirmishing with Savage Worlds. Nazis are the ultimate bad guys in Pulp Adventure skirmishing so I think I started with the Afrika Korps and some LRDG/SAS troopers as heroes trying to keep Nazis from finding the Arc of the Covenant or foiling their plans to raise the dead at secret bases deep in the desert… As the Pulp Adventure gaming lead to Weird War Two (and more world War Two stuff became available in 28mm) I slowly added to the collection.
More recently I have tried out Bolt Action for larger engagements and would be keen to try out Flying Lead for smaller scale engagements.
Most of the forces presented in this gallery are based around a single platoon of infantry with various optional supporting elements from the company, battalion, regiment or division.
Most of the Canadians
Canadian Armour
These Shermans are all from West Wind Productions. They are painted as a troop from B Squadron of the 1st Canadian Hussars (6th Armoured Regiment, 2nd Independent Canadian Armoured Brigade) who were in direct support of the 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade on D-Day.

Here's another picture of the Firefly - more pictures can be found in this post: Canadian Sherman Firefly
Canadian Reconnaissance

A Canadian Humber of the 7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars). The model is and all metal kit from Black Tree Design. I did a step-by-step series of post about how I put it together - you can find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.
Canadian (or British) Paratroopers
THE PLAN was originally to just put together a single
platoon of Paratrooper that could be passed off as either members of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion (For D-Day or Varsity or the Race to Wismar) or any British Paratroopers for WW2. As packs never seem to have the exact stuff make-up to
easily put together a platoon and to get that one odd figure one needs to make
finish up a platoon I often seem to find, by that time, I have the core of a
SECOND platoon and instead of doing something sensible like giving those extras
away or just keeping them to have as a spare section for slightly larger
engagements… the OCD part of my gets it in my head to just fill out that SECOND
platoon… and thus I have TWO platoons of paratroopers… Of course, since I’ve
got two platoons, it almost makes sense (in my insane little brain) to just
make get another and be able to field a whole COMPANY. Of course that requires
that you believe that having two whole platoons makes sense in the first place…
which I don’t really…
The entire force (so far…) - made up of figures from - West Wind Productions, Black Tree Design, Wargames Foundry, Bolt Action Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures, and Artizan Designs
1st Platoon
Platoon HQ:
Platoon Commander (subaltern), Platoon Sergeant,
Batman/Runner/Signaller all from Wargames Foundry
3x Para Section, each with:
Sergeant and Corporal (both with Stens), a Bren-gunner and
seven Riflemen (including Bren #2 – all with SMLE Rifles)
First section all from Wargames Foundry
Second Section all from Wargames Foundry
Platoon HQ: Platoon
Commander (subaltern), Platoon Sergeant, Batman/Runner/Signaller all from Bolt Action Miniatures
3x Para Section, each with:
Sergeant and Corporal (both with Stens), a Bren-gunner and
seven Riflemen (including Bren #2 – all with SMLE Rifles)
First section I think these are all from Artizan Designs - except for the prone Bren #2 who is from Wargames Foundry and one of the section leaders who is from Crusader Miniatures.
Third Section - mostly West Wind Productions, with one each from Bolt Action Miniatures and Crusader Miniatures,
Apparently instead of
having a light mortar and PIAT in the platoon HQ each Platoon had several
'reserve weapons' allocated to it, namely a Bren gun and a PIAT (and Stens!)
(and 2” mortar?) – so some “riflemen” may be issued these to be carried instead
or in addition to their SMLE or Sten. Instead of sneaking these into platoon
support weapons into specific squads I’ve kept them as separate entities (as in
most games they’d be treated as separate teams anyway)
2” Mortars - both Bolt Action Miniatures - I'd need to steal a couple of guys from the regular platoons to act as #2 Mortar Man
Snipers – I think
these too would be part of the regular platoons - Bolt Action Miniatures in the beret, Wargames Foundry prone with camo veil
Other Supporting Elements Attached
Company/Battalion/Divisional Assets:
3” mortars and crew (x2) - West Wind Productions
Vickers Medium Machine-Gun Team - West Wind Productions
6 Pounder Anti-tank Gun and crew - Artizan Designs
Some of the guys the Medical orderly couldn't help... (Black Tree Design)
Flamethrowers These should be in teams of two – each team
having one guy with the flamethrower and an assistant with a rifle or Sten.
Since my paratrooper-infantry platoons are a bit “overstrength” I could steal
one or two out of those sections to field with these – should they ever see
action. Both are from Black Tree Design.
I’m pretty much done with these…
Perhaps SOMEDAY it might be nice to pick up another medical
orderly or stretcher bearer and a Company Command Team… and maybe a jeep or two
or three (one to tow the AT gun, one for the company commander and a recce
jeep)… but don’t hold your breath…
THE PLAN was to put together a Commando Assault Troop that
could be used for raiding the coast of France or Norway or… other places. These
were some of the earlier WW2 figures I picked up as Special Forces types can
easily be slid into a Pulp Adventure game. The organization of Commando Troops
varied substantially from the regular British army platoon structure (and that
of most armies, for that matter). Most armies at the time had platoons with a
command section and 3-4 sections or squads of 9-10 guys… The Commandos had
“troops” with a troop HQ and two “sections” – the sections themselves had a
section HQ – commanded by a subaltern – and two subsections that I have seen listed
as having anywhere from 11 to 14 commandos in it!?

With the exception of the Commando Chaplain, the entire troop (so far) is made up of figures from Wargames Foundry.

Troop HQ: CO (Captain), Troop Sergeant Major, Batman/Runner/Siganller

2” Mortar team (part of the Troop HQ, but shown here separately as it will often be fielded as a separate entity)
2x Commando Assault Sections
2x Sub-sections

1st Subsection
LSgt(SMG), Cpl (SMG), Bren-gunner, 9x Riflemen (Including Bren No. 2 – all SMLE)

2nd Subsection

1st Subsection
LSgt(SMG), Cpl (SMG), Bren-gunner, 9x Riflemen (Including Bren No. 2 – all SMLE)

LSgt(SMG), Cpl (SMG), Bren-gunner, 9x Riflemen (Including Bren No. 2 – all SMLE)


The whole force. The are a mix of many different manufacturers - West Wind Productions, Black Tree Design, Army Group North Miniatures, Bolt Action Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures, The Assault Group, Artizan Designs, Blue Moon Manufacturing, Plastic Soldier Model Company, First Corps, and probably others I'm forgetting at the moment...

Soviet Infantry
Teh Corps of the force is a Soviet Rifle Company of Three platoons with four sections each and a junior officer and sergeant commanding.

First Platoon

Second Platoon

Third Platoon

A pair of machine-gun teams from the company's MG Platoon.

Medium (82mm) Mortar teams from the battalion's Mortar Platoon. Both from West Wind Productions.

A few Anti-Tank Riflemen from the Battalion AT Platoon. The anti-tank dog is probably from the REgimental Pioneer company... but he some how snuck into this picture...

Officers, Staff and characters. These would make up the company command, perhaps some forward observers, and perhaps visitors from the Battalion or Regimental HQ – there’s even medics, spies, a General and good ol’ Comrade Stalin himself in this lot.

Scout Section from the Regimental Reconnaissance Platoon

Snipers - perhaps also part of the Regimental Reconnaissance Platoon?

Another Scout section - for winter scenarios... most are from West Wind Productions, but there are three sniper from Black Tree Design.

A few flamethrowers from the Reginamental Pioneer company (Or was is "Chemical Platoon"...?) and an infantryman with a captured panzerfaust that I could slip into any of the platoons...

An NKVD section with a supporting MG team - to keep everyone honest and advancing towards the enemy - most of these are from Black Tree Design - thoght there's one - front and centre - from Bolt Action Miniatures.

A Platoon of Naval Infantry
Soviet Artillery

A few guns for direct support on the table

ZiS-3 76mm Divisional Anti-tank gun from Crusader Miniatures - though one of the crew came from somewhere else...?

45mm M1942 Anti-tank gun from Plastic Soldier Model Company

45mm M1937 Anti-tank gun from Bolt Action Miniatures.

76mm M1943 infantry gun also from Plastic Soldier Model Company
Soviet Armour

A platoon of (or perhaps a really understrength Company!?) T-34/76 from West Wind Productions.

KV-1 tank from Army Group North Miniatures.
KV-2 tank from Army Group North Miniatures.

Assorted Casualty Markers. Mostly from West Wind Productions and Black Tree Design, but I think there's a Dixon Minatures cowboy casualty in there somewhere - he was wearing a "duster" and I thought it looked "close enough" to a Soviet great coat... Probably not enough casualty markers to mark every dead - if I were ever to field the entire company in a single, en masse attack on a German position – but enough to litter the field with some of the dead and injured...

....and should those dead ever rise (in a Weird War Two setting) I have a small horde of Russian Zombies! It may not seem like much of a horde (compared to the 100+ regular Soviet infantrymen I have!?) but it’s a large enough horde for a small group of player characters in a role-playing game (or heroes in a smaller skirmish) to deal with – and I do have LOTS of other zombies I could add in that aren’t specifically Russian – but could be passed off as such - as there are a bundh of my other horde in various shades of khaki rags - or poor 1940s Russian civilians that have also been turned…
To Do: As far as I'm concerned this force is DONE. I can think of no other things I could possibly want to add to it at this point - Indeed I'm not entirely sure how it got to be such the huge force that it is... What was I thinking!?
Early War Infantry

I have one small REneault R-35 to support the infantry. I would have been from one of the Bataillion de Chars de Combat - armoured battalions that were attached to Infantry Divisions to provided support.
Légion Étrangère
I have a small force of French Foreign Legionnaires for fighting in North Africa...

The entire force - an understrength platoon. All figures are from Artizan Designs.

Platoon Command and others.

First Section

Second Section

Third Section.
I have a number of German forces that I am working on as opposing forces for a number of my allied forces. I have early and later war Heer (regular army) infantry (a platoon of each) to oppose... well... just about anyone! I have a platoon of later war SS to oppose my Canadians in Normandy and my British Paras in Arnhem. I have Deutsches Afrika Korps mostly to oppose my British S.A.S. and commandos and the French Foreign Legion. I have some Fallshirmjägers should I ever feel like gaming Operation Sea Lion...
As with most of the forces I’ve put together for WW2 Skrimishing in 28mm the German forces are all based around a platoon with various optional supporting elements from the company, battalion, regiment or division.
Heer (Regular Army)

The whole Early War Infantry Platoon. These are a mix of Crusader Miniatures and West Wind Productions. I'd bought a "platoon box" of Crusader miniatures ages ago but, at the time, the "platoon box" didn't really supply you with a full strength platoon all properly organized. It was basically eight of their regular packs in a box for the price of seven. So I ended up with some not-so-useful extra command figures and only two sections of infantry. Shortly thereafter I picked up another section of infantry made by West Wind from ebay, or perhaps in a trade, to round out the platoon with a third section. Later still I picked up the light mortar team from Crusader to make a full-strength, fully-kitted out infantry platoon.

The command section - Officer, Platoon Sergeant, two Runners and a Light Mortar Team (with alternate commanders - in hats or in helmets) - all from Crusader Miniatures.

First Section - all from Crusader Miniatures.

Second Section - all from Crusader Miniatures.

Third Section - all from West Wind Productions.

later war mortar team from Artizan Designs.

German army cameraman from Bolt Action Miniatures. I’m a sucker for these odd and unusual figures…

Stug IIIC/D fromArmy Group North Miniatures. The commander I got in an odd lot off of ebay, so I have no idea who the manufacturer is. I seem to recall I had to shave off an arm and modelled a new one with green stuff.

Tiger I from West Wind Productions.
Deutsches Afrika Korps
also Heer (regular army), but dressed for service in North Africa.

The big man himself; commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps, General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The figure is from Artizan Designs. I thought it might be handy for a "Get Rommel" type scenario - as most of my allied forces for North Africa are special forces (Commandoes, SAS, LRDG, etc...)
In addition to General Rommel here I have a platoon of Panzer-Grenadiers In various stages of completion and a Panzer IV to give them some punch. I'd like to get some trucks at some point - to ferry the Panzer-Grenadiers around as personnel carriers or just as cargo haulers for the LRDG and SAS to blow up...
I have a small force of Fallshirmjäger - a platoon plus a few supporting elements (machine-guns and mortars) - just enough to cause some havoc in southern England for my Canadians stationed there to have to run about and round up! Or perhaps they're there to assassinate Mr. Churchill! I also read about an action (I think in Sicily...?) where German and British paratroopers were both dropped at almost the same time to capture the same bridge - but from opposite ends... that might be fun to game out...

Fallshirmjäger support elements - mortar and machine-gun teams from Bolt Action Miniatures
German Mountain Troops. I really just picked these up to use for Pulp Adventure skirmishing - I thought I might throw them into Beyond the Mountains of Madness - should I ever get around to running that...

This is the entire force - not even a platoon - I have no intention of adding any more to it. The figures are from Brigade Games “Ends of the Earth” line.
I also have a small force of SS troops - a platoon plus a few supporting elements (machine-guns and mortars) to oppose my Canadians in Normandy (12th SS Division) and my British Paras in Arnhem (9th and 10th SS Panzer Divisions).

SS mortar team from Artizan Designs.
As with the Gebirgsjäger above I really just picked these up to use for Pulp Adventure skirmishing...

Kriegsmarine tropical U-Boat crew. The figures are from Brigade Games “Ends of the Earth” line.

Kriegsmarine not-so-tropical U-Boat crew.

Still to come...
I have more more British Commandos, Italians (both for North Africa and Europe), Australians, and all sorts of Germans (Heer Infantry and armour - both early and late war, Deutches Afrika Korps, SS - for fighting Canadians in Normandy and Paras in Arnhem, Fallshirmjagers, Gebirgjagers, and I'm sure others... stay tuned.. (or... check back later!)
To see some of my WW2 stuff in action check out Savage Timmy's Playhouse - my separate Savage Worlds blog that I maintained while we were playing a lot of it - most of my gaming with this collection so far had been done with Savage Worlds. The World War Two label should take you to all the posts of games using these figures. The WW2 label will also steer you towards the most recent updates on this blog

Sniper Team – these guys may have –organizationally speaking – just
been part of one of the sections, but are separated out here as I figured in
action they’d generally be sent off to do their own thing and in most games
they’d be treated as a separate entity.

Commando Chaplain - for when the war gets weird... The figure is from Bolt Action Miniatures

Commando Command Team which I could use as an alternate Troop Command for my Commando Troop or, more likely, I will use them as Forward observers for directing naval gunfire at targets inland. (The figures are from Artizan Designs).
I have enough figures for a complete second section – to fill out a full Troop – but they are a mix of guys in berets and helmets (and a few left over stocking caps like the first section).
I also have a PIAT team to add to the Troop HQ for later in the war.
I think I also have a 3” mortar team (which would be supporting from the Commando Support Troop).
I have some spare figures I thought I might try and make into a Steratcher Bearer & Orderly (RAMC attached) and/or a demolitions team or some other sort of “specialists”
NEED TO GET: Nothing really…
NICE TO GET : Commando Vickers MG team? Demolitions teams? Forward Observers?

Commando Command Team which I could use as an alternate Troop Command for my Commando Troop or, more likely, I will use them as Forward observers for directing naval gunfire at targets inland. (The figures are from Artizan Designs).
I have enough figures for a complete second section – to fill out a full Troop – but they are a mix of guys in berets and helmets (and a few left over stocking caps like the first section).
I also have a PIAT team to add to the Troop HQ for later in the war.
I think I also have a 3” mortar team (which would be supporting from the Commando Support Troop).
I have some spare figures I thought I might try and make into a Steratcher Bearer & Orderly (RAMC attached) and/or a demolitions team or some other sort of “specialists”
NEED TO GET: Nothing really…
NICE TO GET : Commando Vickers MG team? Demolitions teams? Forward Observers?
A small platoon-sized patrol for harassing the Japanese behind-the-lines in Burma (see below - way down at the bottom of the page)...

The whole force - with two exceptions noted below, the entire force is from Warlord Games/Bolt Action Miniatures

Patrol HQ: CO (1st Lieutenant) (the the Thompson SMG and SD cap - from Artizan Designs), Sergeant Major (pointing, with an M1 Carbine - from The Assault Group), Batman/Runner/Siganller (from Warlord Games)

2” Mortar team

A small platoon-sized patrol for harassing the Japanese behind-the-lines in Burma (see below - way down at the bottom of the page)...

The whole force - with two exceptions noted below, the entire force is from Warlord Games/Bolt Action Miniatures

Patrol HQ: CO (1st Lieutenant) (the the Thompson SMG and SD cap - from Artizan Designs), Sergeant Major (pointing, with an M1 Carbine - from The Assault Group), Batman/Runner/Siganller (from Warlord Games)

2” Mortar team

1st Section
Sergeant (SMG), Bren-gunner, 6x Riflemen (Including Bren No. 2 – all SMLE)
2nd Section
Sergeant (M1 Carbine), Bren-gunner, 6x Riflemen (Including Bren No. 2 – all SMLE)
3rd Section
Sergeant (M1 Carbine), 7x Riflemen (SMLE)
Medical Aide and wounded
Vickers MG team(s) – somehow I ended up with TWO of these!?
Mule Team
STILL TO DO: All done for now!
NEED TO GET: Nothing really
NICE TO GET: A third Bren-gunner...? 3" mortar team...? Foarward Observers? Perhaps a few more sections or a full second platoon...!?
Still to come for the British - Desert Commandos and SAS/LRDG as well as a few Homeguard and 1940 BEF types.

The whole force. The are a mix of many different manufacturers - West Wind Productions, Black Tree Design, Army Group North Miniatures, Bolt Action Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures, The Assault Group, Artizan Designs, Blue Moon Manufacturing, Plastic Soldier Model Company, First Corps, and probably others I'm forgetting at the moment...

Soviet Infantry
Teh Corps of the force is a Soviet Rifle Company of Three platoons with four sections each and a junior officer and sergeant commanding.

First Platoon

Second Platoon

Third Platoon

A pair of machine-gun teams from the company's MG Platoon.

Medium (82mm) Mortar teams from the battalion's Mortar Platoon. Both from West Wind Productions.

A few Anti-Tank Riflemen from the Battalion AT Platoon. The anti-tank dog is probably from the REgimental Pioneer company... but he some how snuck into this picture...

Officers, Staff and characters. These would make up the company command, perhaps some forward observers, and perhaps visitors from the Battalion or Regimental HQ – there’s even medics, spies, a General and good ol’ Comrade Stalin himself in this lot.

Scout Section from the Regimental Reconnaissance Platoon

Snipers - perhaps also part of the Regimental Reconnaissance Platoon?

Another Scout section - for winter scenarios... most are from West Wind Productions, but there are three sniper from Black Tree Design.

A few flamethrowers from the Reginamental Pioneer company (Or was is "Chemical Platoon"...?) and an infantryman with a captured panzerfaust that I could slip into any of the platoons...

An NKVD section with a supporting MG team - to keep everyone honest and advancing towards the enemy - most of these are from Black Tree Design - thoght there's one - front and centre - from Bolt Action Miniatures.

A Platoon of Naval Infantry
Soviet Artillery

A few guns for direct support on the table

ZiS-3 76mm Divisional Anti-tank gun from Crusader Miniatures - though one of the crew came from somewhere else...?

45mm M1942 Anti-tank gun from Plastic Soldier Model Company

45mm M1937 Anti-tank gun from Bolt Action Miniatures.

76mm M1943 infantry gun also from Plastic Soldier Model Company
Soviet Armour

A platoon of (or perhaps a really understrength Company!?) T-34/76 from West Wind Productions.

KV-1 tank from Army Group North Miniatures.
KV-2 tank from Army Group North Miniatures.
BT-7 from Army Group North Miniatures. (More pictures of it HERE)

Dismounted tank crews - mostly for crews that survive their tank getting hit and bail out, but possibly for scenarios where they are caught resting outside their tanks and have rush to them when surprised - or if a player character in a rope-playing game of some sort. the are a mix of Bolt Action Miniatures and West Wind Productions. (the West Wind ones - on the left and right - I think are actually German Tanker figures that I painted with a khaki wedge cap instead of feldgrau to pass them off as Soviets!)
Soviet Reconnaissance

Dismounted tank crews - mostly for crews that survive their tank getting hit and bail out, but possibly for scenarios where they are caught resting outside their tanks and have rush to them when surprised - or if a player character in a rope-playing game of some sort. the are a mix of Bolt Action Miniatures and West Wind Productions. (the West Wind ones - on the left and right - I think are actually German Tanker figures that I painted with a khaki wedge cap instead of feldgrau to pass them off as Soviets!)
Soviet Reconnaissance
BA-64 Armoured car from Bolt Action Miniatures. (More pictures of it HERE!)
Other Soviet Stuff...

Assorted Casualty Markers. Mostly from West Wind Productions and Black Tree Design, but I think there's a Dixon Minatures cowboy casualty in there somewhere - he was wearing a "duster" and I thought it looked "close enough" to a Soviet great coat... Probably not enough casualty markers to mark every dead - if I were ever to field the entire company in a single, en masse attack on a German position – but enough to litter the field with some of the dead and injured...

....and should those dead ever rise (in a Weird War Two setting) I have a small horde of Russian Zombies! It may not seem like much of a horde (compared to the 100+ regular Soviet infantrymen I have!?) but it’s a large enough horde for a small group of player characters in a role-playing game (or heroes in a smaller skirmish) to deal with – and I do have LOTS of other zombies I could add in that aren’t specifically Russian – but could be passed off as such - as there are a bundh of my other horde in various shades of khaki rags - or poor 1940s Russian civilians that have also been turned…
To Do: As far as I'm concerned this force is DONE. I can think of no other things I could possibly want to add to it at this point - Indeed I'm not entirely sure how it got to be such the huge force that it is... What was I thinking!?
Early War Infantry
This is a small force of Early War French for defending France in May of 1940. At the corps of hte force is a standard Infantry Platoon - with various attachments from the Battalion, REgiment, Division, Corps or Army!
Platoon HQ: CO (Lieutenant), Sergeant-chef, Signaler
1st Section
2nd Section
3rd Section
Hotchkiss Mle1914 Machine-gun Team – from one of the battalion’s four MG Platoons
Mle 1927/31 81mm Mortar Team – from the battalion’s Heavy Weapons Platoon
Medical Aide – from the Regimental Medical Services Squad
Officer and signaler. Could be either the Company Commander (Capitaine) or a Forward Artillery Observer Team...?
Early War Artillery
The trusty old Soixante-Quinze (75mm Mle 1897 gun) – state-of-the-art in 1914… 1940… not so much – but according to the Bolt Action lists I can field one for FREE due to the Forward Artillery Doctrine rule – from the Division’s Light Artillery Regiment
Early War Armour

I have one small REneault R-35 to support the infantry. I would have been from one of the Bataillion de Chars de Combat - armoured battalions that were attached to Infantry Divisions to provided support.
Légion Étrangère
I have a small force of French Foreign Legionnaires for fighting in North Africa...

The entire force - an understrength platoon. All figures are from Artizan Designs.

Platoon Command and others.

First Section

Second Section

Third Section.
I have a number of German forces that I am working on as opposing forces for a number of my allied forces. I have early and later war Heer (regular army) infantry (a platoon of each) to oppose... well... just about anyone! I have a platoon of later war SS to oppose my Canadians in Normandy and my British Paras in Arnhem. I have Deutsches Afrika Korps mostly to oppose my British S.A.S. and commandos and the French Foreign Legion. I have some Fallshirmjägers should I ever feel like gaming Operation Sea Lion...
As with most of the forces I’ve put together for WW2 Skrimishing in 28mm the German forces are all based around a platoon with various optional supporting elements from the company, battalion, regiment or division.
Heer (Regular Army)
I have two platoons worth of
regular army (Heer) infantry – one for earlier in the war, one for later on.
Early War Heer Infantry

The whole Early War Infantry Platoon. These are a mix of Crusader Miniatures and West Wind Productions. I'd bought a "platoon box" of Crusader miniatures ages ago but, at the time, the "platoon box" didn't really supply you with a full strength platoon all properly organized. It was basically eight of their regular packs in a box for the price of seven. So I ended up with some not-so-useful extra command figures and only two sections of infantry. Shortly thereafter I picked up another section of infantry made by West Wind from ebay, or perhaps in a trade, to round out the platoon with a third section. Later still I picked up the light mortar team from Crusader to make a full-strength, fully-kitted out infantry platoon.

The command section - Officer, Platoon Sergeant, two Runners and a Light Mortar Team (with alternate commanders - in hats or in helmets) - all from Crusader Miniatures.

First Section - all from Crusader Miniatures.

Second Section - all from Crusader Miniatures.

Third Section - all from West Wind Productions.

later war mortar team from Artizan Designs.

German army cameraman from Bolt Action Miniatures. I’m a sucker for these odd and unusual figures…
Heer Armour

Stug IIIC/D fromArmy Group North Miniatures. The commander I got in an odd lot off of ebay, so I have no idea who the manufacturer is. I seem to recall I had to shave off an arm and modelled a new one with green stuff.

Tiger I from West Wind Productions.
Deutsches Afrika Korps
also Heer (regular army), but dressed for service in North Africa.

The big man himself; commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps, General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The figure is from Artizan Designs. I thought it might be handy for a "Get Rommel" type scenario - as most of my allied forces for North Africa are special forces (Commandoes, SAS, LRDG, etc...)
In addition to General Rommel here I have a platoon of Panzer-Grenadiers In various stages of completion and a Panzer IV to give them some punch. I'd like to get some trucks at some point - to ferry the Panzer-Grenadiers around as personnel carriers or just as cargo haulers for the LRDG and SAS to blow up...
I have a small force of Fallshirmjäger - a platoon plus a few supporting elements (machine-guns and mortars) - just enough to cause some havoc in southern England for my Canadians stationed there to have to run about and round up! Or perhaps they're there to assassinate Mr. Churchill! I also read about an action (I think in Sicily...?) where German and British paratroopers were both dropped at almost the same time to capture the same bridge - but from opposite ends... that might be fun to game out...

Fallshirmjäger support elements - mortar and machine-gun teams from Bolt Action Miniatures
German Mountain Troops. I really just picked these up to use for Pulp Adventure skirmishing - I thought I might throw them into Beyond the Mountains of Madness - should I ever get around to running that...

This is the entire force - not even a platoon - I have no intention of adding any more to it. The figures are from Brigade Games “Ends of the Earth” line.
I also have a small force of SS troops - a platoon plus a few supporting elements (machine-guns and mortars) to oppose my Canadians in Normandy (12th SS Division) and my British Paras in Arnhem (9th and 10th SS Panzer Divisions).

SS mortar team from Artizan Designs.
As with the Gebirgsjäger above I really just picked these up to use for Pulp Adventure skirmishing...

Kriegsmarine not-so-tropical U-Boat crew.
Japanese Special Naval Landing
Here are a few of the Japanese I
have finished. I painted them up a while ago. I’d originally picked them up off
ebay to use as generic baddies for Pulp Adventure games set in the South
Pacific. I didn’t do a whole lot of research. I Googled “Japanese WW2 Uniform”
and saw there were green uniforms and there were mustard uniforms… so I went
with green – not really realizing that would make them members of the Special
Naval Landing Force.
These figures are all from 1st
Corps. I had a few other Japanese from Battle Honors that I also painted like
this – but have started repainting them – largely because these 1st
Corps figures are HUGE and the Battle Honors are… considerably slighter and a
better match for the Bolt Action figures I have also picked up to use as
Imperial Japanese Army.

The Platoon

Command – two will be the
platoon command, on will likely be a forward observer, the remaining one might
pass for the company commander when he comes down for a visit – or to get
things moving!

First Squad
Second Squad

Third Squad
On thing that really, REALLY
bothers me about SO MANY lines of modern figures (especially WW1 and WW2) is
prone LMG teams – or worse just prone LMG gunners with no loader – where the
rest of the bloody line is all standing! I really like that there is a fair
variety of crouching kneeling figures in this line – big and chunky though they
may be!

Imperial Japanese Army
I have enough figures for TWO understrength Imperial Japanese Army infantry platoons - one platoon is mostly from Battle Honors, the other mostly from Bolt Action/Warlord Games. Here is what I've got so far...

An understrength Company of the Imperial Japanese Army Infantry

Company Commander

1st Platoon

Platoon commander

1st Squad

2nd Squad

3rd Squad

I have enough figures for TWO understrength Imperial Japanese Army infantry platoons - one platoon is mostly from Battle Honors, the other mostly from Bolt Action/Warlord Games. Here is what I've got so far...

An understrength Company of the Imperial Japanese Army Infantry

Company Commander

1st Platoon

Platoon commander

1st Squad

2nd Squad

3rd Squad

This second platoon is currently organized as
two rifle squads and a grenadier squad (with THREE light mortar teams!). These
could be organized as later war infantry sections – each with their own light
mortar team – but one section would be short an LMG team. (at some point I'll probably add an additional LMG team...)
Platoon Commander
Rifle section #1
Rifle Section #2
Grenadier Section
81mm Type 97 Medium Mortar Team (and spotter)
Anti-Tank Suicide Teams

Medical Officer and Orderly

Type 92 Medium Machine-Gun Team

Forward Observer Teams

Medical Officer and Orderly

Type 92 Medium Machine-Gun Team

Forward Observer Teams
IJA Casualties
Still to come...
I have more more British Commandos, Italians (both for North Africa and Europe), Australians, and all sorts of Germans (Heer Infantry and armour - both early and late war, Deutches Afrika Korps, SS - for fighting Canadians in Normandy and Paras in Arnhem, Fallshirmjagers, Gebirgjagers, and I'm sure others... stay tuned.. (or... check back later!)
To see some of my WW2 stuff in action check out Savage Timmy's Playhouse - my separate Savage Worlds blog that I maintained while we were playing a lot of it - most of my gaming with this collection so far had been done with Savage Worlds. The World War Two label should take you to all the posts of games using these figures. The WW2 label will also steer you towards the most recent updates on this blog
Lovely for he Commonwealth Pars....OF COURSE it makes perfect sense to have a full company. I've got 21st Independent Coy....186 officers and about 150 glider pilots and Royal Engineers My usual opponent (my wife Pat) has a company of Falshirmjagers - not to mention an ad hoc coy of 1944-5 Germans with 5 platoons and all the bells and whistles you can think of.... and a company of Canadians (Princess pat's of course). We use a heftily stripped-down version of Bolt Action and it works fine even with a one or two troops of tanks and raft of Hanomags and Bren Carriers.
DeleteYou know what they call people like you? They call you an "Enabler"...
Fallshirmjagers... PPCLI... I'm willing to bet you have some Italian terrain for the ruins of Ortona?
Not yet....I suspect it's just a matter of time due to Pat's love of all things Italian, but the Canadians have seen action in a Hing Kong game and a lot of her Germans have been to the Netherlands to play games in Arnhem and Oosterbeek on actual battle locations - the Dreyeroord and the Rhine sad is that?
ReplyDeletePS....Love your Japanese figures as well; thinking seriously about selling our 20mm Burma/Malaya stuff for 28s.
ReplyDeleteThose are awesome projects. Where do you find the time to paint Tim?
ReplyDeleteThanks! Well I've been working on these for many years.
DeleteI read somewhere that the average person in Saskatchewan watches 19 hours of television a week. I don't really have TV, so... I figure that's 19 hours I have for painting each week. I don't play video games or a lot of the other things that people spend a lot of time doing. Not saying what I do is "better" or anything. It's just about priorities and what you want to spend your time doing.
Nice japs ...just about to start about 120 for our pacific game...great colour's and good detail.