Here is the first of the Shermans I’ve picked up to support my WW2 Canadians. Started with the big guns - the Sherman Firefly:
(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The model is from
West Wind Productions. It was a lovely little model – easy to assemble with a minimum of gunk and flash to clean up. There wasn’t as much nasty mold release compound on this one either – one wash and all the primer totally stuck to it – no beading areas.
(had to take the pics indoors today... it's been POURING rain the last two days... it's unnatural... it's like I'm in a dream.... a dream where I had way too much free champagne before I fell asleep!?)

I also have to say West Wind has been a treat to deal with. The three Shermans 75mm tanks were shipped with two left-hand tracks. I contacted them and they sent replacements right away – so I ended up with a bunch of extra track which I cut up and stuck a bunch of to the front of this model.
I love that all the West Wind models (at least the ones I’ve picked up so far) come with turret crew!

Whoops! a bit of not-quite-dry glue in this pic...
I feel like I should have loaded it up with tons more stowage and camouflage and stuff… but I was feeling lazy and anxious to get one done to see what it looked like.

The tank markings are that of B Squadron, 1st Canadian Hussars (6th Armoured Regiment). The Hussars were part of the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade (Independent), which supported the Third Canadian Infantry Division in Normandy. B Squadron of the Hussars were in direct support of the Regina Rifles on D-Day.
I have three more West Wind Shermans to do now (the 75mm variety), plus two Panzer IV (later war ones with Shurzen), two Panthers and a Tiger. I also have four motorcycle combos from them to assemble and paint up and I did order five (yeah, FIVE!) T-34/76 from them which should be here shortly... (they were ordered during the second sale at the end of August and are back ordered a bit as they needed to get more resin bodies - same thing happened when I ordered the big cats during the first sale and they were delivered in a timely manner... it's not like I have a shortage of other stuff to do!?)
Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:
More Canadian stuff….? Maybe some Germans….?