Thursday, July 25, 2024


I'd been thinking about getting rid of my 40K Chaos Knights for a while - at least the one that I never even assembled! I've never played with them... I probably never WILL play with them... The ones that are done (or nearly done) are king of nice display pieces... But I figured if I could get rid of them and get something I WOULD use...?

But I hadn't gotten around to it... 

Then this morning I was checking out the Saskatchewan Miniatures/Table top gaming Buy and Sell group on Facebook (as I do, from time to time) and found THIS:

Dude was selling a Blades of Khorne army... or willing to trade for KNIGHTS!!

So I sent him a message offering up these... 

A deal was made! 

He even drove into town to make the trade in the afternoon!? (he's in a small town just outside of Saskatoon - it's close enough that a LOT of people commute in for work, maybe half an hour drive...?) 

So now I have a Blades of Khorne army... 

Well... a BIGGER Blades of Khorne army. I already, technically, had one... sort of.. Between the Daemons i got (that could be use in 40k or AoS) and a few Warhammer Underworlds warbands, I already has about 1400 points of stuff. Enough for a Paths to Glory force, but not the requisite models for a Spearhead force. 

This army includes the models for a Spearhead force! 

This may entirely derail my plan of finishing the Soulblight Gravelords next... 

I will be mostly repainting these, starting with what I need for a Spearhead force (Slaughterpriest, 3x Mighty Skullcrushers, 10x Blood Warriors, 10x Bloodreavers). Then, after other Spearhead forces are finished, I'll build out from there to make Paths to Glory forces at 1000 points... 

There are no Daemons in the force, so not at all useful for the 40K Daemon force, but...  

What I got in the deal included:


  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 160 
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160 
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 

Points: 1020


  • Blood Warriors (10) 210 
  • Blood Warriors (10) 210 
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Khorgorath (1) 170 
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  260 
  • Skullreapers (5)  220 

Total: 1470

Army Total: 2490

SEVEN Heroes isn't SUPER Useful in the new edition of AoS with the new Force Construction rules.. But I'm sure I could get a 2000 point fieldable force out of this... 

Regiment (General's) 

  • Hero - Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 160 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Bloodsecrator (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 260 - Bloodbound, Cavalry
  • Unit - Skullreapers (5)  220 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 170 - Bloodbound, Monster

Total: 800


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 570


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 570

Army Total: 1940

don't even need the second Bloodsecrator or either of the Bloodstokers!?

Adding in the Daemons and Warhammer Underworlds warbands that I already had... 


Adding all these options I have ends up wih:



  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150 - 0-1 Slaughter Seeker, Any Daemon
  • Karanak (1) 140 - Any Claws of Karanak, Any Flesh Hounds

Points: 290


  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 160 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Bloodbound
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound

Points: 1020

Heroes Total: 1310



  • Bloodcrushers (3) 200 - Daemon, Cavalry
  • Bloodletters (10)  200 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast

Total: 730


  • Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Khorgorath (1) 170 - Bloodbound, Monster
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 260 - Bloodbound, Cavalry
  • Skullreapers (5)  220 - Bloodbound, Infantry

Points: 1470

Units Total: 2200


  • Garrek’s Reavers (5) 70 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Gorechosen of Dromm (3) 190 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Magore’s Fiends (4) 120 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 380

Force Total: 3890

Yeah... That's a LOT of options... so many options.. I could field multiple armies... easily three, possibly FOUR starting Paths to Glory armies...

We will Make Aqshy Great Again!


Hedonites of Slaanesh: Infernal Enrapturess

I guess this doesn't have to be just "Hedonites of Slaanesh", the Infernal Enrapturess is a Daemon and can be used in Age of Sigmar AND Warhammer 40,000! 

Infernal Enrapturess

I've decided to call her Thundrastark Bassweaver the Delightfoul Songstrix (Eakatrashes'Zoieng)

If you speak her true daemon name six times, really fast, she will burst into a cloud of cartoonish colourful notes an slowly float back to the Realms of Chaos, where she will recongeal and play incredibly long, slow goth-metal ballads and cry for a century or two... before returning with new, more devastating discordant melodies to destroy the minds of mortals...  

I don't love how it turned out... there's kind of a mish-mash of painting styles here. When I got the model, my plan was to knock all the Slaanesh stuff out as fast as I could using Contrast paints... and I'd STARTED this doing that... but then recently rebased and painted up the Daemon with just regular paints and... I don't love how it turned out... but I don't HATE it and there are TOO MANY OTHER THINGS to paint for me to go back and repaint the whole model!! 

So I'm calling it DONE and MOVING ON!!

I now have an additional/alternative Daemon Hero model (the only other Hero model I have finished is the Tranceweaver(40K)/Viceleader(AoS) which is now out of production and moved to legends in AoS and will probably dissapear from 40K in the next edition... or whenever they put out a Chaos Daemons Codex for 10th Edition.

Spearhead Terrain: The Large Bits

 I rushed to finish up the two larger bits of terrain included in the Skaventide boxed set - which are required for playing Spearhead - because Orion contacted me earlier in the day and inquired if I would be available to PLAY some Spearhead! As I'd finally finished the last unit for the Hedonites of Slaanesh force, and was super keen to try them out, I said "YES!!!" and got painting!!

Two Large Terrain pieces. 

They're not all THAT large... I guess it's just in relation to the smaller pieces. 

All four pieces of terrain on the spearhead board (Aqshy side!) 

All four pieces of terrain on the spearhead board (Gyran side!) 

Stay tuned for a GAME REPORT of the ensuing action! 

I need to get a second force done and see if I can convince Amanda (or Finnegan?) to play! 

In the rules it suggests there will be different boards for different Mortal Realms available at some point. I wonder if those will be available in a Gaming Pack with a double-sided board, some new terrain bits and cards specific to the new Mortal Realms depicted on the boards...? Or will they come in new started sets with two complete Spearhead forces!? 

I kind of hope it's the former - just board and cards available separately... And hope they call it Death & Shadow and include boards and cards for the realms of Ulgu and Shyish... 

If it HAD to include two Spearhead armies... It could still be Death & Shadow and include boards and cards for the realms of Ulgu and Shyish... along with a Daughters of Khaine army (but, like a DIFFERENT one that the one currently available) and... some Death army that ISN'T Soulblight Gravelords...? I wouldn't mind Flesh-Eater Courts... but it would probably be Nighthaunt or Ossiarch Bonereapers... All at a price significantly lower than the cost of two Spearhead forces on their own... (Spearhead armies are $175CAD, so.... less than $300CAD...? $275?)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 24 July 2024

Well... with the Blissbard Archers done, and with them the Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force... what to do next!? Probably one of the OTHER Spearhead forces I have... and then working each of those up to 1000-point starting Paths to Glory forces. 

So what's on my workbench today, then...? 

First priority are these wall bits so I can play some Spearhead! Two large and two small terrain bits are used in each game. I already finished the small ones, so now I need to finish these off! 

There are a few Hedonites of Slaanesh Heroes that managed to sneak onto the desk while I was working on their Spearhead force... I kind of want to move on to other things.. but these are SO CLOSE to being finished, I kind of also just want to finish them up.. 

Under the category of "Moving On"... a Vampire Count from the Soulblight Gravelords Vanguard/Spearhead box! It also happens to be the model suggested for Carmilla Dusang - one of the Nemeses in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Night Wars

Also dug out some OLDER Vampire Lords to try and finish up... 

You can't used unique/named Heroes in a Paths to Glory force... so I thought I'd get some Generic Vampire Lords ready for that

(Yes, I KNOW these were NAMED characters back in Warhammer Fantasy... But they're Citadel miniatures and I'm not using them AS those characters, so... )

(Of course I could do the same with Carmilla Dusang... or ANY of the Vampire models... buuuuuut....)

And while I'm working on Vampires, I thought it was about time I finished these up... 

While I'm at it, I'll probably sneak a few more things onto the workbench from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. 

Still these Castigatores I was using to test the Anvils of Heldenhammer colours on... 

Mindstealer Shpiranx - the last of Hargax's Pit Beasts - is still on the workbench... It may be here a while, as I don't have a clear idea of HOW i'm going to paint it yet... 

I did start on this Melusai Ironscale... becaue it was too embarrassing to have all these Daughters of Khaine with no paint on them... and I thought if I finished up one of the heroes, it might motivate me to do the rest of the units!!

Three Darkoath Warriors... one being a rather new recruit... These might show up in our Warhammer Quest campaign! I had a funny idea for an encounter involving them. I've had a BUNCH of ideas... I hope we get to play again soon! 

Ugggghhh... this fucking guy... All I really have left to do are the patchwork pants and the shield on his wrist... but I just can't seem to get motivated to GET IT DONE!? (there HAS been SOME work on the pants this last week, though, so that's SOMETHING!) 

Waiting in the wings are... 

The rest of the Soublight Gravelords - just need to pick up some more Green Stuff - to make more flagstone bases - and SKULLS!! 

and this... likewise waiting for green stuff and skulls and time and space to work on them... Tempted as I am to just ASSEMBLE THEM ALL... I kind of just want to focus on the Gravelords until they are done. 

(But I'll probably assemble a few of the Hero models, for funsies!)

What are YOU working on this week!?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh - Blissbard Archers

Here, FINALLY, are the Blissbard Archers, the last unit needed for my Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force!

Blissbard Archers

Not quite done in time for the Spearhead kick off on Sunday... but done none-the-less. I did not love painting these... SO MANY week bits and details and gewgaws on every.... single..... one..... of them...  It was exhausting. Every time I though, "okay, I'm done..." I'd notice something I'd missed on one... but then find the same thing on two others... and then something completely different on another?! and this went on... and on... and ON!?

I almost feel like I need to paint a unit of identical Minifigs Napoleonics to get my mojo back. 


Here is the entire Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force! 


The Blissbard archers are normally units of 11 in regular Age of Sigmar, but for some reason in Spearhead they broken up into a unit of five and a unit of six!? 

Now to work on THE NEXT Spearhead force... or... do I continue on with the Hedonites of Slaanesh, now that I have SOME momentum?!

The entire Hedonites of Slaanesh force, so far... 

I feel like the next thing I work on will be a bit of a mix of the options above... I'll probably start ASSEMBLING some of the other Spearhead forces - Maybe some Heroes from all three (Stormcast, Skaven, and Soulblight Gravelords) - while finishing up a few of the Hedonite things that snuck their way onto the workbench while I was working on the spearhead force - certainly the Infernal Enrapturess and Lord of Paint... maybe Syl'Esske...? I could also finish up a unit of Daemonettes and start assembling the Hellstriders, as finishing those will finish up things I need for 1000 point Paths to Glory forces! 

Currently this entire force could be fielded as...

Regiment (General’s) 

  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon - LEGENDS
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  180 - Daemon, War Machine
  • Unit - The Thricefold Discord (3) 130 - Unique, Daemon, Infantry

Total: 670


  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Blissbarb Archers (10) 140 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 180 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Slaangor Fiendbloods (3) 140 - Sybarite, Infantry

Total: 590


I could add in the Dread Pageant as an "Auxiliary Unit" to make use of ALL the stuff bringing it to 1370... 

If I dropped the Hellflayer and the Threefold Discord (and left out the Dread Pageant), that makes a 950 point force ready for Paths to Glory! 

Given that I have a force here that is ready for Paths to Glory... Yeah, definitely going to start on the next force... (but maybe finish up the Lord of Pain and Infernal Enrapturess that are already on teh workbench and SO CLOSE to being DONE!) 

Age of Sigmar - Small Terrain Bits

These are the first two of the terrain bits that were included with the Skaventide box! There are two larger bits of wall I have yet to finish up... 

Two Small Pieces of Terrain!

These two, along with the other larger two, are all the terrain used in Spearhead. 

Though, I was reading through the Spearhead rules, and I didn't see anything that SPECIFICALLY said it could only be the terrain bits included in the box?! It just said two small pieces and two large pieces.... so... maybe I could use my Warcryer Citadel as one of the LARGE pieces!? There is a comprehensive list of all the Official Warhammer Terrain made over the years in the new Age of Sigmar rules and defines which rules to use with each type. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon

Took a little break from the Hedonites of Slaanesh to finish up this Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon.

Initially I sought out a Fomoroid Crusher because there is a Warhammer Underworlds solo scenario that can be played with one. I noticed that the Fomoroid Crusher was available in a pack with an Ogroid Myrmidon and a Mindstealer Shpyranx (Hargax’s Pit-Beasts), for a little more than just buying two of them on their own! I'd wanted to pick up a Mindstealer Shpyranx since they came out... I was less concerned about the Ogroid Myrmidon... But then, as an added bonus, the addition of the three Pit-Beasts brings the total points of the Slaves to Darkness stuff that I have to just over 2000 points... Absolutely NONE of it has been  painted (save for Khagra's Ravagers... and now THESE), but whatevs... they're there... I'll get to them... 

(I had BIG IDEAS when 3rd Edition came out!? Maybe I'll realize some of those ideas with FOURTH!)

Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon

These are BIG BOIs - that's an old metal Dark Elf mini... 

Fomoroid Crusher

Fomoroid Crusher's back side... Less clear from the front, be was obviously chained to a wall... or, stone pillars...? but pulled/smashed the rock wall/pillar apart and is dragging carrying bits still attached to him by chains and has been using them as weapons to crush foes... 

Ogroid Myrmidon

As I paint things sometimes I make up stories for the miniatures. I've been painting miniatures for WArhammer Quest games recently, including Silver Tower, which contained a Ogroid Thaumaturge... 

Both of which are clearly based on the same base 3-D rendering... because of the similarity I started imagining the two were brothers, but had taken very different paths! The Thaumaturge became a wizard and serves a Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch. The Myrmidon serves a Chaos Lord in a Slaves to Darkness army (with a bit of a lean towards Slaanesh)...

Do they know of each others whereabouts? Do they HATE each other!? Do they attempt to fight to the death on sight!? Were they separated at a very early age and not even aware the other exists!? I don't know... I hadn't sorted that out - just imagined possibilities! 

When will the Mindstealer Sphyranx be finished... that one's going to take a bit longer as I need to figure out what colours to use... I do LOVE the way Louise Sugden painted hers (instagram link)! (I will not be adding WINGS, though!?)