Saturday, January 11, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Daughters of Khaine - Faction Update

The first Age of Sigmar figures I had were two battle boxes. The first was Deamons of Slaanesh versus Daemons of Khorne. I picked it up because both groups could be used in either Warhammer Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40,000. Then I picked up a second which had Hedonites of Slaanesh and Daughters of Khaine. Obviously the Hedonites were to expand the small force of Slaanesh Daemons I already had and I thought it would be fun to have a small force of Daughters of Khaine. I liked the look of the models and thought MAYBE it might be something Amanda could be coaxed to try and play...? She does like the kick-ass ladies! 

More recently I bought ANOTHER Battle Box - Arena of Shades - because it included the units I'd need to make a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead army (without having to BUY a spearhead army!) and it added some fun options to the force... should i EVER get any of the painted!? 

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 


This all the Daughters of Khaine I have done... Not a lot...  

(that's a bit embarrassing!) 


  • Melusai Ironscale 


  • none


  • Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven

Not really enough to field any sort of force in Age of Sigmar... Not sure this would even be enough for a warband in Warcry!?

Still to DO!

This is all the Daughters of Khaine I still have to do!

(Ugggghhh... EVERY time I do this... I realize as I'm placing the photos into the post, there's something missing... this time it's the Shadeborn - a Warhammer Underworlds warband...) 


  • High Gladiatrix (1)


  • Blood Sisters (5) 
  • Blood Stalkers (5) 
  • Khinerai Heartrenders (10) 
  • Witch Aelves (metal!) (10)
  • Witch Aelves (Plastic!) (10)
  • Doomfire Warlocks (5) 


  • The Shadeborn (4)

This force is NOT a huge priority, right now... but I think the first units to be worked on should probably be the Witch Aelves, Blood Stalkers, and Doomfire Warlocks needed to finish up the Spearhead army... and then just work away at finishing up the rest. It's not a LOT!? And maybe if I did I could entice Amanda to try it out... so maybe it SHOULD be more of a priority...!? 

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

could currently be fielded as:

Melusai Ironscale General's Regiment

  • Hero - Melusai Ironscale (1) 160 - Any Khinerai, Any Melusai
  • Unit - Blood Sisters (5) 140 - Melusai, Infantry
  • Unit - Blood Stalkers (5) 140 - Melusai, Infantry
  • Unit -  Khinerai Heartrenders (5) 100 - Khinerai, Infantry
  • Unit - Khinerai Heartrenders (5) 100 - Khinerai, Infantry

High Gladiatrix's Regiment

  • Hero - High Gladiatrix (1) 100 - Any Aelf
  • Unit - Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (10) 110 - Aelf, Infantry
  • Unit - Witch Aelves with Paired Sciansá (10) 110 - Aelf, Infantry
  • Unit - Doomfire Warlocks (5)  150 - Aelf, Cavalry

Total: 1110

Huh... That kind of works out to be just enough for a starting Path to Glory army! If I dropped the metal Witch Aelves and just used plastic stuff, I'd have exactly 1000 points! 

I could add in one of the Warhammer Underworlds units... Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven are 120 points and the Shadeborn are 80... They could be the first additions in a Path to Glory campaign. After that, I'd need another Hero to form a third Regiment (or combine the existing units of Heartrenders and add more Melusai or Khinerai to the Melusai Ironscale's Regiment?) 

Still to Get!?

I don't really feel any urge at all to add anything to this force... 

There's a small part of me that would like to pick up Gryselle’s Arenai - just because - but more to try it out as a Warhammer Underworlds unit. 

I think the ONLY way I would ever add anything else to this force was IF Amanda ever got playing this... AND wanted to do something beyond smaller Path to Glory games... As cool as the Daughters of Khaine are, I have TOO MANY OTHER armies I'd also really like to play... and have larger forces and more options already (though lots still need to be painted)!? 

The model of Morathi, the High Oracle of Khaine, the Shadow Queen and Grand Matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine, is pretty cool... but, honestly, I'd rather get a Keeper of Secrets (Greater Daemon of Slaanesh) before I picked up that big beastie... or... ANY of the Greater Daemons of Chaos!? (or another Treelord.. or...). 

Krethusa the Croneseer is also a pretty interesting model... maybe I'd get that before Morathi... (I guess it would depend on which way Amanda wanted to go with the army. 

If anything were to be added, probably a Bloodwrack Shrine/Cauldron of Blood would be the first to be added. It can be built in three different ways and is the ONLY way to get THREE of the Heroes that can be used to lead Regiments in the army (Bloodwrack Medusa, Hag Queen, and Slaughter Queen!?) and the only way to get an Avatar of Khaine! 

Faction Updates Still to Do!

So that's Faction Updates for Nighthaunts,  Blades of Khorne,  Stormcast Eternals, Soublight Gravelords, and Sylvaneth that I've done so far... I still have Slaves to Darkness and Hedonites of Slaanesh, Skaven, and Disciples of Tzeentch to do... Most of those have a LOT of stuff still on the sprue, that I'm just not going to get to assembling right away. Do I do updates with piles of sprues in the background...? Do I do a push to get EVERYTHING ASSEMBLED?! (not sure that's going to work out for the Hedonites of Slaanesh Chariots (as I think some parts would be best assembled BEFORE final assembly...) 

Maybe I'll do one or two for 40K forces that I might get to this year...?

Or maybe not... probably best just to STAY FOCUSED and ride the Age of Sigmar wave and avoid distractions!!

Age of Sigmar - Path to Glory - The Ruined Settlement

A sweltering hot breeze whislted through the ancient ruins strewn across the blasted landscape of Aqshy. The only other sounds to be heard were the muffled sounds of armour clattering as the Bloodbound crossed through the rubble of long-forgotten town. The Daemonic Hounds that sniffed out their quarry padded across the debris in utter silence. The Dead that waited for them were utterly silent... 

Slaughterpriest Bob Bloodblob had bound the Daemon Karanak, Hound of Vengeance, and it's horde of Flesh Hounds and commanded them to seek out the Vampire that has brought ruin to his brother Slaughterpriest... 

The hounds had led them to the Isle of Morn, where Duchess Mircalla, Vampire Lord, laid in wait to teach another brash band of Khorne worshippers it is dangerous to trespass in the lands of the Soulblights... 

This past Thursday, Orion and I got together to play some Age of Sigmar. We played a 1000-Point Paths to Glory battle. 


Bob Bloodblob's Bloodbound Brotherhood of Blood

Slaughterpriest General's Regiment 

  • Hero- Bob Bloodblob - Slaughterpriest - 5 Renown - Level One
  • Unit - The Bloody Crushers of Skulls - Mighty Skullcrushers
  • Unit -  The Bloody Reavers of Blood - Bloodreavers
  • Unit - Garrek's Reavers

Karanak's Regiment

  • Hero- Karanak, Hound of Vengeance! 
  • Unit -  The Best Boys - Flesh Hounds
  • Unit -  The Goodest Boys - Flesh Hounds
  • Unit -  The Stink Paws - Flesh Hounds

(Okay... the name is a bit wrong... it's NOT all Bloodbound... but afterwards I got to thinking I should probably ditch Karanak and the Flesh Hounds and focus on just mortal Bloodbound forces...) 

Duchess Mircalla's Soulblight Force 

Vampire Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero- Duchess Mircalla - Vampire Lord
  • Unit - Isolbella's Riders of the Red Dragon - Blood Knights
  • Unit -  The Nulahmian Guard - Grave Guard
  • Unit -  The Curse Born - Vargheists

Necromancer's Regiment

  • Hero -  Zondara the Tragic - Necromancer
  • Unit -  The Dessicated Legion - Deathrattle Skellies


Blades of Khorne forces arrayed against the Soulblight Gravelords. 

We played the Ruined Settlement scenario. Points were gained for controlling each of the five objectives at the end of each players turns. 

I went first. 

Orion spent a command point and summoned the Purple Sun of Shyish endless spell... 

Teh Hordes of Flesh Hounds and the Mighty Skullcrushers charged forward and clashed into the line of the Gravelords. 

Karanak and one of the units of Flesh Hounds didn't quite make it into contact with anyone... but they held an objective for a round. 

The Mighty Skullcrushers and one unit Flesh Hounds had utterly destroyed the Deathrattle Skeletons they'd charged. 

The Purple Sun of Shyish was banished (though a little out of sequence as we forgot a LOT of rules... In my defence, I have not played since the beginning of October, and I've never played these Khorne forces... other than that one game of Spearhead... and those rules are a bit different! 

On Orion's turn, one of her wizards summoned a Suffocating Gravetide and the other one cast a spell on my Bloodreavers and dealt some damage! This angered Bob Bloodblob as those Bloodreavers were there for HIM to sacrifice! 

The Vargheists flew up and dropped down on one of the objective locations to hold steal that away from me... 

The Suffocating Gravetide chased after Some of those Flesh Hounds... and wiped them out! The Grave Guard would charge the remaining Mighty Skullcrushers. 

At the beginning of Round Two, Orion won the roll-off and decided to go first, effectively having two turns in a row! This is a whole thing in Age of Sigmar - each round you roll to decide who goes first... if you went second in the previous round, you can potentially go first in the second round and have two turns in a row. In Spearhead and Matched Play (like, at tournaments and other competitive events) CHOOSING to take a double turn had CONSEQUENCES (like you don't get to draw new cards and other things..). In Narrative Play...? Like Paths of Glory...? Not-so-much... 

So the Vargheists charged Garrek's Reavers AND the remaining Mighty Skullcrusher.

Half of the unit of Deathrattle Skeletons had been brought back at the end of the first round and seized an objective and charged a unit of Flesh Hounds - with the aid of the Suffocating Gravetide... which also went after Karanak... 

Garrek's Revers were wiped out and the last of the Mighty Skullcrushers was laid low... the Bloodknights finished off the Flesh Hounds that had been stalling them... 

Things were looking BLEAK... 

At the beginning of my second turn... HALF of my units were destroyed. Of the remaining ones, half were seriously damaged - the Bloodreavers had lost four (of ten) and the remaining unit of Flesh Hounds were down to two (of five)... 

The Soulblight Gravelords...? ALL of their units were still on the table. The Vargheists had lost one of their number, as did the Bloodknights... The Deathrattle skeletons, which had been wiped out in the first turn... were back at 50%... and there was one active endless spell and a second would likely be summoned on Orion's next turn... 


So at the beginning of their second turn, the rest of the Bloodbound scampered away... 

I guess I could have played it out (which might have been more in-character for the Blades of Khorne...), but the writing was on the wall, and I was tired (not having slept nearly enough the night before and then rode out to the Warhammer Store) and I know I'd made a lot of mistakes - both tactically, and just playing the game wrong, forgetting rules of how things worked... 

It was good to play the game and get some practice (and afterwards I went home and re-read the rules, looking for specific things I wasn't clear about and have a much better idea of how things work... will I REMEMBER any of them the next time I play...? Who knows... 

We did go through the post game sequence and units gained Renown and the armies gained Glory and I think Orion finished her current Quest (gain more spells?). Orion had also, finally, gained enough Glory to add a new unit to her force - a Vengorian Lord!!

I think I'll just abandon this force, for now, and try something different next time... 

This is the Suffocating Gravetide - it is the same Endless Spell the Heroes are fleeing from in games of Warhammer Quest! It's a pretty rad model and looks much more ominous that the small cardboard counter that represents it in Warhammer Quest!! 

(I might need to get one!) 

Hoe did I end up bringing out the Blades of Khorne?!  

(After spending all that time fussing over which army to play... deciding on Hedonites of Slaanesh... then changing my mind and deciding on focusing on Slave to Darkness to finish up enough to play... then reconsidering Soulblight Gravelords...?)

Slaanesh still would have made the most sense to play - because I actually HAVE Endless Spells for that faction... and they make a BIG DIFFERENCE - it's basically a free unit that you can just keep summoning back every turn if you need to! But the Hedonites are just so hard to transport without breaking stuff... 

I do have endless spells for the Slaves to Darkness... but did not thing I had nearly enough stuff painted (though I realized later I was somehow completely forgetting that I had a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount and was much closer to having 1000 points than I'd initially thought!).

I had also SERIOUSLY considered taking Soulblight Gravelords for funsies - have a little undead on undead violence... but again, breaky skeletons and it would have mostly been Vampires heroes and monsters and ONE unit of skeleton infantry... 

After the game I was thinking of reorganizing the Blades of Khorne and dropping Karanak and the Flesh Hounds and trying to finish up the Mighty Lord of Khorne and maybe a Bloodsecrator and bringing in a unit of Blood Warriors...? But after I realized I was close to having enough for a Slaves to Darkness, I think I'll focus on getting that ready for the next time I play! (even though it's going to be a force with a lot of big monsters... which seems a bit silly to me...)  

Friday, January 10, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Soulblight Gravelords - Faction Update

I kind of stumbled into a Soulblight Gravelords army by buying Warhammer Quest: Cursed City... which basically includes 1090 points of Soulblight Gravelords!? Another 700 points were acquired through Warhammer Underworlds warbands... and that's pretty close to 200 points - the amount used in most big games!? 

Also, Vampires and undead are cool... and... of the Age of Sigmar factions, a lot of these are generic enough that they could be used in so many other games and hostile encounters in role-playing games... 

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 


These are all the Soulblight Gravelords I have done. Pretty much mostly stuff for Warhammer Quest Cursed City or Warhammer Underworlds. 


  • Cado Ezechiar, the Hollow King (1) 150 
  • Gorslav the Gravekeeper (1) 120
  • Kritza, the Rat Prince (1) 70 
  • Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade (1) 130
  • Necromancer (1) 140
  • Radukar the Wolf (1) 150
  • Carmilla Du Sang, Vampire Lord (1) 160
  • Vlad Von Carstien, Vampire Lord (1) 160
  • Isabella Von Carstien, Vampire Lord (1) 160
  • Watch Captain Halgrim (1) 110
  • Wight King (1) 100 


  • Deadwalker Zombies (10) * not a complete unit!
  • Deathrattle Skeletons (10) 100
  • Kosargi Nightguard (2) 120
  • Vargskyr (1) 160
  • Vyrkos Blood-born (3) 150


  • The Sepulchral Guard (7)  110
  • The Sons of Velmorn (5)  130
  • Zondara’s Gravebreakers (5)  120

This all could currently be fielded as:

Radukar the General's Regiment

  • Hero - Radukar the Wolf (1) 150
  • Vyrkos Retainer - Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade (1) 130
  • Unit - Kosargi Nightguard (2) 120
  • Unit - Vargskyr (1) 160
  • Unit - Vyrkos Blood-born (3) 150

Watch Captain Halgrim's Regiment

  • Hero - Watch Captain Halgrim (1) 110
  • Unit - Deathrattle Skeletons (10) 100
  • Unit - The Sons of Velmorn (5)  130
  • Unit - The Sepulchral Guard (7)  110

Gorslav the Gravekeeper's Regiment

  • Hero - Gorslav the Gravekeeper (1) 120
  • Unit - Zondara’s Gravebreakers (5)  120

Total: 1390 points

I have WAY TOO MANY Heroes, at this point... like 1450 points of just heroes. I an only field, at most 5-6 at most (unless I want to start fielding them as "Auxiliary Units" which is not great...). Radukar the Wolf can take one of the other heroes as a Vyrkos Retainer, and the rest either need to be commanding their own Regiment or deployed as an Auxiliary. It's a bit ridiculous... 

Still to DO!

This is all the Soulblight Gravelords I still have to do


  • Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia 
  • Torgillius the Chamberlain
  • Vampire Lord
  • Vampire Lord
  • Wight King on Skeletal Steed

(I just realized the last three in this list are missing from the picture... The Wight King on Skeletal Steed is broken and in need of serious repair... the two additional Vampire Lords are additional copies of Vlad and Isabella Von Carstien... but being painted in slightly different colours and on 40mm bases!? the base size for a Vampire Lord, these days, it seems...) 


  • Dire Wolves (10) 
  • Fell Bats (3) 
  • Vargheists (3) 
  • Blood Knights (5) 
  • Deathrattle Skeletons (20) 
  • Deadwalker Zombies (10) 


  • The Crimson Court (4)
  • The Exiled Dead (7)

What's the priority? Where will I start!? I don't know... I feel like setting up a production line of Skeletons might be a good idea. They should be relatively quick and easy to paint and knocking them all off is a good chunk of the TO DO pile and thus will be a good morale booster!

After that...? Maybe the Dire Wolves, mostly for the same reasons.  

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I will have...


  • Cado Ezechiar, the Hollow King (1) 150 - Any Soulblight Gravelords 
  • Gorslav the Gravekeeper (1) 120 - Any Deadwalkers - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Vyrkos Retainer
  • Kritza, the Rat Prince (1) 70 - Any Soulblight Gravelords - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Vyrkos Retainer
  • Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade (1) 130 - Any Soulblight Gravelords - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Vyrkos Retainer
  • Necromancer (1) 140 - Any Soulblight Gravelords
  • Radukar the Wolf (1) 150 - 0-1 Vyrkos Retainer, Any Soulblight Gravelords 
  • Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia (1) 210 - Any Soulblight Gravelords
  • Torgillius the Chamberlain (1) 180 - Any Soulblight Gravelords - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Vyrkos Retainer
  • Carmilla Du Sang, Vampire Lord (1) 160 - Any Soulblight Gravelords
  • Vlad von Carstien, Vampire Lord (1) 160 - Any Soulblight Gravelords
  • Isabella von Carstien, Vampire Lord (1) 160 - Any Soulblight Gravelords
  • Watch Captain Halgrim (1) 110 - Any Deathrattle 
  • Wight King (1) 100 - Any Deathrattle
  • Wight King on Skeletal Steed 1 140 Any Deathrattle

Total: 1980!?


  • Blood Knights (5) 230 - Cavalry
  • Deathrattle Skeletons (10) 100 - Deathrattle, Infantry
  • Deathrattle Skeletons (10) 100 - Deathrattle, Infantry
  • Deathrattle Skeletons (10) 100 - Deathrattle, Infantry
  • Deadwalker Zombies (20) 150 - Deadwalkers, Infantry
  • Dire Wolves (10) 140 - Deadwalkers, Beast
  • Fell Bats (3)  100 - Deadwalkers, Beast
  • Kosargi Nightguard (2) 120 - Deadwalkers, Infantry
  • Vargheists (3) 130 - Infantry
  • Vargskyr (1) 160 - Beast
  • Vyrkos Blood-born (3)  150 - Infantry

Total: 1480


  • The Crimson Court (4) 210 - Unique, Infantry
  • The Exiled Dead (7) 140 - Unique, Deadwalkers, Infantry
  • The Sepulchral Guard (7) 110 - Unique, Deathrattle, Infantry
  • The Sons of Velmorn (5)  130 _ Unique, Deathrattle, Infantry
  • Zondara’s Gravebreakers - (5) 120 - Unique, Deadwalkers, Infantry

Total: 710

ARMY TOTAL: 4170!?

Yikes! That is a LOT of undead!? That's enough to field TWO full-size armies!?

There are so many options and permutations, I'm not even going to imagine HOW I might field that!? 

Still to Get!?

Honestly, I do NOT need another damned thing for this army... 

Does that mean I wouldn't add to it at some point? Heck, no. 

I will, at some point this year, be picking up Radukar the Beast - it is a required (okay... suggested) model for the Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Night Wars expansion. I probably won't pick him and start painting them until we actually get close to finishing the quest in the Warhammer Quest: Cursed City core box! 

Also some Endless Spells from the Malign Portents box would be very handy... will that be a this year thing or a maybe next year thing remains to be seen... 

What's absolutely stupid, though, is, at SOME point, I'd totally add is MORE HEROES!? There are a number of Vampires in the line that I love the look of and, at SOME point, could see myself picking up and painting for funsies... Ivya Volga for sure, possibly Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos... Maybe even a Vengorian Lord and/or Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares...? Possibly Prince Vhordra, or the more generic Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon...? A zombie dragon on it's own or a Terrorgheist? Maybe even Neferata, Mortarch of Blood and/or Mannfred, Mortarch of Night!? There are just so many very cool looking models... (I don't care for Nagash, though or the Mortis Engine or Corpse Cart or Coven Thronw...) 

Not of that is likely to happen this year, though. I really want to get THE STUFF I ALREADY HAVE done and a bunch of stuff for my other armies... so... 

Faction Updates Still to Do!

So that's Faction Updates for Nighthaunts,  Blades of Khorne,  Stormcast Eternals, and Sylvaneth that I've done so far... I still have Slaves to Darkness and Hedonites of Slaanesh, Skaven, Daughters of Khaine, and Disciples of Tzeentch to do... 

With all the ones I've done so far, I've had all the miniatures at least assembled. I've been gluing my fingers together for the last week trying to get all these Skeletons and Vampires finished. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that for the rest... 

I haven't assembled hardly any of the plastic Skaven from Skaventide. There are SO MANY Slaves to Darkness to assemble. I think everything for the Hedonites of Slaanesh are assembled... except for a few bigger models that are probably best left unassembled because it will be easier to paint sub-assemblies before fully assembling them... 

I have small elements of other factions; Cities of Sigmar, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Lumineth Realmlords, Kharadron Overlords, etc... Some are JUST Warhammer Underworlds Warbands, others just a handful of miniatures. Others, not one thing is assembled or painted... I probably won't do updates for those... 

OTHER Faction Updates? I've been considering doing some for some 40K forces - at least the Aeldari and maybe the Imperial Guard (or... SOME of the Imperial Guard) and my Chaos Space Marines - Emperor's Children...? Since the new Guard Codex will likely be out soon-ish, and I'll probably pick it up, maybe I'll wait until I get that... the aeldari wouldn't be too hard. How much is going to change with THAT Codex!? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Talisman(!?): The Minstrel and The Pilgrim

These are two old Citadel Minatures Talisman figures. I've had them since the late80s/early 90s. They may have been painted before, but then stripped about a decade ago when I decided to strip and reapaint most of the miniatures I had from that period. Or, like many other from that period, I may have never gotten around to finishing them and they were only ever half-painted. Regardless, they are painted (or possibly repainted) now! 

The Minstrel and The Pilgrim

I've painted these now to use as passengers on the Grungi's Face, the airship the Heroes in my in-person Soulbound campaign have been flying to Brightspear on. As with the Arkanaut company, they are finished a week late for the first major encounter.. Ah, well... They will be there for the rest of the adventure... unless they die.. Which would be sad, as I've imagined entire characters for them now and hoped they might pop in and out of the campaign as recurring NPCs! 

I have to admit, I only ever played Talisman once, and I was not a fan... I never bought these (or any of the other Talisman figures I bought around that time) with the intention of using them in Talisman. They were just interesting characters that I thought might be useful in games - especially role-playing or skirmish games!

Age of Sigmar - Arkanaut Company

I picked up an Arkanaut Company on boxing day for use in Soulbound. The first adventure involves flying and a Kharadron skyvessel from Hammerhal to Brightspear and along the way the fleet is beset by a massive horde of Tzeentch Daemons and Tzaangor... Ideally the Soulbound party saves some of the crew and ideally they become recurring NPCs thereafter... 

Arkanaut Company

The Arkanaut Company are the basic crew of the Skyvessels of the Kharadron overlords. 

Am I about to start on a Kharadron Overlord force for Age of Sigmar?


This is probably the faction that is the least interesting to me. I don't hate them, or even dislike them... I'm just... ambivalent towards steampunk dwarves in this setting... 

I was also hoping to get a bunch of Squigs and Grots done for this evening's game... but that just didn't happen... I figured rather than worry about doing all the encounters in this initial adventures exactly as they are in the book, I could just sub out the Grots and Squigs for something I have that's already painted!?

Monday, January 6, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Sylvaneth - Faction Update

The Sylvaneth are a relatively new faction, to me. The newest, in fact! Other than the Warhammer Underworlds warbands, I didn't own any until this past fall!

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 


These are all the [faction] I have done. 


  • Treelord 
  • Branchwych 


  • Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 
  • Spite-Revenants (5)
  • Tree-Revenants (5)


  • Ylthari's Guardians (4) 

(there are also three Dryands lurking in the back of a few photos. I've had them for over a decade, back when they were the lastest addition to the Wood Elves of The Old World, which I'd gotten in trade for some of my 15mm Fantasy minitures! I don't have nearly enough for a unit, so, they aren't really mentioned in the plans... but they're there!) 

These can currently be fielded as:

Treelord General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points 
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (5) 110 points

Total: 680

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points 
  • Unit - Ylthari's Guardians (4) 140 points 

Total: 260

Army Total: 940

Enough to field as a starting Path to Glory force! 

Still to DO!

This is all the [faction] I still have to do


  • Tree-Revenants (5) 
  • Spite-Revenants (5)
  • Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5)

Faction Terrain 

  • Awakened Wyldwood (3) 

So very few! This is why I'd like to make this a priority this month and FINISH THEM OFF and be DONE with them! (for now...) 

(it's occurred to me that I failed to include Skaeth's Wild Hunt in this and the picktures below... Ah well... the're kind of weird looking and I probably woulnd't ever make use of them anyway...) 

When it's ALL DONE!

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

Treelord General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points - Any Sylvaneth
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points - Kurnothi, Infantry
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (10) 220 points -  Infantry
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (10) 220 points - Infantry

Total: 900

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points - Any Infantry
  • Unit - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5) 90 points - Unique, Infantry
  • Unit - Ylthari's Guardians (4) 140 ponts - Unique, Infantry

Total: 350

Army Total: 1250

Also, when all these are done, I would potentially be able to field The Lost-Song Spirits Regiment of Renown - Which can be included in a number of Grand Alliance Death armies (including Nighthaunts and Soulblight Gravelords!) 

The Lost-Song Spirits Regiment of Renown

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points 
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points 

Total: 480 points

I think this would be super fun to include in a Soulblight Gravelords army... should I ever be fielding a full-sized 2000 point army!? 

Still to Get!? 

Not going to lie, I'd love to expand this force... at SOME point... 

First I'd like to get the Sylvaneth Endless Spells! 

Someday... I don't know... 

Other Treelords? There are two other types of Treelords 

There are loads of other units, some of which look pretty cool. I could see myself picking some up to assemble and paint... Very likely NOT going to be this year, though... but maybe someday! 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals - Faction Update

As with the Blades of Khorne, I'm not posting this Faction Update because these are any sort of priority, it's because there aren't a LOT Of them and they're ALL assembled and in, more or less, one place 

There is one odd thing, in that this is really TWO forces... there are elements from two separate Stormhosts... and multiple Chambers... it gets a bit messy... 

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 

Hammers of Sigmar

The Hammers of Sigmar is the bog standard Stormhost (much like Ultramarines) a LOT of the background fluff written has involved the Hammers of Sigmar and ALL of the Stormcast Eternal Warhammer Underworlds warbands have come from the Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost...

All of my Hammers of Sigmar Stormcast eternals are simply ALL THE WARHAMMER UNDERWORLDS WARBANDS!?


These are all the Hammers of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals I have done. 

All Warhammer Underworlds warbands and Valius, the Keeper Aqshian, pilfered from the Saviours of Cinderfall box. 

I'm not entirely sure I can even cobble these togeher into a useable force in Age of Sigmar anymore. I could in 3rd edition... But now..? I'm not sure what Valius, the Keeper Aqshian would count as...? Lord-Castellant? Lord-Celestant? Even if he WAS one of these, that would mean he could include four units from the Warrior chamber in his regiment... except that... While Steelheart’s Champions and Xandire’s Truthseekers are from the Warrior Chamber... Stormsire’s Cursebreakers, the Castigators and Ironsoul's Condemnors are from the Sacrosanct Chamber, and The Emberwatch are from the Vanguard Chamber, neither of which could be included in his regiment...

I might have to just know that these are for Warhammer Underworlds and role-playing games only... 


  • Valius, the Keeper Aqshian...? 


  • Castigators (3) 110 - Sacrosanct Chamber


  • Steelheart’s Champions (3) 110 - Unique, Warrior Chamber, Infantry
  • Stormsire’s Cursebreakers (3) 130 - Unique, Sacrosanct Chamber, Infantry
  • Xandire’s Truthseekers (3)  130 - Unique, Warrior Chamber, Infantry

Ironsoul's Condemnors isn't even listed in Legends!? They are Sequitors, but you need five of them to field a unit... I guess they're just Warhammer Underworlds warbands now... or useable in Warcry or Soulbound or other games... 

Still to DO!

On the plus side, I don't have a lot to do for these... Just two Warhammer Underworlds Warbands; the Emberwatch and Domitan's Stormcoven (which, in Age of Sigmar, isn't even a Legends unit, it's just called "Stormcoven") 


  • Stormcoven (3) 210 Warrior Chamber


  • The Emberwatch (3)  140 - Unique, Vanguard Chamber, Infantry

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

Yeah... I don't even know how I could organize these for use in Age of Sigmar anymore... and that's okay, I guess... 

Anvils of Heldenhammer

The "real" Stormcast Eternals force I have for Age of Sigmar will be from the Anvils of Heldenhammer Stormhost! They have black and gold armour and wear red capes. Elements of thsie stormhost are present in Aqshy and have a stormkeep in Anvilgard - where a large part of the Shadows in the Mist campaign for Soulbound takes place!  


Well... this is all I have painted for the Anvils of Heldenhammer... One Knight Questor... I got a lot to do!!

Still to DO!

This is all the [faction] I still have to do

[another list]


  • Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (1) 180 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Lord-Terminos (1) 150 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Lord-Veritant (1) 120 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Knight-Questor (1) 120 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber - can be included as Stormcast Exemplar
  • Lord-Imperatant (1) 140 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, 0-1 Gryph-hounds, Any Warrior Chamber


  • Castigators (3) 110 - Sacrosanct Chamber
  • Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber
  • Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber
  • Praetors (3) 150 -  Warrior Chamber
  • Vindictors (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber
  • Reclusians (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber
  • Prosecutors (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber


  • Steelheart’s Champions (3) 110 - Unique, Warrior Chamber, Infantry

Steelheart's, though, are a named unit from the Hammers of Sigmar... so I thought I might use Steelheart as a Knight-Questor and the two others as bonus/alternative Liberator miniatures...? Or maybe they'll just be used in role-playing games as well... 

The Castigators might also only see use in skirmish games or role-playing games... as I have no one that can lead troops from the Sacrosanct Chamber!?

If I don't really consider Steelheart or the castigators, that's 31 Miniatures... surely I could get these done in a few weeks, if I set my mind to it! Maybe a month...? But that's not going to be THIS month... 

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

Lord-Vigilant General's Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (1) 180 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Stormcast Exemplar - Knight-Questor (1) 120
  • Unit - Prosecutors (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber
  • Unit - Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber

Lord-Terminos' Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Terminos (1) 150 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Stormcast Exemplar - Knight-Questor (1) 120 (Steelheart Miniature!) 
  • Unit - Reclusians (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber

Lord-Veritant's Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Veritant (1) 120 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Unit - Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber

Lord-Imperatant Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Imperatant (1) 140 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, 0-1 Gryph-hounds, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Unit - Gryph-hound
  • Unit - Praetors (3) 150 -  Warrior Chamber
  • Unit - Vindictors (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber

Total: 1560 points

Well, when I'm done I'll have another Spearhead army, a force that can be used in a 1000-1500 point game, and LOTS of options for allies and encounters in the role-playing game... 

Bringing the Stormhosts Together!

You know, sometimes, in times of crisis, multiple Stormhosts are brought togehter... what would THAT all look like, if I had them all done...

Both Stormhosts... 

fielding them gets even messier!? Let's maybe just think of it as lots of potential ally encounters for the role-playing game... 

Stuff to GET!?

I really, REALLY don't think I'll NEED to get anything for these... ever... Certainly not this year...