Age of Sigmar - Hedonites of Slaanesh

 A few years back I got it in my head that I should build some purely Daemon forces for Warhammer, for a number of reasons... Primarily Daemon forces can be used in BOTH Warhammer 40,000 AND Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!  I wasn't really playing Age of Sigmar at the time, but thought this would be a way to get into the game while still building a new force for 40K. 

Other reasons included the fact that I don't love playing "blue on blue" - facing Space marines with my Imperial Guard forces (and there are just SO MANY marine players out there...). Daemons will fight ANYONE - including each other!? 

I also like role-playing - or building narratives in minature games and playing "the bad guys" feels a little like being GM for other players. And I could potentially use the miniatures in actual role-playing games. For 40K there is Wrath & Glory and a Daemonic incursion is a thing that could happen to a party that's built around an Inquisitor - especially an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus! 

I started with Wrath & Rapture Battle Box - which included both Slaanesh and Khorne models. They could be used to fight each other - or could, in theory, be included in the same Daemon force in 40K!? 

Later there was Shadow & Pain Battle Box which included MORE Daemons of Slaanesh and some Daughters of Khaine (which, at the time, I was thinking I might put together as a small force for Amanda to play...? or just a second small force to play in Age of Sigmar for myself...?) 

I also picked up a START PLAYING box for Daemons of Slaanesh. A few other things I've picked up along the way - some were even from locals that had bought them for an army of their own but then didn't get around to finish building. 

Initially I based all of these on 40K specific bases ("Sector Imperialis" bases) , for some reason...?! But as I started using them in Age of Sigmar games, I thought they looked really out of place, and I decided to rebase them onto more generic rubble bases that could look at home in either setting.

Also initially, I thought I'd be able to knock all of these out SUPER fast using Contrast® paints from Games Workshop. While the Daemons of Khorne turned out okay with that.. I was less enthralled with the look on a lot of these.... But will probably stick to the scheme for the rest of the Daemonettes... 

 A few years back I got it in my head that I should build some purely Daemon forces for Warhammer, for a number of reasons... Primarily Daemon forces can be used in BOTH Warhammer 40,000 AND Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!  I wasn't really playing Age of Sigmar at the time, but thought this would be a way to get into the game while still building a new force for 40K. 

Other reasons included the fact that I don't love playing "blue on blue" - facing Space marines with my Imperial Guard forces (and there are just SO MANY marine players out there...). Daemons will fight ANYONE - including each other!? 

I also like role-playing - or building narratives in minature games and playing "the bad guys" feels a little like being GM for other players. And I could potentially use the miniatures in actual role-playing games. For 40K there is Wrath & Glory and a Daemonic incursion is a thing that could happen to a party that's built around an Inquisitor - especially an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus! 

I started with Wrath & Rapture Battle Box - which included both Slaanesh and Khorne models. They could be used to fight each other - or could, in theory, be included in the same Daemon force in 40K!? 

Later there was Shadow & Pain Battle Box which included MORE Daemons of Slaanesh and some Daughters of Khaine (which, at the time, I was thinking I might put together as a small force for Amanda to play...? or just a second small force to play in Age of Sigmar for myself...?) 

I also picked up a START PLAYING box for Daemons of Slaanesh. A few other things I've picked up along the way - some were even from locals that had bought them for an army of their own but then didn't get around to finish building. 

Initially I based all of these on 40K specific bases ("Sector Imperialis" bases) , for some reason...?! But as I started using them in Age of Sigmar games, I thought they looked really out of place, and I decided to rebase them onto more generic rubble bases that could look at home in either setting.

Also initially, I thought I'd be able to knock all of these out SUPER fast using Contrast® paints from Games Workshop. While the Daemons of Khorne turned out okay with that.. I was less enthralled with the look on a lot of these.... But will probably stick to the scheme for the rest of the Daemonettes... 

A few years back I got it in my head that I should build some purely Daemon forces for Warhammer, for a number of reasons... Primarily Daemon forces can be used in BOTH Warhammer 40,000 AND Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!  I wasn't really playing Age of Sigmar at the time, but thought this would be a way to get into the game while still building a new force for 40K. 

Other reasons included the fact that I don't love playing "blue on blue" - facing Space marines with my Imperial Guard forces (and there are just SO MANY marine players out there...). Daemons will fight ANYONE - including each other!? 

I also like role-playing - or building narratives in minature games and playing "the bad guys" feels a little like being GM for other players. And I could potentially use the miniatures in actual role-playing games. For 40K there is Wrath & Glory and a Daemonic incursion is a thing that could happen to a party that's built around an Inquisitor - especially an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus! 

I started with Wrath & Rapture Battle Box - which included both Slaanesh and Khorne models. They could be used to fight each other - or could, in theory, be included in the same Daemon force in 40K!? 

Later there was Shadow & Pain Battle Box which included MORE Daemons of Slaanesh and some Daughters of Khaine (which, at the time, I was thinking I might put together as a small force for Amanda to play...? or just a second small force to play in Age of Sigmar for myself...?) 

I also picked up a START PLAYING box for Daemons of Slaanesh. A few other things I've picked up along the way - some were even from locals that had bought them for an army of their own but then didn't get around to finish building. 

Initially I based all of these on 40K specific bases ("Sector Imperialis" bases) , for some reason...?! But as I started using them in Age of Sigmar games, I thought they looked really out of place, and I decided to rebase them onto more generic rubble bases that could look at home in either setting.

Also initially, I thought I'd be able to knock all of these out SUPER fast using Contrast® paints from Games Workshop. While the Daemons of Khorne turned out okay with that.. I was less enthralled with the look on a lot of these.... But will probably stick to the scheme for the rest of the Daemonettes... 


Most of the Hedonites of Slaanesh, so far! 

(Haven't updates since painting Blissbard Archers... missing Infernal Enrapturess)



Howlthrob the Quivering Doom Snare (Aogzemmp'ptzhoe)

In Age of Sigmar, this is a Viceleader. Viceleaders have been moved into "Legends" - meaning the miniatures are no longer available, but because they WERE available in the last edition and some people still have them in their armies, they've included stats for them under "Legends" so they can be used in your games "for funsies" but are not allowed in competitive play (which I don't give a flying fuck about, so...) 

Infernal Enrapturess - Thundrastark Bassweaver the Delightfoul Songstrix (Eakatrashes'Zoieng)

If you speak her true daemon name six times, really fast, she will burst into a cloud of cartoonish colourful notes an slowly float back to the Realms of Chaos, where she will recongeal and play incredibly long, slow goth-metal ballads and cry for a century or two... before returning with new, more devastating discordant melodies to destroy the minds of mortals...  


Shardspeaker of Slaanesh

The first of the units from the Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard box and the leader of my Spearhead force. The Shardspeaker of Slaanesh is a wizard. 



The Luxurious Lavendrines - Daemonettes

Viridians of Vice - Daemonettes

Seekers of Sin - Seekers

Hellflayer (they don't have a fancy name yet... ideas...?) 

The Thricefold Discord 

Also a warband from Warhammer Underworlds. 

Fiend - a solitary old metal Fiend... Not really useful in this day and age where everything comes in units of set sizes... unless I could find TWO MORE!? (They're also considerable smaller than the current Fiends)

Maybe I'll use it in a role-playing game sometime. 


Slaangor Bloodfiends - yeah, they kind of LOOK like Daemons... but they are sybarites...? 

Slickblade Seekers - Sybarites riding daemonic mounts!?

Blissbard Archers

The Dread Pageant

One of the first Warhammer Underworlds warbands I aqcuired and painted. They came in the Direchasm box which was just released when I started playing Warhammer Underworlds. They are a playable unit in Age of Sigmar and there are stats for using them in Warcry. 

These, along with the Thricefold Discord below, have recently passed into "Legends" in the new 4th Edition of the rules - meaning you can still use it in games for funsies, but not in competitive play.


I have a LOT of stuff still to do...

  • 1x Syll'Esske
  • 1x Exalted Seeker Chariot
  • 3x Fiends 
  • 40x Daemonettes
  • 10x Seekers
  • 1x Hellflayer
  • 1x Lord of Pain 
  • 10x Hellstriders 

The priority is to finish up the units necessary for a Speardhead Force (5x Slickblade Seekers, 11x Blissbarb Archers) 

After that...? Finishing up anything needed for a 1000-point Paths to Glory campaign! (So, either 10 more Daemonettes, or 10 Hellstriders - and the Lord of Pain) 


The Plan for all my Age of Sigmar forces in Fourth Edition, is to finish up a Spearhead force... and that is COMPLETE for the Hedonites of Slaanesh! 

Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead Force! 

The SECOND GOAL for all forces is to complete a 1000-point force to potentially Play in a Paths to Glory campaign, and I've completed that as well

Paths to Glory Force

Regiment (General’s) 

  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Blissbarb Archers (10) 150 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 190 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Slaangor Fiendbloods (3) 130 - Sybarite, Infantry

Total: 600


  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon - LEGENDS
  • Unit - Daemonettes (10)  110 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry
Total: 390 

Army Total: 990

I just need to come up with some names for them all! 

Paths to Glory Option #2

Regiment (General's)  

  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unti - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  180 - Daemon, War Machine

Total: 980

Force organization in Age of Sigmar 4th Edition isn't quite as simple and straight forward as pick all your units, add up the points for said units, boom, you're done, anymore! the force has to be organized into 1-5 Regiments. Each Regiment had ONE Hero and up to three Units (or four, if it's the General's Regiment). Only certain units can go in Regiments lead by certain Heroes.... For some armies this doesn't matter as much, but in the Hedonites of Slaanesh, generally speaking, Daemons can only go in Regiments led by Daemons, and Sybarites (mortal followers of Slaanesh) can only go into units run by Sybarites! (The Big Exception is Keepers of Secrets and Syll'Eske - which can include ANY Hedonites of Slaanesh in their Regiments)

just looking at a list of stuff I have and the current point values of them... I have:

In Age of Sigmar, 4th Edition this would look like:


  • Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (1) - Leader - 220 points
  • Infernal Enrapturess (1) - Leader - 100 points
  • Lord of Pain (1) - Leader - 160 points
  • Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) - 130 points
  • Syll'Esske (1) - Leader - 250 points
  • Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) - Leader - Legends - 140 points
  • Blissbarb Archers (11)  - 140 points
  • Daemonettes (10) - Battleline - 110  points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Daemonettes (10) -Battleline - 110 points
  • Fiends (3) - 150 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 180 points
  • Hellflayer (1) - 180 points
  • Hellstriders  (5) 150 points
  • Hellstriders  (5) 150 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Seekers (5) - Battleline - 140 points
  • Slaangor Fiendbloods (3)  - 140 points
  • Slickblade Seekers (5)  - 180 points
  • The Dread Pageant (4) - Legends  - 110 points
  • The Thricefold Discord (3) - Legends  - 130 points

Total: 3590 points!?

Yiiiiiiikes that's a LOT of stuff... Waaaaay more than I would likely EVER field in battle... I guess it's a lot of OPTIONS thought...

(not to mention about 60 foot and 30 mounted and two vehicles to paint!)

I don't really feel ANY need to buy and MORE stuff for this force... The only things I might consider is a Keeper of Secrets, at some point (like, when I get ALL this OTHER STUFF PAINTED?!). That would be a fun model to have (and I think it would make my Daemon force in 40K exactly 2000 points!?)


All of the currently painted stuff would look like this:

Shardspeaker General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Blissbarb Archers (11) 150 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 190 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Slaangor Fiendbloods (3) 130 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - The Dread Pageant (4) 110 - Unique, Sybarite, Infantry


Viceleader's Regiment 

  • Hero - Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (1) 140 - Any Daemon - LEGENDS
  • Unit - Daemonettes (10)  110 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Daemonettes (10)  110 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (5) 140 - Daemon, Cavalry

Total: 500

Infernal Enrapturess' Regiment 

  • Hero - Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh (1)  100 - Any Daemon -  This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Slaaneshi Beguiler
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  160 - Daemon, War Machine
  • Unit - The Thricefold Discord (3) 130 - Unique, Daemon, Infantry

Total: 390

Army Total: 1600

2000 Point Army? (When I get all this stuff done...) 

Regiment (General's) 

  • Hero - Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance (1) 220 - 0-1 Slaaneshi Beguiler or Dark Egotist, Any Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unti - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (10) 280 - Daemon, Cavalry

Total: 1160


  • Hero - Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (1) 130 - 0-1 Dark Egotist, Any Sybarite
  • Unit - Blissbarb Archers (10) 150 - Sybarite, Infantry
  • Unit - Slickblade Seekers (5) 190 - Sybarite, Cavalry
  • Unit - Hellstriders (10) 300 - Sybarite, Cavalry

Total: 770


It's hard to get stuff to add up to EXACTLY 2000 points when the lowest point unit you can add is 110 points... Having 50 or more less than 2000 points, would give me a bonus Command Point in the first round of a game! 

2000 Point Army - All Daemons, All The Time

(an option for a 2000 point army with JUST DAEMONS!!)

Regiment (General's)  

  • Hero - Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance (1) 220 - 0-1 Slaaneshi Beguiler or Dark Egotist, Any Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unti - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Daemonettes (20)  220 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Unit - Seekers (10) 280 - Daemon, Cavalry

Total: 1160


  • Hero - Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (1) 190  0-1 Slaaneshi Beguiler, Any War Machine
  • Unit - Slaaneshi Beguiler - Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh (1)  100 - Any Daemon -  This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Slaaneshi Beguiler
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  160 - Daemon, War Machine
  • Unit - Hellflayer (1)  160 - Daemon, War Machine

Total: 610


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