I've been sick this last week, so I haven't gotten out much... or done much of anything... But I did manage to prop myself up at the workbench and get a lot of hobby stuff done!!
I have done a LOT of assembling and priming this past week!! Most of it has been cleared OFF the workbench so I can focus on just a few things...
In the last week I assembled and primed:
All the Stormcast from the 3rd Edition Extremis Starter set - 1x Lord-Imperatant with 1x Gryph-hound, 3x Praetors, and 5x Vindictors. I had previously assembled all the terrain, so that leaves the Orruks... which... I'm not sure if I'm going to assemble or just try and sell/trade them away...
I finished assembling the last of the stuff from the Arena of Shades Box set - including a Scriptor Mortis, 5x Craventhrone Guard, 10x Bladegheist Revenants, and 4x Myrmourn Banshees, for the Nighthaunts, and 5 Khinerai Heartrenders for the Daughters of Khaine. (The previous week before I'd assembled the Witch Aelves, Doomfire Warlocks, and High Gladiatrix, and assembled and PAINTED the Spirit Torment and two Chainghasts!)
I also assembled the bonus set I had of the Thorns of the Briar Queen (7 miniatures) - just to use as Chainrasps in the Nighthaunt force...
I also assembled and primed a few more of the Skaventide box, including 3x Prosecutors needed for the Stormcast Spearhead force. Also the Skaven Clawlord on Gnaw-Beast to start off the Skaven Spearhead force... I'm not sure if I'll assemble much more than the Spearhead force... I feel like I might just get rid of the Ratling Warpblaster and Jezzail teams... maybe even the 20 extra Clanrats... (or... maybe I'll just get an assembly line going and knock off all 40 Clanrats at once!?)
I also primed five Chaos Marauder Horse that I has assembled ages ago...
(while doing all this, I also managed to finish painting the Miniature-of-the-Month Space Marine Scout, a Knight Questor, the Mindstealer Sphiranx, four Black Arc Reavers and four Lumineth Stand-ins)
Here's what's actually still on the workbench...

Still have these Stormcast Heroes from Skaventide - and to them I have added the Prosecutors that I assembled and primed this week. Still need to assemble the... Liberators...? (I keep wanting to call them "Hammerers" but I think those are dwarves...?) That I need for the Stormcast Spearhead army... then I will just need to do the Reclusians and Memorians to finish up all the Stormcast from the Skaventide box!
(The gryph hound belongs to one of the heroes from one of the other boxes...?)
All the other Stormcast I assembled and primed this week have been squirrelled away into storage boxes for now - because there was just TOO MUCH STUFF on the workbench!?

A few other Stormcast things... spare sets of Warhammer Underworlds warbands that I was working on to test out the Anvils of Heldenhammer scheme... that are just so close to being finished I just couldn't put them back into storage... even though they are not much use in game terms...

Still some Khorne Bloodbound skulking around hoping to be finished up...

STILL some Hedonites of Slaanesh skulking around hoping to be finished up... (these should REALLY go back into storage... )

The Skaven boss from the Skaventide box and leader of the Spearhead army... ("Clawlord on Gnaw-Beast"?)

Scriptor Mortis from the Arena of Shades box... I left MOST of the Night Haunt stuff on the workbench because I thought they'd be easy to knock out quickly and have a PLAN for them... more on that soon!!!

Bladegheist Revenants

Bonus Myrmourn Banshees (same kit as Lady Harrow's Mournflight Warhammer Underworlds warband) from Arena of Shades

Bonus set of Thorns of the Briar Queen from the Rivals of the Mirrored City box that I'm just going to use as spare Chainrasps

Some Chaos Marauder Horse that I assembled a few years ago, but never got around to priming and painting... They don't make these models anymore. They've been replaced with Darkoath Fellriders... which, conveniently, are pretty much the same thing (though they don't seem to have the Flail option that the older Marauder Horse had... but that's fine, because I built these with Javelins - which is what they newer Fellriders seem to be armed with!)
I'm kind of torn about how to paint these... a more "realistic" palette of drab colours... or something more flashy and fun?!

Some old metal flagellants... for... REASONS?!
All the Daughters of Khaine forces were temporarily removed from the workbench... as it was getting just TOO CROWDED! With them went the Craventhrone Guard and a bunch of the Stormcast!
Which of these will I finish up next...? Hard to say... Maybe the Nighthaunt - just to get them quickly out of the way...
During all of this I sat and watched Those About to Die on Prime with Amanda (and narrowly avoided dropping EVERYTHING and start painting romans and other ancient subjects!?) and listened all the way through the Skaventide audiobook... and then started it again!?
What are YOU working on THIS WEEK!?
(tell me about it in the comments!)