Wednesday, August 28, 2024

40K - Space Marine Scout

 This was the Free Miniature-of-the-Month from Games Workshop for August 2024. 

Space Marines Scout of the Rainbow Warriors Space Marine Chapter

There's a shot of my attempt at hand painting their Chapter Badge... Not great... but I wasn't going to paint it over and try again!? 

I HAVE a unit of Space Marine Scouts that are ostensibly for Kill Team that I've painted as Imperial Fists. I decided NOT to do this one as one of them for a number of reasons... first, they're ALL metal... second, I didn't even realize this one was a regular Space Marines Scout because it's so much BIGGER!? I honestly thought it was some sort of Intercessor recon dude or something... 

The other reason is that, each month, the local Warhammer Store has a challenge or contest to paint the Miniature of the Month and this month it was "Something Different" and I have never painted a Rainbow Warrior Space Marine!?

I have a handful of other random plastic marines from different chapters... Maybe they'll make a team for Wrath & Glory someday... 


  1. Ah, the Rainbow Warriors chapter.

    GW did have some scale creep in their minis. I have some of their older orcs, which are dwarved (ha!) by more recent (relatively, as I have not gotten any this century) ones.

    1. It's true, the oldest Orks I have are about the same size as their current grots!

  2. I have never played or gotten a close look at Wrath and Glory. Wanted to but....

    1. I really enjoyed running it. One day I'll get back to running it when this AoS thing has run it's course!

      There is a LOT I LOVE about the Wrath & Glory system and setting... Starting out, there were a few little things that were odd... some of it was sorted out when Cubicle 7 took over from whoever was originally publishing it... Some of it was balance issues - especially at higher tiers - if you have mismatched adversaries the combats can be VERY one-sided. But with a little experience a good GM can compensate for that... The rest of us just have to bullshit their way through...

    2. Oh, I remember... specifically... Once you have players with Power Armour... it got REALLY tricky trying to come up with adversaries that had weapons powerful enough to have any hope of doing any damage at all to the characters in power armour... that woouldn't utterly wipe out EVERYONE ELSE with the first shot downrange!?
