Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Dramatis Personae - Knight-Questor Kalilah Stormfriend

This is the first in a series of posts I have planned detailing a character for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - the role-playing game set in the Mortal Realms of Age of Sigmar.

In the role-playing game, characters are usually Soulbound - the chosen of the gods that have had their souls bound through an arduous and painful process, but leaves the survivors effectively immortal and confers a bunch of other benefits... 


Players can also play Stormcast Eternals! Stormcast Eternals cannot become Soulbound, but often accompany Soulbound on their quests! 

Stormcast Eternals are effectively immortal as well, in their own way. While Soulbound are really, REALLY hard to kill, they just don't get sick, don't age, and can recover fairly quickly from pretty horrendous injuries... The Stormcast, on the other hand are, technically killed in battle... often... but at the point of death their body and soul flash back to Azyr in a blast of lightning, to be reforged on the Anvil of Apotheosis. 

So we are starting with a Stormcast Eternal - Knight-Questor Kalilah Stormfriendof the Anvils of Heldenhammer

Knight-Questor Kalilah Stormfriend of the Anvils of Heldenhammer

Kalilah remembers little of her mortal life. This has less to do with loss of memory during reforging than it has to do with her being dead for over a thousand years and her soul wandering an underworld for many centuries. Nothing concerning enough to send her off to the Ruination Chamber. While she can seem cold and calculating and blunt in the execution of her duty, she has certainly not lost her soul and has moments of warmth.

Kalilah may have been a warrior of some sort in the Agloaraxian Empire at some point. When first campaigning in Aqshy, the ruins of the ancient empire scattered across the Parch were strangely familiar to her. 

When first forged as a Stormcast and assigned to the Anvils of Heldenhammer, Kalilah did not feel the same immediate kinship that many of the other warriors felt for each other. There was no animosity with them, just not quite... fitting in. With training her martial skills proved exemplary, but she did not fight well within units. She had a keen eye and cunning and a preternatural ability to track a foe. Someone suggested she might best serve as a Knight-Questor and all of her superiors in the chain of command above her, right up to Sigmar himself, agreed. In this role she found her true place to serve among the Stormhosts and never looked back. 

She is technically based out of the Stormkeep in Anvilgard, and will return to there between quests if one isn't assigned immediately after the previous one's completion. Most of the time she is on a quest, however, and travels across the realms and has spent considerable time in Ghyran as well as Aqshy.  

She has been reforged five times over the last century.

The Quests Kalilah favours are the ones where she directly helps people who are being terrorized by a direct Chaos threat, and is able to end that threat by utterly destroying it and allowing the mortals devoted to Sigmar to continue living their life in (relative) peace.

The Knight-Questor is a fairly solitary person, enjoying time alone to work on her current quest. She has made a few friends among various stormhosts and other Knight-Questors she has crossed paths with over the centuries. She doesn't often form deep connections with mortals, but has recently befriended a group of Soulbound that she has worked with in the last few years. 

Body 4

Mind 2

Soul 3

Skills (Training/Focus) 

  • Weapon Skill - Training 1 - Focus 1
  • Awareness - Training 1 - Focus 0
  • Athletics - Training 1 - Focus 1
  • Fortitude - Training 1  - Focus 0
  • Lore - Training 1 - Focus 1
  • Survival - Training 1 - Focus 1

(Awareness, for some reason, isn't a skill Knight-Questors are usually allowed to start with...? But I thought it made sense for this character, so I gave it to her anyway!) 


  • Diplomant
  • Combat Ready
  • Guts 

Short Term Goal

  • Complete the Next Quest

Long Term Goal

  • ...?

(I'm not sure what goals a Knight-Questor would have other than finishing the quest... and then finishing the next one...)


  • Sigmarite Warplate
  • Questor Warblade
  • Mace-Torch-Thing
  • Cloak 
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Waterskin
  • Rope (50')
  • Aqua Ghyranis - 5 Drops

(Knight Questors usually either have the Warblade and a Shield or a Two-Handed Weapon of some sort... the new Knight-Questor model has a warblade and a torch that, in the Skaventide novel, was described as being like a giant cage-like mace with a mote of light shining in the middle of it and when the Knight-Questor clashed their sword and "mace" together, the mace burst into flames... There's no specific NAME for the particular piece of equipment as I recall... So I'm calling it a mace... and a magic torch that never burns out... and should probably have the ability to potentially light anyone or anything it hits on FIRE!) 

Stay tuned for MORE Dramatis Personae... and some info about what exactly I have planned for these!?