Ever since the Mindstealer Sphiranx was released - originally as a large beast for Warcry (if I remember correctly!?) - I thought they were pretty cool and considered getting one... I didn't really have an immediate purpose for it, so I kind of held off.
Then Louise Sugden painted one with WINGS... and my mind was blown and I knew I would have to have one at some point!?
THEN I realized there was a solo scenario for a Fomoroid Crusher in Warhammer Underworlds... AND the Fomoroid Crusher was available in a box (Hargax’s Pit-Beasts) WITH the Mindstealer Sphiranx (and a Ogroid Myrmidon) AND they could all be used in my Slaves to Darkness army.... Well that was enough for me to pick the box up...
(Which reminds me, I STILL have not PLAYED the Solo Scenario with the Fomoroid Crusher!? Maybe I should get on that this week!)
Somehow I cranked out the Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon... but kind of got a little hung up on this one! I think I was a little intimidated by the possibilities (and the excellent paint jobs Ms. Sugden and others had done on them!). At one point I was considering tiger stripes or leopard spot!? Anyway, I had to let this one percolate a bit...
A week or so ago I just decided pink and orange, let's DO this!!
And this is what I ended up with!
I had to realize it wasn't going to be as good as Ms Sugden's (or any of the other amazing painters out there that have done wonderful things with this model) and just... do what I could.
I am... mostly... happy with it...
Hargax's Pit Beasts - could be fielded as a Regiment of Reknown in ANY of my Chaos armies!? (Blades of Khorne or Hedonites of Slaanesh or even the SKAVEN!?)
(or Disciples of Tzeentch or Maggotkin of Nurgle... if/when I ever get around to putting together a small force!?)

Now that I've painted the BIG BEASTIES, I just need to paint the REST of the Slaves to Darkness army - which is mostly mounted - Chaos Knights and Chaos Marauder Horse (or, Darkoath Fellriders, as they are now called)!?
Orange and pink is not a colour combo that I've ever thought of using, but it really works. That really is a striking model.
Thanks, Bill!
DeleteAbsolutely love the color scheme!
DeleteThank you so much!
I have to admit it was your blog that really inspired me to push out of my comfort zone and try more flashy and fabulous colour schemes - especially for all my chaos armies!
I appreciate that, thank you! Glad to lend some inspiration.
DeleteExcellent work! I agree, the color scheme might seem flashy and/or fabulous (in the purer sense of that word), but it does work. It's a fabulous beast after all. The 3 Big Beasties look pretty fabulous together, too.
ReplyDeleteMs. Sugden does awesome work, and her YT channel is fun. I feel you about trying not to compare my painting with hers or that of the many other painters out there. I am just happy to get stuff finished occasionally, to a standard that works well enough for my eyes looking at them from the vantage point of a tabletop game. :D
I try to find the balance between the very best that I could do and what I can get done in a reasonable amount of time... I COULD spend a LOT more time on things... but I feel like there gets to be a point where the returns are massively diminished!
I feel like the Mindstealer Sphiranx does look a LITTLE out of place with the other two... mostly because I did the base differently. If it had been more grey like the others, it'd be less of a bother for me... If the Mindstealer Sphiranx was the leader of the trio, it would also be less of a bother for me... but it's not, the Ogroid Myrmidon is!?
DeleteRealistically, though, how often are the three ever going to show up on the tabletop togehter
(probably not THAT often.... so I'm not going to stress about it too much!)
Great work!
ReplyDeleteThanks Michal!