Friday, August 2, 2024

RPG-a-Day 2024 - Day 2 Most Recently Played

Day 2 - Most recently played 

I mean, I guess it depends on what you consider a role-playing game… 

I’ve been playing Warhammer Quest this summer and it is frightfully similar to the D&D games I played in the 80s… Everyone had a character, you go through a dungeon and kill bad guys… Because we're playing Shadows Over Hammerhal, there's even a Game Master involved (most of the other Warhammer Quest games are solo/co-op games where the hostiles actions are dictated by a simple (analog) AI. 

If that doesn't count... well... Looking at RPGgeek, I made characters for two games in 2023 (Hellboy and Blade Runner) but never actually PLAYED either. The last logged play was in 2022 when I ran Wrath & Glory.

Anyone reading this actually playing RPGs these days? 

What have you been playing!?


  1. I think Warhammer Quest totally counts! Because I still like to play D&D that way :D

    We have a family&friends RPG group. I had run some one-shots for the group using Moldvay/Cook B/X and then we started playing D&D 5e last year and that became a near weekly thing (summer being the exception) We do short campaigns and rotate DMs. I have also been running a megadungeon-based campaign for my son for the last year using B/X with bits from Labyrinth Lord, Labyrinth Lord: AEC and Basic Fantasy RPG, and anything else that supports whatever we want to do in the campain. I suspect 1e/OSRIC might work its way in next.

    Still working my way through reading Fall of Delta Green and will be running some one-shots with that hopefully this fall.

    1. Nice!

      I had so much fun playing RPGs with my kids when they were younger.

      Finnegan would still play with me. He was even playing in the Heroquest game when we started, but had to drop out when we switched days (because it conflicted with a D&D game he was playing in!).

      Keiran... not-so-much... (and that's okay, they've got their own things!)

  2. It's all solo for me. The most recent RPG I played is a charming little game called Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop, where all of the characters are anthropomorphic animals, and you run a bookshop on a sort of riverboat/barge.

    1. That sounds SUPER FUN!!!

      I feel like solo might be the way to go for me too. I really enjoyed playing Five Parsecs from Home - which I know is a solo skirmish miniature game... but there's nothing that says I CAN'T role-play while playing it!?

    2. Well I went and googled Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop and that sounds DELIGHTFUL!
