Sunday, August 4, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Khorne Bloodreavers

 Here are the last of the troops I need for the Blades of Khorne Spearhead force!


That's it. They are done. I still have four more units of these I could paint up if (WHEN) we get to playing regular Age of Sigmar

I could use these in Warhammer Quest instead of the ones I painted up for Finnegan from the Shadows over Hammerhal box. These would match with the basing of ALL THE OTHER MINIATURES!?

Here is the whole Spearhead force

(I DID go back an to a bit of highlighting on the Blood Warriors to brighten them up a bit!)

Here is the whole Spearhead force with the units on 32mm bases on movement trays I picked up when the Dragon's Den started blowing out all the 40K Apocalypse stuff!? Might bring them along for easier movement of things...?

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