Thursday, August 15, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Four

After two games of Warhammer Underworlds in the afternoon with Nic and Orion, John and Maygan came over to continue our Shadows Over Hammerhal campaign. 

At the end of our last adventure, our heroes cleared a level of the dungeon and returned to Cinderfall... So this week we started in Cinderfall! and now, because it's almost a week later, I can't remember what everyone did!? 

I THINK Alnaryn went to a pub and participated in a drinking contest...? She gained one reknown...? Or maybe that was the Knight-Questor and Maygan was just making the roll for him...? And Alnaryn might have gone to Red Yugol's Reverie...? Or was that the Lord Castellant!? I feel like Vizrin Kyre went to the Riftmarket and bought and Amunlet of Mist...? Someone went to Baugren's Bountiful Bazaar and bought... something...? Like a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, or something similar...? 

Anyway, events in Cinderfall happened and they returned to the Catacombs. 

(for each level, so far, they have found stairs that lead down to the next level below, or back up to Cinderfall. Each time they go up, I've said that the place they last entered has been collapsed and they have to find where the other place they'd found enters the catacombs from street level. This isn't something in the game - it's something I added on to increase the tension and let the players know that their adversaries are on to them and trying to stop them!)

They chose to locate and enter the area that led to what they assumed was the Khorne part of the catacombs... At the bottom of the stairs there was a long corridor with doors at either end... 

Our heroes headed west and found a room with walls and floors covered in blood and strange runes carved into the wall - a booming sound emanated from the room which put everyone on edge. There were some treasures they found in this room! Pretty sure this is where Alnaryn found a Drakeskin Cloak (just like the one Vizrin Kyre is wearing!) and Knight-Questor Avanius found a Twisted Charm. 

Opening the next door, which was a bit sticky, unleashed a tidal wave of blood that swept through the room and out into the hall. Kyre and Avanius managed to dodge the worst of it, but Alnaryn was thrown against the back wall and took some damage! At that point Alnaryn snapped and succombed to the the Blood Fury and tried to attack Vizrin Kyre... but was so injured, she really couldn't do much before she snapped out of it! 

Moving on, they entered a long room with a PILE of Bloodreavers... and a stream of flowing molten material... and a Bloodreaver Chieftan that just kept calling for MORE Bloodreavers... 

The first batch of Bloodreavers were dealt with... 

Then the Heroes moved forward to fight the Blood Chieftan and all the other Bloodreavers he'd summoned up through the door at the back of the chamber! 

All were defeated and when Alnaryn searched the room, she discovered an artifact on the Bloodreaver Chieftan - the Last Gift of Saint Rubeus! 

They wondered if they should head down the stairs...? or back up to Cinderfall...? in the end it was decided to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the door at the far end of the long hall they first entered from the stairs that brought them down to this level... 

In this chamber they found four Flesh Hounds curled up in each corner... 

Flesh Hounds are NASTY and this fight ended up taking a LOT longer than I'd imagined... so long we had to call it part way through the fight, because it had gotten a bit too late... 

So we'll have to find out what happens NEXT WEEK!! 

This last room was another modification... in it were supposed to just be four warriors... but there was a trap that would spring at one point and brass chains would shoot up from the floor and chain them all down... and they each had to take turns battling warriors... the first would have to battle one... the second would have to battle two... the third three, etc... 

I thought this was just SILLY. 

If the Chaos Sorcerer running this show could set a trap that any intruders would be caught in and had no way to escape, why would the warriors not just walk up and slit their throats... does't seem very diabolically evil to just toy with them and give them a chance to escape.. that's Bond Villain level of stupid... 

It's MEANT to be a hard room to get by, because [SPOILER] there's a secret door in the room that takes the heroes directly to the next level (same as the other door at the other end of this level, beyond all the swarms of Blood Reavers! So I wanted to make it a challenge and I found stats for Flesh Hounds and I just dropped four of those into this room to defend the secret passage! 

Four might have been a bit much... Vizrin Kyre is already out of action (luckily they have the Elixir of Life, which should bring them back pretty quick!) 

(especially since they are VERY resistant to Alnaryn's magic attacks!) 

Maybe I should have done ONE Flesh Hound in the center of the room and four Blood Warriors... 

Ah, well... I guess we'll find out how bad it gets this Sunday! 

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