Age of Sigmar - Sylvaneth

ANOTHER Age of Sigmar force... largely started because of Age of Sigmar (Fourth Edtion). So far it only really consists of a Vanguard box, a few Warhammer underworlds warbands, and a handful of Tree/Spite Revenants I got in trade! 

While the Vanguard box does make up a Spearhead army, I was mostly thinking about their usefullness in Soulbound when I picked them up... 


The Sylvaneth, so far... 





Kurnothi Hunters 



Ylthari's Guardians (Warhammer Underworlds warband - Legends Unit)

Dryads - not a full unit. At some point I acquired a sprue of them (back when they were a unit in the Warhammer Fantasy Wood Elf army) and had three or four of them... These three were originally based together for Hordes of the Things. Not having a full unit makes these not so useful in Age of Sigmar - but they are lovely models, I'll love to make use of them in role-playing games and/or something like A Song of Blades and Heroes. 


This is what I have still to do:

  • 5x Tree-Revenants 
  • 5x Skaeth’s Wild Hunt
  • 3x Awakened Wyldwood

Currently the PRIORITY for painting is... all of them...? There aren't a LOT!? 


There really isn't much a of a plan, per se... I picked up the Vanguard box mostly because it contained three of the playable archetypes in the Soulbound Role-Playing Game.. and also I got a Spearhead army out of it!?

Spearhead Army 

The Spearhead Army consists of: 

  • 1x Branchwych
  • 1x Treelord
  • 3x Kurnoth Hunters
  • 5x Tree-Revenants

Paths to Glory 

For a starting Paths to Glory army, I could field: 

General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points - Any Sylvaneth
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points - Kurnothi, Infantry
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points -  Infantry
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (10) 220 points - Infantry

Total: 790

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points - Any Infantry
  • Unit - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5) 90 points - Unique, Infantry

Total: 210

Army Total: 1000


If I were to get EVERYTHING painted and field it in a game... it woudln't me much more than the Paths to Glory army... 

Treelord General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points - Any Sylvaneth
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points - Kurnothi, Infantry
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points -  Infantry
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (10) 220 points - Infantry

Total: 790

Branchwych's Regiment 

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points - Any Infantry
  • Unit - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5) 90 points - Unique, Infantry
  • Unit - Ylthari’s Guardians (4) 140 points - Unique, Infantry

Total: 350

Army Total: 1140


I didn't really feel any strong URGE to get ANYTHING else for this force.... 

Mostly I'm going to use the Warhammer Underworlds stuff for Warhammer Underworlds.

The Spearhead force I will use for Spearhead.

I think it would be a LOT of fun for these to show up in Soulbound - either as player characters OR encounters. 

I might like to get a second (or THIRD!?) Awakened Wildwood...? It's just terrain that could be used for anything, really... but is a handy thing for the Sylvaneth...

The Endless Spells look cool...

None of the other units look all THAT interesting to me... if ANYTHING, I'd like some more Kurnothi (to have a unit with Great Bows and a unit with Kurnoth Great Swords) and/or another Treelord (to build as an ANCIENT Treelord or Spirit of Durthu) - The crazy thing is, it would cost only five dollars MORE to just buy a second Spearhead box, than to buy another Treelord and a box of Kurnathis separately!? 


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