WW2 Chindits and Gurkhas

 I don't know... maybe I'm just drawn to mad Englishmen in far-off places doing daft things. People who just don't fit in within the extremely rigid society of home, but come into their own when freed of those constraints...? 

Somehow I ended up with a force of Chindits and Gurkhas... I don't even remember exactly when or how. I have a feeling I found an army box that was a "good deal" and then added a few things and painted a bunch before just dropping it and storing it in a box for a decade. 

I recently took them out and took stock, re-based them (Okay, technically I re-based them BEFORE I took the pictures in the linked post about taking stock of them) and realized I had only the two squads of Gurkhas to complete and then I'd have a complete force that added up to over 1000 points for Bolt Action! So I finished those off. Now I have a force of over 1000 points for Bolt Action. 

I have no idea if this would be a "competitive" force... (I have a feeling probably not - lacking anti-tank capability). But it wasn't ever really MEANT to be - it was meant to be an historical opponent to my Japanese force - fighting in the dense jungles of Burma, where there wasn't much need for anti-armour! 

The Complete Force

Chindit Rifle Platoon

Chindit Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander

Chindit Platoon Command - 39 points (Veteran) + 2 Man @13 = 65

#1 Section

Chindits Section NCO + 4 men 70 points (Veteran), +5 Men @14, + LMG @15 = 155

#2 Section

Chindits Section NCO + 4 men 70 points (Veteran), +5 Men @14, + LMG @15, + SMG @4 = 159

Medic (and a casualty)

Medic 30 points (Veteran) + 1 man(mule?) @11  = 42

I've taken this as Medic + a man - not because I'm going to have the casualty marker follow him around. I do have another mule to paint for the force and i figured he could be leading that around as a four-legged ambulance/dispensary 

Light Mortar Team

Light Mortar Team 39 points (Veteran) 

Forward Observation Team. 

Forward Observer 90 (Veteran), +2 Men @ 11pts = 112

I'm not sure WHAT exactly they are calling in... Did the Chindits really have all that much supporting artillery or tactical air support available...? I don't know... 

Gurkha Rifle Platoon

Gurkha Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander

Gurkha Platoon Command - 39 points (Veteran) + 1 Man @13 = 65

#1 Section

Gurkha Section NCO + 4 men 75 points (Veteran), +5 Men @15, + LMG @15 = 165

#2 Section

Gurkha Section NCO + 4 men 75 points (Veteran), +5 Men @15, + LMG @15 = 165

Chindit Heavy Weapons Platoon 

Chindit Heavy Weapons Platoon 

Platoon Commander and Ammunition Carrier

Heavy Weapon Platoon Command 39 points (Veteran) + 1 Man(mule?) @13 = 52

Vickers Machine-Gun Team #1

Machine-Gun Team 65 points (Veteran) 

Vickers Machine-Gun Team #2

Machine-Gun Team 65 points (Veteran) 

TOTAL: 1149


I could lose the Forward Observer and... something else... and be just under 1000! 


NOTHING!! This is a complete force, I have nothing left to paint! 

(Oh, wait, I lied... I DO have one mule to finish...)


It seems with Bolt Action (Third Edition) people are now playing with 1250 points? 

I guess the first thing I could add would be some sort of Anti-Tank capability to the force! Looks like Warlord Games sells a Chindit Boyes Anti-Tank Rifle team...? They also have a PIAT, but it's part of a set including a light mortar and flame-thrower teams, neither of which I am interested in... 

A third squad could be added to either of the Platoons and that alone would take things to 1250 (or beyond!) 

I'm not in a rush to run out and get any of these... 

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