Age of Sigmar: Blades of Khorne

As with the Servants of Slaanesh, I had a small force of Khorne Daemons that could be used in either Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Also, as with the Daemons of Slaanesh, this force started with the Wrath & Rapture Battle Box - which included both Daemons of Slaanesh and Daemons of Khorne - and stats for playing them in either Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. 

The only thing I really added to this was a few Warhammer Underworlds Warbands... 

And then a thing happened... I traded away three Imperial Knights for an entire Blades of Khorne Army!?! 


All the Blades of Khorne - So far!

Most of these initially based on Sector Imperialis bases (for Warhammer 40,000). At some point, the plan is to finish re-basing these on to more generic rubble covered bases that don't look so out of place in either game!



Blood Master

Karanak, Hound of Vengeance



Another Slaughterpriest





MORE Flesh-Hounds - older, metal Flesh-Hounds!


Mighty Skullcrushers

Blood Warriors


Magore's Fiends

Garrek's Reavers


All of the stuff I have... in varied levels of completion!? (some of this has been painted since the picture was taken!)

I have quite a bit to finish up now... 


  • 2x Bloodsecrator 
  • 2x Bloodstoker 
  • 1x Mighty Lord of Khorne


  • 10x Blood Warriors 
  • 30x Bloodreavers 
  • 1x Khorgorath
  • 5x Skullreapers 
  • 3x Gorechosen of Gromm
  • 5x Garrek's Ravers

The priority is to finish up stuff to fill out Paths to Glory forces...? 


The first priority was to finish up the stuff required for a Spearhead Force in AoS4

This is that Spearhead force! 

Now that the Spearhead force is complete, I guess the plan would be to work on options for Paths to Glory forces, I guess... The Quickest an easiest way to do that would be to paint up 10 more Blood Warriors to add to the Spearhead force, which would bring it to 940 points. So I guess THAT should be the next priority!? 

Here is what I will have when it's ALL FINISHED (or... IF it were all finished):



  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150 - 0-1 Slaughter Seeker, Any Daemon
  • Karanak (1) 120 - Any Claws of Karanak, Any Flesh Hounds

Points: 270


  • Bloodsecrator (1)  150 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  150 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodstoker (1)  100 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodstoker (1)  100 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 140 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Bloodbound
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound

Points: 960

Heroes Total: 1230



  • Bloodcrushers (3) 200 - Daemon, Cavalry
  • Bloodletters (10)  200 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast

Total: 730


  • Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Khorgorath (1) 150 - Bloodbound, Monster
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry
  • Skullreapers (5)  220 - Bloodbound, Infantry

Points: 1440

Units Total: 2170


  • Garrek’s Reavers (5) 70 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Gorechosen of Dromm (3) 190 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Magore’s Fiends (4) 120 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 380

Force Total: 3780

Yeah... That's a LOT of options... so many options.. I could field multiple armies... easily three, possibly FOUR starting Paths to Glory armies...



ONE Regiment with JUST DAEMONS (the ones that I have!) could look like: 


  • Hero - Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150
  • Unit - Bloodcrushers (3) 200
  • Unit - Bloodletters (10) 200
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (10) 220
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110

Total: 880...? 

Ooooh! If I got a single box of Flesh-Hounds, to make both units 10, I'd have 990!? which would make a great starting Paths to Glory force!

I'm sure there are a few other starting Paths to Glory forces I could put together from all of that! 


The Spearhead force, on it's own, is about 720 points... 


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 720

An additional unit of Blood warriors would make this 930! 

(three more Mighty Skullcrushers would make it 990... but I'm not about to run out and buy a box of six for $130CAD to make a paths to Glory force, when I can get "Close Enough" with a unit I already HAVE)


From the Bloodbound Army I got in trade, I could put together and entire 2000 point army of just Bloodbound... 

Regiment (General's) 

  • Hero - Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 140 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Bloodsecrator (1)  150 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 250 - Bloodbound, Cavalry
  • Unit - Skullreapers (5)  220 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 150 - Bloodbound, Monster

Total: 910


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 570


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 470

Army Total: 1950

Doesn't even use ALL of them!? 


Slaughterpriest General's Regiment

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 260 - Bloodbound, Cavalry

Total: 730

Karanak's Regiment

  • Hero - Karanak  (1) 120 - Any Claws of Karanak, Any Flesh Hounds
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast

Total: 450

Bloodmaster's Regiment 

Hero - Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150 - 0-1 Slaughter Seeker, Any Daemon

Unit - Bloodletters (10)  200 - Daemon, Infantry

Total: 350

Other Slaughterpriest's Regiment

Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound

Unit - Unit - Magore’s Fiends (4) 120 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 280



Because Karanak can ONLY have Flesh Hounds (or the Claws of Karanak) in their regiment, this would be a standard unit I could drop into any army that I want to include Karanak in!

  • Hero - Karanak  (1) 120 - Any Claws of Karanak, Any Flesh Hounds
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast

Total: 450

The force could also just be a unit of five and a unit of ten Flesh Hounds... I could get 15 MORE Flesh Hounds and reinforce each unit to 10 and then it would be an 800 point Regiment of SPEED and SLAUGHTER!?

(Probably NOT going to do that!) 


At this point, is there really anything else I could possibly NEED!?

Oh, no, not at all!

Is there stuff I'd LIKE to get!? 

I mean... Yes, probably... 

As mentioned above, a single box of Flesh-hounds would give me one regiment or pure daemons at 990 points to start a Paths to Glory campaign! 

I do like the The Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut...

Maybe a Bloodthirster (Greater Daemon of Slaanesh) 

MOAR Bloodletters (and other Daemons) - that could be used in 40K... 

But, wow... I'd totally have to get a LOT of the stuff I already HAVE painted before I' get any of these... 

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