Thursday, August 15, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Spearhead - Khorne Control Tokens

 This week I decided to make myself some fancy Control Tokens for my Blades of Khorne Spearhead Army. (They could probably be used in regular Age of Sigmar games... but it was Spearhead I had in mind when I made them!) 

Five Khorne Control Tokens

They are painted on 40mm wooden discs with regular acrylic paint. Initially I thought I'd made them fancier - black outline, and maybe something on the backside so show NOT IN CONTROL for when I'm facing an opponent that doesn't have their own control markers... but I got this far and though; "that's enough"... 

They're meant to sit in the middle of the objective zone to show that they are currently under the control of KHORNE! 

And I made five because there are five objective areas on the Spearhead boards... 

(I mean, I COULD, in theory, control all five at once...) 

I have started on a set for the Hedonites army as well... 


  1. I suppose it’s possible to control all five at once but just not likely?
    Those look good and functional. 😀

    1. Ha-ha!

      There is almost zero chance I'll hold all at once, ever... But it seemed like I should do five to be a completist! People keep telling me the Blades of Khorne are super over powered, but I haven't had much success with them, so far! Mind you, it's only been two games - both against undead opponents that constantly regrow their units if you don't outright kill them in a single turn! Perhaps if I face an opponent that doesn't keep coming back like a bad case of herpes, I could potentially table them and sieze ALL the objectives!?

