Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Black Ark Fleetmaster and Reavers

Okay, they're all really just old Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elf miniatures... but in Age of Sigmar they're Aelves of the Darkling Covens... And since I'm painting up miniatures to use in Soulbound... That's what I'm using these as!

The miniature I'm using as the Black Ark Fleet Master is one I've had for probably 35 years and only recently decided to repaint because, as paint jobs go from that era... it wasn't too bad... But I wanted to bring it up to current standards so it would fit in with the rest of the Reavers.

The rest of the miniatures I've picked up at different points over the years. Some were previously painted that I stripped within the last decade... and then didn't get to painting until now. Others... I just never got around to painting.. I have a few more I might get to - mostly Witch Aelves. 

Normally, I've been doing these sorts of Aelves with grey-ish skin... but for some reason did the Fleet Master with pale pink-ish skin... and didn't feel like changing it... so I kind of followed suit with the rest!? 

Black Ark Fleetmaster and Reavers

Black Ark Fleetmaster

Black Guard - the personal guard of the Fleetmaster

Other Reavers (including two I'd previously painted)

All of the Reavers... so far

I do have a couple other metal minis and a couple dozen plastic Dark Aelves armed with Crossbows... 

As with the Knight-Questor, I'll be posting a Dramatis Personae post once I get the character worked out for the Black Ark Fleet Master.... 


  1. Looking good!
    These figures, with the pale skin and all, makes me think of vampires.

    1. I may have to repaint the skin... it doesn't make much sense these ones being pale - their sailors and reavers and spend so much of their time out of doors... if they were that pale, they would be RED from the constant sunburn!

    2. Being ginger-adjacent I can relate. ha ha
