With the last of the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY minis done for Cursed City... and no other things that I feel like I NEED to get done for any particular event... I feel like things are about to shift about on the work bench.
There are a few things left to finish up for Cursed City - Torgillius the Chamberlain and Gorslav the Gravekeeper to finish up the hostiles.... The Gravestones and Gibbet markers... four more of the Heroes that came with the box (and Morrvahl Olbrect... If we decide to use him...) I should have most of those finished up for next week!
(I did not scrub all the paint off my workbench or take pictures in another location... I was feeling like the paint on the workbench was getting a bit distracting, so I brought a sheet of paper to lay on the workbench - just for the pictures...)
There are still some Slaves to Darkness things lurking on the desk, that now I feel like I'll have some time to concentrate on, though none of it is pressing. I've kind of written off playing in the current Path to Glory campaign at the Warhammer Store and planning for maybe running one myself in the new year...
There are a few other things working their way back onto the workbench, largerly because there are SO FEW I need to finish up for that whole collection to be DONE!!!
Nighthaunts. Only things I need to finish up are The Scriptors Mortis, The Craventhrone Guard, and some Myrmourn Banshees... and that's IT! Ten models!! And relatively easy to paint models!!
(Oh, I technically have ONE OTHER group of Nighthaunts to do; The Headsman's Curse Warhammer Underworlds warband! they're in a storage box... somewhere in the painting room... I should probably get them out to finish up with the rest of these!!)
Sylvaneth. All I have left to paint for these are Ylthari's Guardians and five Tree-Revenants and five Spite-Revenants. I'm extra motivated to get these done as Ylthari's guardians look like they might be fun to play in the new Warhammer Underworlds and Amanda is playing a Spite-Revenant in the new Age of Sigmar: Soulbound role-playing game that we all just make characters for last night!?
I'd like to get these Seekers and Hellstriders back on the workbench to finish up in the not-to-distant future... they're also close and will make some fun options for the Hedonites!
STILL hoping to get back to playing Warhammer Underworlds and maybe try out some of THESE warbands! Zikit's Tunnelpack was removed from the workbench and put in temporary nearby storage along with the other two Skaven warbands still to paint...
Ugh... these guys... Also so close to finishing...
Another assortment of characters and heroes... The fellow in the front with the pistol and torch might be the first priority as Finnegan is playing a Witch Hunter in the Soulbound game and I thought that might be a fun miniature to use... I think I have a Witch Hunter had somewhere I could use... or model one... or just keep it as is, not ALL Witch Hunters HAVE to wear that iconic tall hat with the wide bring, do they...?
Which will I ACTUALLY get done by next week!?
I don't know... probably the Warhammer Quest stuff...
After that? Maybe anything I need for Soulbound? The Witch Hunter and Spite-Revenant... (and, while I'm at it, ALL THE SYLVANETH!?)
Looks like a different take on My Little Pony lurking in there! :lol:
ReplyDeleteI am still working on goblins (these ones have robes with hoods and I haven't decided if I want to paint them black/dark gray or maybe red), as well as a few river rocks I am painting up just for fun.