Thursday, May 16, 2024

Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Bat Swarms

Cursed City Bat Swarms

The Bat Swarms are one of the basic units of Hostiles - along with the Ulfenwatch, Deadwalker Zombies, and Corpse Rats... and maybe the Vyrkos Blood-Born...? (Though I think they don't show up until you've had a few adventures under your belt...?) Corpse Rats shouldn't be too hard to complete... and there are only three of the Vyrkos Blood-Born and they look easy enough... it's the Zombies I'm not thrilled about... so many ridiculous details... Not looking forward to painting those. 

I have the rats and Blood-Born on the workbench, along with a few more of the Heroes... maybe if I get enough heroes done and the other two units of hostile units I'll be close enough to playing that it will motivate me to push through the zombies!



 (I also just finished up a batch of heroes - but they went in a Separate Post!)

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