Friday, May 31, 2024

May Games

Another round-up of the gaming shenanigans I got up to this past month...  

Friday, 3 May 2024

Got things started off on the first Friday of the month with some Stone Age! 

I have to admit... I don't LOVE Stone Age... I don't hate it or anything... but it's not my favourite game and there are dozens of 4-player games I'd have rather played... 

So I wasn't trying all that hard... But somehow I won... by, like, quite a bit!? I'm not entirely sure how that happened...!? 

Friday, 10 May 2024

I'd arranged to play a game of Warhammer Underworlds at the Warhammer Store on Friday with a fellow named Dan that had contacted me through Board Game Geek, after finding this blog... I showed up really early and ended up starting a game with John the manager of the store, thinking we might get through it really quick before Dan showed up...

He played with his Sons of Velmorn and I played Skabbik's Plaguepack.

We were only part way through when Dan showed up... but Orion was also there and offered to walk Dan through a game (which, honsetly, was probably for the best, as Orion is SO GOOD at keeping track of everything that is going on in a game... I can barely figure out what I'm trying to do most of the time!) 

In the end there wasn't enough time for a second game, so we agreed to try again some other time. 

There are a few more pictures of this game, along with a brief description, here: 

Warhammer Underworlds - Skirmish Fridays at the Warhammer Store

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Sunday Orion and Nic were back to play Warhammer Underworlds again. 

For out first game we played in the Deathgorge. I brought out Skabbik's Plaguepack again. Nic tried out the freshly-painted Skinnerkin (which I had just finished the day before). Amanda wanted to try something totally new and selected Mollog's Mob. Orion played the Chosen Axes with a Rimelocked Relics Nemesis deck! 

For out second game we played in the Mirrored City and everyone kept the same warbands, except Orion who switched out the Chosen Axes for Hexbane's Hunters.

There are a few more pictures of this game, along with a brief descriptionof the games here: 

Warhammer Underworlds - Back on Sundays

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

I've been wanting to play some MORE Warhammer Underworlds - and more two-player games! I love the four-player games Amanda and I play with Nic and Orion most Sundays... but it's really meant to be a two-player game and you can get away with stuff in four-player games that just won't work in a two-player game. 

Orion had been talking about getting a regular game night going at the Dragon's Den on Tuesdays again and now that the weather's nice, I really have no excuse, so we agreed to play on Tuesday night and try to make it a regular thing and get other people out to play. 

I showed up a bit later than I'd hoped and only Orion was there, so we started a game. I played Skabbik's Plaguepack against Orion's Crimson Court. She beat me 14-4... 

Later Dan and Sean showed up and they played a game. 

After their game I played against Sean. He pulled out Ironsoul'd Condemnors, so I dug out Magore's fiends - BOTH of us had nemesis deck built around Tooth & Claw... except Sean knew how to play his warband with that deck and just beat down the fiends 19-4!? 

(In my defence, I will point out there were THIRTY people in that back room playing games - most were playing some card game... and it was REALLY loud... so loud I could barely think, let alone read cards and figure out how to use them together to do something useful in the game!) 

There is a bit more of a description of the game and a few more pictures here:

Warhammer Underworlds - Tuesday at The Den

Friday, 17 May 2024

In the late afternoon I rolled out to the Warhammer Store to play some Warhammer Underworlds.

I got in two games with Sean with my freshly painted Zondara's Gravebreakers. The first I played against a Void-Cursed Garrek's Reavers. The Second I played against his Hungering Parasitic Mollog's Mob! Both were VERY close games (and SUPER FUN!)... and I was just playing with a Rivals deck against some very-well-thought-out nemesis decks! 

Orion was also there and got in a game with John.

There are a couple more pictures and a bit more description at:

Warhammer Underworlds - Skirmish Fridays at the Warhammer Store AGAIN

Afterwards I hurried home for Game Night at our place! Normally it takes 40 minutes to ride to or from the Warhammer store... this trip took an HOUR!! SO MUCH WIND!!!

Shannon and Kevin couldn't make it, but Other Tim and Treena stopped by and ran us through a game of Wrymspan - which is kind of like Wingspan... but with Dragons... 

I had some RIDICULOUS luck - in the third round I ended up gaining SO MANY extra turn coins, that I basically played a whole extra round... and a half!? By the end of that round, I'd filled my board and there was a  whole other round to play!?

so I mostly did exploring to gain more eggs and tuck more cards and cache more food... 

It also just happened to work out that I won most of the round end goals... 

So, I won... by quite a bit (but not by as much as I imagined when I'd filled the board by the end of the third round...) There was no masterful strategy involved, I just got insanely lucky with some of the draws and stuff... 

Afterwards, Other Tim showed me how to play a very-quick-playing game called Lacuna. 

Sunday, 19 May 2024

We didn't get to play our regular Warhammer Underworlds games on Sunday  because Keiran was in a musical! They played Jason in a production of Falsettos, put on by a local company called Stand Out Productions. They have been working very hard on this for the last few months! It was really exciting to finally see!!!

Friday, 24 May 2024

No Warhammer Underworlds this week as we were out at a show at the Persephone Theatre! (a drag show - that Nic was in!) 

Sunday, 19 May 2024

AGAIN, no Warhammer Underworlds - because Nic and Orion were busy... and... Amanda and I just didn't get to playing a game, I guess...? 

Friday, 31 May 2024

Finally made it back out the the Warhammer Store for some Warhammer Underworlds! 

My first game was against John, the manager of the store. He was trying out his freshly painted Daggok's Stab-Ladz and I played Grombrindal

Afterwards, I finally got in a game with Dan against his Skinnerkin, which, I think, he was trying out for the first time..? Despite not even LOOKING at the cards since I last played two weeks earlier, I won... but... lots... because Zondara's Gravebreakers are just nasty. I love them. You can just concentrate on doing your own thing and can score a LOT of points, just digging holes with the Zombies.  

I may or may not do a brief game report of the evenings shenanigans... Maybe tomorrow... 

Was definitely fun to see more people coming out to play Warhammer Underworlds! There were three games going on at one point! 

Afterwards I rushed home for Game Night a my place! Keiran had been asking about playing Mysterium for a while. It's a cooperative mystery-solving game. 

One player is a ghost who gives clues to the rest of the players (who are psychic mediums), in the form of cards with bizarre art on them, to help them solve the ghosts murder... 

This is the end game - the players trying to figure out who the murderer is from the selection of suspects, locations, and possible murder weapons they'd already successfully deduced.... the failed... we lost... 

We've apparently played the game five times now. The last time was 2019. 

And that's it... 

It kind of felt like it was ramping up to be a busy month... gaming-wise... then it ended up being busy with other things... 

Maybe next month... 

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