Thursday, May 16, 2024

Warhammer Quest Heroes

I FINALLY finished up a few Warhammer Quest Hero miniatures that have been sitting on the workbench for FAR TOO LONG! They're from two different Warhammer Quest sets! Two are from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower and the others are from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. 

Heroes of Warhammer Quest!

These two are from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. Unlike Blackstone Fortress and Cursed city, the characters in these earlier sets are not named. They are just "Excelsior Warpriest" and "Fyreslayer Doomseeker". 

I previously painted the Stormcast Eternals Knight-Questor from Silver Tower. If I painted up ONE of the others, we'd have enough to play through that one... well.. Enough HEROES... I'd still have to paint up ALL THE ENEMIES?! I do have a few of those painted up, thought... I have painted the Ogroid Thaumaturge, and a bunch of Blood Reavers and Horrors (thought I THINK the Blood Reavers are from Shadows over Hammerhal...?). There are some Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangors and a few little Grot Scuttlings and two Skaven... Then there is a Gaunt Summoner and a handful of familiars, but I think the Gaunt Summoner is the Big Bad at the end of the campaign...?

Finnegan played through the campaign ages ago with my dad (with UNPAINTED MINIATURES!). I'm hoping once the miniatures are painted he might be willing to play through it again with me (and maybe Amanda!) 

Emelda Braskov and Brutogg Corpse-Eater. 

Unlike Silver Tower and Shadows Over Hammerhal, the Cursed City Heroes (and Villains!) are all NAMED! 

These are the first two of the EIGHT heroes in the box that I've finished. Four are used in each mission, so I need at least two more to start playing. 

To get started on this I need to finish up some rat swarms and zombies - at the very least. There might be a few tokens that need painting... and there are The thought of painting those zombies, though... Kind of makes me want to work on the Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangors and  Grot Scuttlings and Skaven... 

We shall see...

(I also happened to finish up the batch of Bat Swarms, but they'll be in a separate post) 


  1. Excellent painting!
    These remind me of the old school Citadel minis I got into back in the day (40 years ago!?). :D
