Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Skirmish Fridays at the Warhammer Store

Back in February a fellow named Jared had contacted me through this very blog stating he lived here in Saskatoon and asked if I'd be interested in playing a game. I suggested we try playing at the new Warhammer store (as Fridays in February just happened to be Warhammer Underworlds Game Nights). So we got together and played a few games there

Since then the warhammer store has changed from focusing on different Skirmish games each month (rotating betweein Kill Team, Warhcry and Warhammer Underworlds) and now just has a generic "Skirmish Game Fridays". 

I've been thinking a lot about trying to get out and play more games - and, in particular, more TWO-player games of Warhammer Underworlds! Orion and I have also been talking about trying to get a community of Warhammer Underworlds players... so I've been meaning to get out and start playing games on Fridays at the Warhammer store for some time... but Fridays just ended up being busy. 

About a month ago now ANOTHER local person had found my blog and, finding the Linktree on my blogger profile, sent me a note though Board Game Geek, inquiring if I'd be interested in playing a game! I suggested the Warhammer Store... but then the next three or for Fridays ended up being busy for me and it wasn't until this past Friday we both had the evening free and agreed to meet up! 

I got to the store super early, like over an hour early - as the "Skirmish Game Night" starts at 4pm and Dan couldn't get there until 5:30, and I thought I'd be able to possibly get in a quick game with... someone else...? If anyone showed....? 

In the end John, the store manager, and I decided to try and get in a quick game... 

John is a very friendly fellow and seems super keen to play Warhammer Underworlds, but hasn't gotten a lot of games in yet! He decided to play with his Sons of Velmorn and I brought out Skabbik's Plaguepack. 

Set up and ready to go! 

Skritter started things off making a run for an Objective Token deep in enemy territory. hoping he would waste an activation killing it - and getting no glory for it - or better yet, ignore it and leave it there as Skritter is a behouler and, even though it is a beast and can't HOLD objectives, to corrupt a territory a befouler only need to be ON an objective!  

A bit of a skirmish developed near No One's Territory with Velmorn himself. Rabidious took a swing at him, dealing three damage! 

I love the colour on John's bases that kind of match the colours on the Shadespire/Nightvault boards! 

At the end of the first round it happened that THREE of undead warriors were all in No One's Territory, and the King was vulnerable (only one wound remaining)... As I had Befoulers on THREE objectives in three territories I corrupted EVERYTHING and everyone in my warband inspired and beginning round two, staggered all those undead next to my befouler and then Itchitt, for the only time in the seven games I've played with these, read from the BOOK OF WOE.... 

Reading from the Book of Woe is a special action Itchitt has. When Itchitt does so I roll a magic die for each enemy in the same territory as me and if I roll Focus (when unispired - 33% chance of success) or Channel (when inspired - 50% chance of success) one wound is dealt. As Itichitt was now inspired and I had a 50% chance of dealing a wound... I went for it - desperately hoping to succeed on Velmorn, and I DID!! Boom... Velmorn gone! I don't even remember if I hit either of the others!? 

I don't really remember the rest of the game.. 

One thing i DO remember was on TWO occasions my skaven were hit with two successes and I rolled a crit defence on my single defence die (the ONLY roll that could have saved me)! Both occasions were against opponents that would have taken my fighters out with one successful hit! That, along with taking out Velmorn with the Reading from the Book of Woe really won the game for me. 

I'm pretty sure I won with 13 Glory. I remember that because I think I had three games in a row where I scored 13 Glroy with these rats... and there are three objective cards that I very defiinitely never, ever score and need to trash and make a nemesis deck for these stinkers!

In the end I didn't get to play with Dan... 

Orion showed up just after John and I started. The game took a little longer than I expected and Dan showed up while we were only halfway through! Orion offered to run Dan through a game though and the two of them set up on one of the other tables. I finished my game with John, but by the time Orion and Dan were done, there wasn't enough time to play another game before the store closed... 


It probably worked out for the best as Orion is SUCH A GOOD PLAYER and is amazing at keeping track of all things going on... I can barely remember what I'M supposed to be doing half the time! 

Dan seemed like a friendly guy and we planned to get together soon to get in a game! 

Though I theoretically have a Boardgame Night every other friday at my place, I think I'm going to try and make it out to Skirmish Friday Nights on the regular - at least through the summer and fall - We rarely get started before 8pm when playing boardgames with Kevin and Shannon and the Warhammer Store closes at 7pm, so I should be able to make it home in time to play boardgames afterwards! 


  1. The more I read your accounts, the more I have trouble not plunking money into this system(plus I just really love Skaven and Skabbik's Plaguepack seems a lot easier to paint than hordes of figures). I have never really enjoyed making terrain and the boardgame/tactical miniature hybrid is so appealing (I picked up a used copy of Fire Team for Xmas and I still have to get on with painting the rest of my Necrons).

    1. Thanks!

      (and, possibly, I'm sorry..?)

      This game really is pushing all the right buttons for me right now. The painting requirements to play a new force are minimal (because I just can't pay with unpainted miniatures!) - one warband of 3-7 miniatures and I'm done and ready to play a whole new warband. The miniatures are also - for the most part - pretty amazing, and coupled with the fact that there's so few to paint to be able to play the game I don't get as bored as easily.

      It also helps I have a group of really fabulous people to play the game with. It seems like most people playing Warhammer Underworlds are generally decent people. I haven't travelled to play in any bigger events yet, but listening to the Paths of Glory podcast, which is mostly about playing the game competitively at a very hight level... none of them really seem like dicks...?!

      I am loving playing Skabbiks... They don't win that much (I was having a VERY LUCKY game in this report!), but they're so FUN to play... I kind of just don't care... One of these days I'll figure out a Nemesis deck for them and maybe they'll do a bit better... It's hard to focus on one, though, when there are SO MANY fun warbands to play!
