Sunday, May 26, 2024

Four Picts

Just like the title says... I finished up four Picts... 

Four Picts from Wargames Foundry. 

Not the best Picts I ever did paint... I just needed them done FAST before I ran out of steam and the project ground to a halt and ended up taking up space on the basement art/hobby table for MONTHS... 

This is really part of a larger project which I'll be posting about moments after this... but I didn't want to include these four newly painted ones as PART of that post for weird reasons I can't really articulate and barely understand myself... but here they are... stay tuned for MORE ABOUT THE PICTS!!!

(These four were needed to finish up a few units...) 


  1. Missed an opportunity to have 4 photos here, Tim.

    1. They weren't painted well enough to warrant their own pics...
