Thursday, May 30, 2024

Grombrindal, The White Dwarf - FINISHED!

 In addition to Glaurio Ven Alten III, I finished up Grombrindal, The White Dwarf this week! 

Grombrindal, the White Dwarf. 

This was one of those minis that felt like painting it went on and on and oooooonnnnnnnn.... Everytime I THOUGHT I was finished, I'd turn it round and realize, nope I'd forgotten this little detail or that... eventually I had to just say, Nope... that's all I'm doing... I'm calling this done. 

Grombrindal's back

There were rules for Grombrindal in ALL THE GAMES in the 500th issue of the White Dwarf magazine (Age of Sigmar, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, and Warhammer Underworlds). I'm MOSTLY interested in the Warhammer Underworlds (at the moment) but will at SOME point this year get playing Warhammer Quest and I would like to play Warcry... (all the hubbub about the NEW EDITION of Age of Sigmar has even gotten me thinking about playing THAT again!? though the rules on this card won't be relevant as they are overhauling all the stats and stuff, again...) 

(I momentarily had a panic when I went to take the above photo and I COULD NOT FIND THE WARHAMMER UNDERWORLDS CARD!?!? It took some searching, but the card was located... everything is fine now... relatively speaking...) 

Grombrindal in the Deathgorge. 

I am hoping to try out playing Gombrindal in a game of Warhammer Underworlds Tomorrow evening at the local Warhammer Store! Stay tuned for a game report. 


  1. So you didn't make short work of him? :lol:

    Excellent paint job! And on the other figures in your other post, too!

    I also noticed rules for all the games did not include any 40K games... I guess there are still no dwarves in 40K space. :P

    1. Ha-ha! Thanks!

      No, Space Dwarves are back in 40k. Grombrindal just isn't one of them.

      When they brought Necromunda back there was mention of "Squats" and then they released a Squat Bounty Hunter and then there was one kind of Team/Gang you could have that could be made up of Squats. I think it was basically a team of Bounty Hunters...? But they had variable stat options that would allow you to make ones that were a bit slower but had high strength and toughness... So I started putting one together ages ago - made up of old 40K metal Squats and a few space dwarves from Lead Adventure Miniatures. They're almost done... (mind you they've been almost done for four or five years now... so...).

      40K even has a new (for a few years now) Space Dwarf faction. They're called the Leagues of Votann. Their stuff looks really cool... I have a Kill Team of them... that... I also haven't finished painting...
