Friday, February 12, 2021

Khorne Bloodreavers and Tzeentch Horrors

 Well... I had a productive week or painting... Chaos seems to be the theme - Khorne Blood Reaver and Tzeentch Horrors. Two-thirds were actually all from Finnegan's Warhammer Quest games - 10 of the Bloodreavers and all of the Horrors. The rest were TWO copies of  Garrek's Reavers - a Warhammer Underworlds Warband. 

All the new stuff. 

All the Khorne Bloodreavers 

As I mentioned, above, half are from Finnnegan's Warhammer Quest games (Shadow over Hammerhal, I think?) and the rest are from TWO packs of Garrek's Reavers. I kind of wanted to get these done quickly and were fairly uniform (or, at least, I was planing to paint them fairly uniformly). so I lined them up and knocked them off with (mostly) Contrast paints...The idea was to kill a flock of birds with one stone. Well... a flock of three. First, More Warhammer Underworlds warbands. Second, Another Warcry Warband. Third, some of Finnegan's Warhammer Quest minis are now painted, should we ever decide to have a go at that (He DID play through both with my dad at one ppoint - with UNPAINTED miniatures - Shudder!) 

Garrek's Reavers #1

They aren't really all that pretty... but they're done... and I don't care. They're probably not going to be a warband I'm going to use all that much, but I have another one we can play around with and try out against the others. 

(I guess if they DO turn out to be a favourite... I could go back and get ANOTHER one and paint it a little better!)

These guys I painted slightly differently. They have BLACK pants, where all the others are in red. It was just to have the two Underworlds Warbands be slightly different. This one I'm kind of going to keep a "mine" the other I thought I'd give to Finnegan to use with his other Bloodreavers from the Warhammer Quest set (in Warcry... or Warhammer Quest... or... whatever...?) - though I claim the right to borrow them back if ever I run some sort of demo at ToonCon or a game weekend cmapaing/tournament for friends. 

Garreck's Reavers was actually one of the two warbands included in the original Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire (so, I've actually painted a set of them before - for my friend John). Both of the warbands included in the Warhamer Underworlds: Shadespire Core Box were rereleased as an individual warbands when Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault came out. I happened to notice that my FLGS had, like FIVE copies of the individual warband... so I talked them into giving me a bit of a deal on them and bought TWO! 

Finnegan's Bloodreavers - the second set of Garrek's Reavers and his Hammerhal Reavers. The Warhammer Underworlds models all come with dedicated, scultped bases - which I'd painted with contrast paints, like the rest. The Warhammer Quest ones came with plain bases, so I put sand on them - as I often do, but then painted them black, drybrushed white, and then coated with the same contrast paints - in hopes they'd sort of look the same (or same-ish enough to blend in with each other...?).

This should get him started with his own Khorne Bloodbound warband for Warcry... I could probably loan him a few Flesh Hounds if he wanted them (as they can be included in a Bloodbound warband!)

Assorted horrors of Tzeentch - Also from Finnegan's Warhammer Quest games (though, I think, these were from Silver Tower?). I did these because... well... they were easy and quick to knock off - also mostly with contrast paints. 

I also have all the other followers of Tzeentch from both Warhammer Quest games in the Painting Queue - again... because they would be quick and easy and another force that could be used in Warcry AND we'd be that much closer to being able to play through the Warhammer Quest games with painted miniatures! 

I kind of also feel like we should do that - play Silver Tower and Shadow Over Hammerhal - before I can reasonably suggest we try out the NEW Warhammer Quest game - Cursed City - coming out sometime this year!? 

I had a LOT of fun playing through Blackstone Fortress and so I got pretty excited when a new one was announced. I have to admit, I haven't played through all of the Blackstone Fortress stuff just yet, though... so... maybe I need to do THAT too... 

Maybe I won'd be getting Cursed City... 


  1. The reavers are fun models to paint, as I recall. Turned out well, and will look good on the table.

    1. Ha! Thanks! I don't know that I had all that much "fun" painting these... they were quick, they are done, I can play with them and move on to other things... that's about all I can say about mine!

  2. Good looking rapid figures! You were,I remember, all over Blackstone fortress last year, can you go back or are you burnt out?
    Best Iain

    1. I would definitely like to go back and finish up the last few campaigns, I think we'd started TRaitor Command... but we still had Excalation, No Respite, the one with the Zoat, and the final one...? Ascension? (and a few more that were in White Dwarfs) But that would require painting a few more minis...

      I've kind of gone down this Age of Sigmar/Fantasy rabbit hole and I've found it's much more productive to ride that wave of enthusiasm than to try and FORCE myself into going back to something that has faded for the moment. We'll get back to it someday. I own ALL the stuff they ever published for Blackstone Fortress, so...

      I'm not sure when this NEW Warhammer Quest game is coming out. It's just been announced that it's coming out SOMETIME this year. I'm not really sure I want to go TOO crazy and BUY EVERYTHING for this one... assuming it's as popular - and as well-supported - as Blackstone Fortress was... If it comes out in the next month, I might have to give it a pass - too many other things i'm working on right now... and then the core box will probably sell out, and... bah... I can't be bothered to try and pay the crazy prices people want for that stuff on ebay. And... I'd be okay with that - missing this one. it's just that I HAPPEN to be riding this AoS wave (with Warcry skirmishing AND WArhammer Underworlds boardgame and Souldboudn role-playing...and maybe even Age of Sigmar the battle game itself - If I get all the stuff I have hoarded up done!)... There are some COOL minis and stuff that they've een previewing...
