Saturday, June 1, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Tradsies!

 In the last month I started a facebook group for Warhammer Underworlds in Saskatoon - so when people go looking there's a place to find out what's going on, instead of finding my blog and then trying to figure out some circuitous method of sending me a message... And then later in the month, I started a Discord Server... 

On that discord server I happened to mention I had a "Stand-in Gargant" that I've been painting up to hopefully try out the Gargant Scenario for Warhammer Underwrolds from the December 2018 issue of White Dwarf... Then one of the members (Sean) said he had one he could give me!? 

Later I'd mentioned the only three older warbands I'd still like to track down were the Chosen Axes, Starblood Stalkers, and maybe Rippas Snarlfangs... and again Sean said he had one he could give me and could bring them along when he came to play at the Warhammer Store on Friday!

And bring them he did! 


I've already got it onto a different base and started painting! I still want to finish up the Stand-in Gargant! But I have to admit, motivation to do so has plummetted since I got THIS!!!

Chosen Axes! (with complete card deck!?) 

I couldn't just take them, though, so I brought along the Old Karanak mini I had - as I knew he'd acquired a copy of Magore's Fiends, but it was missing Riptooth, the Flesh Hound... and I thought the old Karanak model would work as a stand in. I also took along one of my Garrek's Reavers warbands to see if he'd take off my hands as a trade. He didn't really need them, but I knew he was putting together some warbands for some other friends and suggested he could past them along to them. I had THREE copies of Garrek's Reavers at one point! the first two I speed-painted with "Contrast Paints" and gave one of them to Finnegan. The third is about half done and I like them much better than the speed painted ones... but I probably would never have gotten around to finishing them up if I hadn't given away the finished ones! 

Dang it! I was SO CLOSE to being "in the black" for this year... Ah well.. probably won't be too long before I've knocked these out and catching back up again... Now if GW could just hold off on releasing new warbands until maybe July... (I HAVE gotten rid of FORTY miniatures so far this year, though, so that's got to count for something!?) 

How much do you think I'll have done on these by next Work-in-Progress Wednesday!?

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