Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ulfenkarn: City at the Edge of Death

 Saturday afternoon I went out for a bike ride and did some errands while I was out. I popped into the Dragon's Den to pick up some cards sleeves (and forgot to get CLEAR ONES - because I got distracted!?)

they had a copy of Ulfenkarn: City on the Edge of Death!? On the shelf!? Not behind the counter with my name on it?! (Which WAS a little disapointing... but, whatevs...) 

The book is a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulboung (The Age of Sigmar Role-Playing Game) setting book for Ulfenkarn, which is a the setting of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. Which I'm looking forward to playing later in teh fall and then, hopefully, afterwards continue in the setting with the role-playing game! 

And then, because I was thinking about vampires...

I saw they still had the Dawnbringers box: Fangs of the Blood Queen.. which are limited release boxes that tied in with the Dawnbringers Crusade narrative over the last year or so... and I happened to need the Fell Bats for Night Wars... and the Wolves would be cool... and the box cost less than buying those two units on their own AND included a vampire character.... so... 

Back in the red, I guess... 

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