Friday, June 28, 2024

Warhammer Quest - Hathrek of Gadalhor and Golnir Coalbeard

 I finished up two more Warhammer Quest Heroes (or... Protagonists, at least...?) this week. 

Hathrek of Gadalhor and Golnir Coalbeard

Hathrek of Gadalhor - Darkoath Chieftain

Hathrek is from The Silver Tower and, the interesting thing is, the Darkoath tribes are worshipers of CHAOS!? Different people end up in the Silver Tower for different reasons.... Some have been trapped there by the Gaunt Summoner. Others have sought it out - either to slay the Gaunt Summoner - or ask a boon of it! The Darkoath Chieftain would the latter, I'm assuming! So in a group with a Knight-Questor of the Stormcast eternals and a Warpriest of Sigmar and a Fyreslayer... they would be allies of convenience! Though the stats are the same in both games, I'm not sure Thematically it's going to work with him playing in Shadow Over Hammerhal - where the characters are working to destroy servants of Chaos!? 

Golnir Coalbeard - Duardin Cogsmith

Golnir is the first of the Heroes from Shadows over Hammerhal I've finished. 

I've created a new Page on the Blog, here, where you can see ALL of the Heroes and Hostiles from all of the Warhammer Quest games (that I've painted so far!). You can find it here:

Age of Sigmar - Warhammer Quest Miniatures

Ideally I'd like to finish up the actual Heroes for Shadows Over Hammerhal before we start playing next week! But Maybe they'll end up starting with Coalbeard, here, and the Warpriest and Knight-Questor and Fyreslayer from Silver Tower!? 

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