Monday, September 30, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Sylvaneth Spearhead Army

 I've been painting like a mad bastard this last week to try and finish up the Sylvaneth Spearhead army for the final day of the Spearhead League at the local Warhammer store... and I did it! 

Sylvaneth Spearhead Army

The army is made up of:

  • 1x Branchwych (General) 
  • 1x Treelord (which can alternatively be built as a Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu)
  • 3x Kurnoth Hunters
  • 5x Tree-Revenants

Not a lot of roots on the ground... but the Treelord is a BEAST!!!

Branchwych - The Branchwych is the General of this army. I think normally a Treelord would be... but it is just SO HARD to take down, it would pretty much make one of your opponents scoring cards unplayable (taking out the enemy leader!) 

Treelord - Terrifying and VERY difficult to take down... 

Treelord detail - kind of hard to make out...  but I had bits of stuff left over from the Putrid Blight-Kings from Shadows over Hammerhal, so I cobbled together bits to make it look like there is a savagely maimed (legs removed) and dying blight king on the base.. 

Kurnothi Hunters - For the spearhead army they are supposed to be all armed with Kurnothi Great Bows - and in regular Age of Sigmar, they are all meant to be armed the same - either with the Great Bow, Great Sword, or Scythe... but I decided I really wanted ONE with a sword... i guess I could take the Quiver Beetle that was meant to go with the champion archer, and maybe put it on a 25mm base (with the bow sticking out of it as well!) to show that he, too, is an archer... 


Three of these troop-types - Branchwych, Tree-Revenants, and Kurnothi Hunter - are all playable archetypes in the Soulbound role-playing game (which was PART of my motivation for getting these...)

I had a lot of fun putting these together and painting them. I have a handful more to finish up - five more Tree-Revenants, five Spite-Revenants, as well as Ylthari's Guardians (a Warhammer Underworlds warband of four more Tree-Revenants) and Skaeth's Wild Hunt (which is also a Warhammer Underworlds warband  made up of... just... weird stuff... that shows up nowhere else in any Age of Sigmar background fluff for the Sylvaneth...!?). I am seriously tempted to use these in the upcoming Paths to Glory campaign. I would have exactly 1000 points if I finished up the Tree-Revenants, Spite-Revenants, and Skaeth's Wild Hunt... but I wouldn't have much to expand with when the force grew... so... I'd have to BUY more stuff... and I'm not SUPER excited about that (especially when I have SO MANY OTHERS that I have literally MULTIPLE THOUSANDS of points worth of stuff I could field or paint up to field!)

(If I DID get other things, though... I wouldn't mind another Treelord (or Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu - all built with the same kit) and/or some more Kurnothi (and have a unit with just Great Bows and a unit of just Great Swords)  

I did play one final game in the Spearhead League on Sunday, stay tuned for a game report! 

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