Monday, September 2, 2024

En Garde! - The Green Team

Oaprey Publishing produced a game, years ago, called Ronin - Skirmish Wargames in the Age of the Samurai. I played it a LOT. It's a very clever, gun game... I liked it so much, I pre-ordered EVERY Osprey Wargaming series game for, like, a year... before realizing that they were not ALL that great... While playing Ronin, however , I recall thinking at one point; "this whole mechanic would make a GREAT swashbuckling game..." 

Then some years later Osprey published En Garde! - Swashbuckling Skirmish Wargames Rules by the very same author! So, obviously I bought it instantly (by that I mean I pre-ordered it as soon as I knew of it's existence!)... and around the same time a bunch of swashbuckling types from the Foundry. I probably bought them while the game was still on pre-order hoping that I'd have them done for when it was released. I picked up enough for four warbands; Red, Green, Blue and Brown... and I painted almost ALL of them. I think the red and brown warbands were completely done. All but ONE of the Green were done... I think a few of the blues needed work. 

Then I never got around to playing it.... got them all nearly done, and got distracted by something else... 

For some reason this week, I decided to do a little bit of re-basing - to take a break from painting all the warhammer figures. Something I do when I need to take a little break from what I'm currently working on, but want to feel like i'm "progressing" or just getting SOMETHING done... Top Priority in rebasing is removing metal figures from metal washer bases and putting them on plastic or wooden discs... 

I have no idea how I ended up picking one of the Swashbucking teams but I did and, as mentioned, there was ONE miniature that wasn't quite finished... 

THIS is THAT miniature!

So now the Green team is complete and has been rebased from metal washers to plastic bases.

This allowed me to put them on flagstone bases, which seemed more apropos than just dirt... or... maybe dirt was fine... but for some reason I feel like flagstone bases look less out of place in the woods or a field than grass does indoors... but that's just me... 

The theme/setting for me seems like it should be taking place in the rough streets of a late renaissance Europe city (or a European city off in the colonies...?) with flagstone streets...

Not that I really have any appropriate BUILDINGS or TERRAIN for late renaissance... Or a flagstone board to play on... (I have seen smaller neoprene roll-up gaming matts printed with a cobblestone surface... 

Will I rebase the rest soon?! Finish off the small handful of others that just need a little bit of work to finish them up!? Actually PLAY the game!? I have no idea... 

I probably should... 

I've been doing a LOT of thinking about miniatures and collections and what I plan to do with them all in the future... Started writing a post about it... not sure if I'll ever get it done... 


  1. Splendid unit, look forward to seeing more…
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Nice! Take a break from all that GW stuff and get them done. ☺

  3. Very nice indeed. Just started painting my collection of Foundry 'Elizabethan' for use with Engarde. Also Nic Wright of Irregulars Wars fame has just released is Devilry Afoot rules. 15th to 16thC witchhunting. Having seen your love of skirmish, RPG lite, rules may just the thing for you!

    1. WHAT!?! NO!!!

      I'd not heard of that!

      I LOVE Song of Shadows and Dust and Faustus Furious!!

      Is it based on the Song of Blades and Heroes engine!? I will have to check that out!!


    2. Its a co-op game with the monsters moving by an AI system. Only ever played Fist Full of Lead so I guess it borrows from it but not part of those products. I picked up a hard copy from Amazon. Looking forward to giving it a play

    3. Ah! Cool! thanks!

      Sounds like it might be similar to the Paeleo rules he did a while back, which I read extensively about, but never bought... because.... I just already have SO MANY GAMES and a whole collection of pre-historic miniatures was just not a thing I needed to add to it all at that time... though I was seriously tempted... and still am...

      This at least sounds like something I already HAVE miniatures I could use and I have been thinking about and experimenting with solo gaming recently, so this sounds like it could be right in my wheelhouse.

      thanks again!

  4. Very nice band, well-painted!

    I have the Osprey En Garde rules on my watch list - I want to look into them one of these days and maybe buy them and try them out.

  5. Outstanding work on these! I've had my eye on Foundry Elizabethans and Pirates for a while now, and you've really brought them to life.

  6. Fill your boots with appropriate terrain from this very good UK manufacturer

    1. Oh, my... they are very nice! I have a feeling they will take up more space that the interiors of all my boots!!

      Thanks Phil!
