Thursday, September 19, 2024

Age of Sigmar: Spearhead - Blades of Khorne Versus Soulblight Gravelords... Again...

This past Sunday, I rolled out to the Warhammer Store again, hoping to get in a game with Sean. I'd arranged to meet with him to do a bit of a trade (Bunch of Skaven from Skaventide for some MORE Tree/Spite Revenants). He wasn't able to make it out to play (but did stop by to make the trade). Luckily Orion stopped by and we got in a bit of a rematch between my Blades of Khorne and her Soulblight Gravelords! 

I think Orion won the roll-off and decided I should be defender, so I picked Aqshy,  the Realm of Fire! As we'd played with rectangular deployment zones last time, I thought maybe we should try the corner-to-corner, triangular deployment zones. 

All set up and ready to go! 

I tired to put a little more thought into my set up - sheltering the Mighty Skullcrushers, so they could not be charged in the first round - so they'd be able to charge SOMETHING on  THEIR first turn. They're charge can be pretty devastating (dealing double the wounds when they charge)! 

The Soulblight Gravelords went first and surged forward... 

Blood Knights moving up the middle, sort of... and Deathrattle Skeletons sweeping out to the flanks, destroying any possibility of scoring ONE of my objective cards.. 

The Bloodknights charged and utterly wiped out one of my units of Blood Warriors, before they could even swing back... Thought they did deal three mortal wounds with their NO RESPITE ability, taking one of the Blood Knights with them... 

I had tried to use a counter-charge to bring the Bloodreavers in, to try and bog the Blood Knights down in the melee that could go on and on - as they are less deadly when they have not charged... and the Bloodreavers can return D3 models to the unit every turn (so, twice per round) as long as the Slaughter Priest is nearby... 

But then I rolled a 2... 

Not to worry, they just charged in on MY turn... 

And the Mighty Skullcrushers charged one of the units of Skeletons and the other unit of Blood Warriors got close enough, and rolled a high enough charge roll to run right past the skeletons and attack the Vampire leader!!!

The Mighty Skullcrushers utterly destroyed the Skeletons and the Blood Warrior dealt some serious blows to the Vampire, which she was NOT able to recover... 

On the Soulblight's turn, The vampire used her Cloud of Bats ability to get the fuck out of there, and go sit on the ONE objective I controlled... They also used the Endless Legions ability to bring back the destroyed unit of Skeletons to act as a shield for her... 

Blood reavers continued to fight the Blood Knights and were wiped out... 

At the beginning of my turn, by Sughterpriest actually succeeded on a Chanting Roll and made the Vampire's blood boil and that finished her off!!! 

I returned the Bloodreavers as reinforcements and charged the rear of the Bloodknights to bog them down a bit more... meanwhile the Mighty Skullcrushers and Slaughter Priest charged some Skeletons... and the Blood Warriors charged the OTHER Skeletons with a crazy charge roll... 

I realized as I was attacking with the Mighty Skullcrushers that I was rolling WAY TOO MANY dice for their attacks... and had probably done so the previous round (I still had 15 attacks in my head from playing with the Slickblade Seekers earlier in the week!?) DOH!! So I decided to just pass with them and not do anything... 

Honestly, the Mighty Skullcrushers could very well have destroyed the unit of Skeletons the previous turn anyway, if I were ever able to roll completely average... and it probably worked out better for Orion that they were, as she was able to teleport them out of harms way onto a different Objective and allowed her to score two (or THREE!?) points because of it... 

Blood Warriors crushed the Skeletons on the objective! 

Round three the Vargheists arrived... 

A solitary Deathrattle Skeleton returned to the battlefield from a Command ability and took back an objective! maybe in the fourth round...?

I kind of forgot to take pictures of the rest of the battle...  

By round four I had pretty much tabled the Soulblights... so... they're not totally indestructible... 

But Orion still won by a fair bit; 22-17! 

Despite the loss, this was probably my least disastrous game so far!! 

(And playing against Orion is ALWAYS a good time!) 

There is ONE MORE Spearhead League Game Day on the 29th of September before the League wraps up - I hope I can get the Sylvaneth (AND maybe the Stormcast Eternals!?)... and get in a couple of games. I'm suffering under no delusions that I am doing WELL in this league... But it will be fun to get in a few more games. 

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