Monday, September 30, 2024

September Games

 Well, August was a bit of a bust... 

I had hoped to kick the month off with a bang, heading out to the Warhammer Store to play a few games in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spearhead league... and maybe get back to playing our Warhammer Quest game... but then life had different ideas! 

Adult Child #2 went in for dental surgery a few days earlier and had ALL FOUR WISDOM TEETH removed!? Things were going... well... as well as they could.. until Saturday evening... when one of the affected areas started bleeding again…. and bleeding… and BLEEDING and it just did not want to stop… and then we couldn't seem contact the on-call dental surgeon on the 24-hour-7-day-a-week EMERGENCY contact line… (because apparently he was very busy in the ER repairing THREE jaws that had been busted earlier in fights earlier in the evening!? I wasn't ever clear if it was one big brawl or three separate incidents?) and we didn't hear back from him until five or six in the morning... Keiran and I ended up staying up most of the night - they were changing gauze pads every half hour or so… I was just up to… I don’t know.. make sure they didn’t drift off in between and choke on clotted  blood and/or gauze… or keep them company? (honestly I'd thought my days of staying up all night with sick/injures children were OVER?!) When he called he said come in around noon... so I ended up staying up until 10am... when I would have been leaving for the Warhammer Store. Amanda took Keiran into the surgeons office and everything was sorted and fine... but I did not get to play Spearhead that day... or Warhammer Quest because it was the long weekend and Maygan was away and just returning in the evening and didn't want to go right out and play a game... 


Monday was Labour Day, though... I'd hoped maybe we'd get a game in then... but everyone was just too tired... 

The following weekend was the Warhammer Store's First Anniversary event.. I wasn't thinking there'd be much gaming, but I'd planned to head out there on the Sunday... but then the temperatures soared above +30°C and I just hid indoors and didn't go anywhere?! 

And this was all very disappointing and lead to some mind wandering... but I swear, I did get to some gaming EVENTUALLY!? 

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

I rode out to the Warhammer Store and played a minigame of Warhammer 40,000 (10th Edition) - Knight Fight - where my Shadowsword took on a Knight Valiant! (The Shadowsword won!) 

(still part of their First Anniversary Event!) 

Thursday, 12 September 2024

The following day, I rolled back out to the Warhammer Store and got in a game of Spearhead with John. 

Game Report:

Age of Sigmar: Spearhead - Heodnites of Slaanesh Versus Stormcast Eternals

Sunday, 15 September 2024

On Sunday I rolled out to the Warhammer Store AGAIN!? Originally hoped to get in a game with Sean, but he wasn't able to make it out, but Orion showed up a bit later and we had a bit of a rematch with our Blades of Khorne and Soulblight Gravelords. 

Game Report:

Age of Sigmar: Spearhead - Blades of Khorne Versus Soulblight Gravelords... Again...

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

I was feeling a little sad about not getting in so many games over the summer and this past month... so I started casting about looking at Solo games again. Got things ready to pick up the Five Parsecs from Home campaign I'd started ages ago... Picked up a copy of Devilry Afoot and got very excited about that for a few days... But then, somehow, I ended up downloading a copy of Five Men in Normandy - .30 Cal Edition - from Wargame Vault on Monday. 

On Tuesday, I played my first game of  Five Men in Normandy - .30 Cal Edition. The game is from Nordic Weasel Games - who also originally published Five Parsecs from Home and Five Leagues from the Borderlands. It was a lot of fun and got me very excited about running a short (or... not-so-short...) campaign!?

Report of Game One of the campaign:

Five Men in Normandy - Landed and Lost!

Sunday, 29 September 2024

I rolled out to the Warhammer Store for one last game for the Spearhead League and finally got to play Sean... and he brought Maggotkin of Nurgle, which just made my day - as I'd brought my freshly painted Sylvaneth and the two are narratively a classic match-up. Super fun game. I lost, surprising no one... 

Game Report: 

Age of Sigmar - Last Spearhead League Game

And... that was it for September... 

Five games... 

One was a five minute mini-game... 

Another was a solo game (I don't know why, but there's something in my brain that still clings to the idea that solo games are "sad"... I know I need to move beyond that... but I kind of feel like I need to acknowledge it's there... and not true... to be able to move PAST it....). 

I am a little sad though... I mean it wasn't THAT many years ago that we had a family tradition/challenge to play a game EVERY DAY through the month of September. Very often we succeeded. Some years the challenge was to play a DIFFERENT game every day!? (This was because we noticed the game-playing usually dropped off over the summer as we got out and did stuff outdoors... but wanted to kick off the fall game-playing!)

I guess there's always OCTOBER!!

I guess a more positive thing to consdier is I've done a LOT of painting. I got excited about something that had faded in interest. (though I maybe spent a bit too much money and acquired a few too many things...). I got interested in some NEW things and tried out a new game (Five Men in Normandy) and got stuff ready for ANOTHER new game (Devilry Afoot!) that I'll HOPEFULLY get to in the next week (or two...?) along with some others...? 

More on this in the Game Plan 2024-Q4 which will be posted shortly after this!!

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