Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Saskatoon Warhammer Store - First Anniversary Event!

Our local Warhammer Store is one year old! I have to admit, it's opening completely eluded me - and it wasn't even a mini-gaming friend that clued me into it's existence - it was a librarian that works at the nearby branch library!? I don't think I even first visited it until December...? Or January...!? (it was January, I checked...).

Since then I've made a LOT of trips out there to play Warhammer Underworlds (including my first Warhammer Underworlds tournament!) and more recently, Age of Sigmar (Spearhead)... and I probably would have made it to MORE if not for soaring temperatures and absolutely toxic air from wildfires a province (or two!) away this summer! 

The event started on Saturday (and goes on for a week). I'd originally planned to head out there on the weekend... but, after a week or two of reasonable temperatures, the daytime highs soared above 30°C again (it think it was 33 on Saturday and 32 on Sunday).. so that, and I figured the store would be a bit busy, I decided to wait until Wednesday to ride out there. 

One of the things going on was a mini game where you could bring ONE Warhammer 40K unit and set it up 12" away from a Imperial Knight Valiant... and see who could do the most damage or blow it up quickest before the Valiant took you down! 

I brought out my Shadowsword - which has not seen action for YEARS! 

Beforehand, I'd looked up and compared the current data sheets (as I have only played a handful of games of 10th edition and definitely have not used the Shadowsword in the last two editions, nor faced any knights!)...

The image above is ©2024 Games Workshop and used here without permission (but is from a PDF that can be downloaded for FREE from the Warhammer Community website!) 

I figured... If I got EXTREMELY lucky and got to make 4 shots with the Volcano Cannon (Attacks d3+1 and rolled a 3) and then had average or above average to hit rolls (BS 4+, so half hitting = 2 hits) AND wounded with them (Strength 24 versus Toughness 13, so on a 3+... It could happen) AND it failed both 5+ invulnerable saves - or 4+ if he used the Rotate Ion Shields strategem! (or I rolled a 6 to hit, because the Volcano cannon had DEVASTATING WOUNDS - critical hits are mortal wounds - versus vehicles!)... and didn't make any Feel No Pain 6+ rolls (or I managed to hit it with the Lascannons a few times... I MIGHT be able to take it out in the first round (the challengers get to shoot first!)... MAYBE... because if I didn't, I was pretty sure the Shadowsword would not survive a round of shooting from the Knight... 

Because the Knight Valliant is a BEAST!!

The image above is ©2024 Games Workshop and used here without permission (but is from a PDF that can be downloaded for FREE from the Warhammer Community website!) 

I don't think he was trying all that hard to WIN... We were each supposed to have a Command Point at the beginning of each turn...and for some reason he did NOT use the Rotate Ion Shields Strategem... 

Mind you, I completely forgot to use the Command Re-Roll Strategem for my shots with the Volcano Cannon... which might have changed things... 

Also I don't think he made use of the Feel No Pain 6+ from the Knights Indomitable Heroes rule... 

On round one I rolled a ONE for my attacks roll (D3+1) so I got two attacks with the Volcano Cannon. One missed, but the other was a critical hit! Dealing 12 Mortal Wounds! (Feel No Pain, statistically SHOULD have reduced that to 10). A single shot (of nine) from the Twin Heavy Bolters got through dealing two more damage (14 total) and a Lascannon hit and got through for... 5 more...? (19 total!) not enough to bring it down! 

A few shots got through against the Shadowsword, a few were actually saved and a total of two damage was dealt!? Somehow he totally MISSED with the Thundercoil Harpoon!?

On my second turn I got three attacks with the Volcano Cannon. Missed two, hit with one... which he saved against!? GAH!? Luckily I got a shot with the Twinned Heavy Bolters (+ 2 Damage = 21) and another Lascannon shot hit... and did just enough to finish it off!!

Like I said, if he was trying harder, it probably would have turned out entirely differently! But I'll take the wins where I can!! Ha! 

There was a second mini game that cold be played called Rat Race - which involved up to four Skaven racing to get some cheese!? I didn't end up playing that one.. 

I, of course, bought some stuff... 

I've bought a LOT of Games Workshop product this past year. Not a lot of it has been at the Warhammer Store... (I did buy the Hedonites of Slaanesh box there...) and was feeling a little bad about not supporting the store that I've actually played games at... So.... 

NONE of this was stuff I really needed AT ALL - at least, not right now! It's all stuff I'd been thinking about for a while, and figured I'd eventually get... but, like... NEXT YEAR!? 

There are a few things missing from the picture... Games Workshop doesn't do any sales... ever... but they do have promotional things available at certain times - like store anniversary events, so I thought I'd pick up enough stuff to get a few of the things.. I was a little worried that going on the Wednesday, they may have run out of the promotional items on the weekend... but as it turned out, NONE of that stuff is in stock DURING the event!? There's just a barcode that's scanned to add the things to the order and however many are required are shipped to the store AFTER the event to be picked up later?! 

So, in addition to the the Saviors of Cinderfall box and Sylvaneth Vanguard box, I bought Brakki of the Gilded Key - one of the two 2024 Store Anniversary Miniatures (an Auric Runesmiter - which is a playable archetype in Soulbound!). And all that got me three of the bonus things; a pait of pins (which I'm pretty "meh" about), a folding dice-rolling tray (which are always handy...) and a measuring guage (which also looked kind of handy!?) 

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