Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wendesday - 25 September 2024

My painting station is usually a bit of a mess. But every wednesday for the last bit, I've tried to take a moment and tidy things up and take pictures of things I've been working on this week. Maybe have a hard think about what should really STAY on the workbench and what should maybe be shifted off, to the side... into a box... onto the shelf... 

I don't know what it is this week, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by it all and just can't be arsed.. 

Maybe it's because I'm sick (AGAIN!?).

Maybe it's because I brought on a few too many side projects... and they're ALL SO CLOSE to being done I don't want to remove any... but at the same time there are just too many ON the workbench to get anything I really want to do done... which is EVERYTHING?!

This is the main part of the workbench and generally what it looks like from day to day... 

Off to the right, storage for some bigger bottles of stuff I use on the regular... and other stuff I've litterally just shoved off to the side because I don't currently have the mental capacity to make any decisions about what to do with them for now... 

Off to the left, lights and MORE stuff that has literally been shoved off to the side... 

The whole workstation... 

Zooming in on the left side of the main workbench - closest to the lights and the stuff that is MOST CURRENTLY been worked on... There are a number of re-basing projects on the go. Some more Greeks, more swashbucklers, even some warriors for Frostgrave warbands... and the Sylvaneth I REALLY want to get done for Sunday.

More re-basing projects and the Saviours of Cinderfall and stuff literally piled up on top of each other... 

Trying to finish up a little terrain project I started YEARS ago, but suddenly have a use for NOW!! I had completed one, but I don't think I ever posted any pictures of it... probably because I thought I'd finish up these other three and post pictures of all of them at the same time... and that was at least six years ago...? 

It might have been around the time I was making the Regina Trench terrain... or maybe when I was making movement trays...? Or when I was making more Ruined City terrain...? Probably Regina Trench or Ruined city... which would put this closer to 8 years ago... 

I DO want to get the Sylvaneth ready for Sunday, though... So I'm probably going to have to go back downstairs and shift a BUNCH of stuff off of that workbench and make space to just work on those... regardless of how close ALL THE OTHER THINGS are to completion, they're going to have to wait.. 

(though maybe I'll keep the slit trenches on the table, as they can be done on the side and I will likely make use of them BEFORE Sunday, carrying on with the Paras in Normandy Campaign I started yesterday... 



  1. I had thought my work table was busy and full but yours has even more stuff on it! I do much the same as you, stuff is stuck to the side until I have the mojo to work on them and other stuff takes over, until something else takes over!! This weekend I am basing a couple of SYW battalions and that will probably do for me.

    1. It is a bit absurd... I used to have less stuff on my workstation - when I had a smaller workstation! Last year, when my youngest moved into a bigger room in the basement and this room became the TV room/Tim's Miniature Painting station, I inherited this desk from them because it just would not fit into the room downstairs (it used to be the bottom half of a bunk-bed-over-desk thingie). Hobbies, like gasses, tent to expand to fill any space given...

      I just picked up a few sets of rules of Wargames Vault this past week - including Five Leagues from Leipzig - despite the name, its useable for any musket era conflicts, and that's gotten ME thinking about the Seven Years War again... albeit at a MUCH SMALLER SCALE!!

  2. Finishing and basing some Elizabethan English pikemen and others for a game on Friday.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Deadlines for game days are great motivators!!

  3. Trying to get through my Eldar "officers", which I both want to get done, but also want to do a tip top job on, so they are holding things up even by my very slow standards.

    What are all the large bottles you have? You have a ton of paint, but then a few other things?

    1. I have accumulated an ABSURD ammount of paint over the years (decades!?)

      The larger bottles are craft paints - mostly Demco Americana - that I use for things that I need a LOT of it - like terrain and stuff. Also Brown - because I used to do ALL my bases with it and even mixed the paint in with the "goop" i used to mix up to do bases with (which used up a LOT of paint). Black because I undercoat everything black. I do a paint on black gesso then paint a layer of black overtop of that. I have a lot of others but they're in a box somewhere... other craft paints just ended up on the desk because I found them in a box they shouldn't be in and took them out and put them on the desk... but haven't gottenn around to putting them in the box witht he others. Honsetly - a lot of them are so old, they've gone off and smell terribly and should just be chucked...

      There's also a big bottle of Liquitex matte varnish - which i paint on. I just don't love aerosols...

      The Gesso I. use is is Golden Acrylics and it's in a tub in one of the drawers.
